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Exporting emissions to atmospheric models using eixport

Emissions are not just masses released into the atmosphere; they have far-reaching impacts on air quality, human health, ecosystems, and even economic activityes. Understanding and modeling these effects is crucial, and various models, such as R-Line and WRF-Chem, rely on emissions data as key inputs. This R package streamlines the process by providing functions to read the emissions from VEIN and other sources and export them in a structure compatible with different modeling frameworks.

Ibarra-Espinosa, S., Schuch, D. and Dias de Freitas., E., (2018). eixport: An R package to export emissions to atmospheric models, Journal of Open Source Software, 3(24), 607, doi:10.21105/joss.00607.


To install the CRAN version:


To install the development version:


Some functions:

  • get_edgar: Download EDGAR emissions data.
  • to_rline: Export emissions to other formats
  • to_wrf: Combine total/spatial/temporal/split and write emission to file
  • to_brams_spm: inputs for SPM BRAMS
  • wrf_profile: Create spatial profile for WRF-Chem
  • wrf_create: Create emission files to the WRF-Chem
  • wrf_plot: simple but useful plot
  • wrf_get: Read variables
  • wrf_put: Write variables
  • to_as4wrf: Create WRF-Chem inputs using NCL scrip AS4WRF.ncl.
  • to_munich: To generate inputs for MUNICH model.


file = paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "eixport"),"/wrfinput_d02")
wrf_summary(file = file)
#>   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |=======================                                               |  33%  |                                                                              |===============================================                       |  67%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%
#>                Min.       1st Qu.        Median          Mean       3rd Qu.
#> Times  1.312178e+09  1.312178e+09  1.312178e+09  1.312178e+09  1.312178e+09
#> XLAT  -2.438538e+01 -2.405025e+01 -2.370471e+01 -2.370379e+01 -2.335773e+01
#> XLONG -4.742899e+01 -4.696930e+01 -4.650305e+01 -4.650304e+01 -4.603427e+01
#>                Max.        sum
#> Times  1.312178e+09         NA
#> XLAT  -2.301877e+01  -76160.28
#> XLONG -4.558643e+01 -149414.28

Attributes as data.frame

file = paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "eixport"),"/wrfinput_d02")
f <- wrf_meta(file)
#> [1] "global" "vars"
#>                          att                                       vars
#> 1                      TITLE  OUTPUT FROM REAL_EM V3.9.1.1 PREPROCESSOR
#> 2                 START_DATE                        2011-08-01_00:00:00
#> 3      SIMULATION_START_DATE                        2011-08-01_00:00:00
#> 4   WEST-EAST_GRID_DIMENSION                                         64
#> 5 SOUTH-NORTH_GRID_DIMENSION                                         52
#> 6  BOTTOM-TOP_GRID_DIMENSION                                         35
#>    vars MemoryOrder                 description        units stagger FieldType
#> 1  XLAT          XY LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE degree north               104
#> 2 XLONG          XY LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE  degree east               104

Paper on Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)

    title = {eixport: An R package to export emissions to atmospheric models},
    journal = {The Journal of Open Source Software},
    author = {Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa and Daniel Schuch and Edmilson {Dias de Freitas}},
    year = {2018},
    doi = {10.21105/joss.00607},
    url = {},

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