The Framework for Internal Navigation and Discovery (FIND) allows you to use your (Android) smartphone or WiFi-enabled computer (laptop or Raspberry Pi or etc.) to determine your position within your home or office. You can easily use this system in place of motion sensors as its resolution will allow your phone to distinguish whether you are in the living room, the kitchen or the bedroom, etc. The position information can then be used in a variety of ways including home automation, way-finding, or tracking!
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Install docker:
# apt-get install
# git clone && cd find # docker build -t finddocker . # reboot
On your browser go to http://SERVER_IP:18003
Dashboard on http://SERVER_IP:18003/dashboard/YOUR_GROUP_NAME
find (version (devdevde), built ) Example: 'findserver' Example: 'findserver -p :8080 localhost:8080' Example (mosquitto): 'findserver -mqtt -mqttadmin admin -mqttadminpass somepass -mosquitto `pgrep mosquitto` Options: -crt string location of ssl crt -data string path to data folder -dump string group to dump to folder -filter string JSON file for macs to filter -key string location of ssl key -message string message to display to all users -mosquitto pgrep mosquitto mosquitto PID (pgrep mosquitto) -mqtt string ADDRESS:PORT of mosquitto server -mqttadmin string admin to read all messages -mqttadminpass string admin to read all messages -p string port to bind (default ":8003") -rf string port for random forests calculations -s string unix socket
# docker run --name find --restart=always -p 18003:8003 -p 11883:1883 -d -v $HOME/find/data:/data finddocker ./find -data /data
$ sudo raspi-config $ sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" $ mkdir find $ cd find/ $ wget $ unzip
NAME: findclient - client for sending WiFi fingerprints to a FIND server USAGE: findclient [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 0.5 a3d23a9 COMMANDS: help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --server value, -s value server to connect (default: "") --group value, -g value group name (default: "group") --user value, -u value user name (default: "user") --location value, -l value location (needed for '--learn') (default: "location") --continue value, -c value number of times to run (default: 3) --learn, -e need to set if you want to learn location --nodebug, -d turns off debugging --iwlist, -w switch to iwlist if iw fails --interface value, -i value WiFi interface to use for scaning (default: "wlan0") --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version 2017/02/17 10:21:40 You can see fewer messages by adding --nodebug 2017/02/17 10:21:40 User: 2017/02/17 10:21:40 Group: 2017/02/17 10:21:40 Server: 2017/02/17 10:21:40 Running 0 times (you can run more using '-c SOMENUM'). Please wait...
$ sudo ./findclient -s "SERVER_IP" -g YOUR_GROUP -u USER_NAME -l LOCATION_NAME -e (for learning) $ sudo ./findclient -s "SERVER_IP" -g YOUR_GROUP -u USER_NAME (for tracking) $ sudo ./findclient -s "SERVER_IP" -g YOUR_GROUP -u USER_NAME -l LOCATION_NAME -e -c PACKETS_COUNT