- Simpleicons for clean svg icon
Source code for my kind of blog
npm install
npm start
requires AWS SDK and aws init with IAM user, rights to S3 and keys
see S3-SSL for how to use letsencrypt certbot with S3 and CloudFront
npm run build
aws s3 sync dist/ s3://www.backslash.site
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E1P60CBE5Z918O --paths /index.html /bundle.js
npm install aws-sdk -g
firebase deploy
https://codepen.io/agoodwin/pen/NMJoER https://codepen.io/shubniggurath/pen/oPGyQw https://codepen.io/tonkotsuboy/pen/zJbKNN https://codepen.io/hylobates-lar/pen/bGEQXgm https://codepen.io/sarazond/pen/LYGbwj https://codepen.io/hylobates-lar/pen/qBbQeON