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A pika builder that allows you to customize the web builder


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Note: this plugin in intended to be used with @pika/plugin-ts-standard-pkg. If you're using @pika/plugin-standard-pkg see the section for how you can configure that pipeline.

A @pika/pack build plugin. Adds a Node.js distribution to your package, built & optimized to run on Node.js. If no other distribution is included with your package, many other tools & bundlers can understand this format as well.

In addition to all the great things pika offers, this plugin is a super set of the @pika/plugin-bundle-node plugin, providing bundle support for JSON files and offering you the ability to add extra rollup plugins to the build flow for your CJS modules.


The main motivation is to support JSON bundling and provide a way to add extra rollup plugins.

  1. Importing and bundling JSON files leads to failure before @pika/plugin-bundle-node can execute
  2. I just want JSON files to be bundled, I don't need the every node module injected to dist-node/index.js
  3. No way to control which rollup plugins are executed by pika


# npm:
npm install @pika/pack @pika/plugin-build-web @djthoms/pika-plugin-build-web --save-dev
# yarn:
yarn add @pika/pack @pika/plugin-build-web @djthoms/pika-plugin-build-web --dev

Note: @pika/pack and @pika/plugin-build-web are peer dependencies -- you need to install these for this plugin to work.


Disclaimer: This plugin is for advanced usage only. Consider alternatives before resorting to this plugin. Refrain from overriding the default babel settings unless absolutely necessary.

    "name": "example-package-json",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "@pika/pack": {
        "pipeline": [
                "@djthoms/pika-plugin-build-web", // calls @pika/plugin-build-node internally
                    "plugins": [
                            // configure plugins using duples -- kind of like how we configure @babel/preset-env ;)
                                "sourceMap": false
                    "jsonConfig": {
                        "preferConst": true

For more information about @pika/pack & help getting started, check out the main project repo.


All options are optional.

Option Type Default Value Description
"sourcemap" boolean true Adds a source map for this build.
"minNodeVersion" string "8" This plugin will build your package for the current minimum Node.js LTS major version. This option allows you to target later versions of Node.js only.
"entrypoint" string "main" Customize the package.json manifest entrypoint set by this plugin. Accepts either a string, an array of strings, or null to disable entrypoint. Changing this is not recommended for most usage.
"plugins" string[] [] Configure rollup by adding extra plugins. Be sure to install all related rollup plugins otherwise the build will fail!
"debug" boolean | 'trace' Set true to enable debugging info on build failures
"jsonConfig" object { compact: true } Customize the JSON plugin by passing in your own config

ES2020 Target Build Issues

There are some known issues with supporting optional chaining and other ES2020 features when using @pika/plugin-build-web. Since there is no babel task in the web builder, you need to override the target in the standard ts builder:

    "@pika/pack": {
        "pipeline": [
                    "args": ["--target", "es2019"]


  1. Adds a Node.js distribution to your built package: dist-node/index.js
  2. Common.js (CJS) Module Syntax
  3. Bundles all JSON files by default
  4. Transpiled to run on Node.js LTS (Currently, supports Node.js version v6+)
  5. Adds a "main" entrypoint to your built package.json manifest.

Using with @pika/plugin-standard-pkg

@djthoms/pika-plugin-build-web is not intended to be used with @pika/plugin-standard-pkg. If you want to import JSON files, for example, you can accomplish this by tweaking your pipeline and .babelrc:

    "plugins": ["babel-plugin-inline-json-import"]

babel-plugin-inline-json-import is a small babel plugin that works with babel 6/7 and in-lines your JSON files. Heed caution when using this since it will blindly import everything and bundle it inside your source!

and in your package.json

    "@pika/pack": {
        "pipeline": [
                    "exclude": ["**/*.json"]

We want to be sure we ignore all json files otherwise @pika/plugin-build-web will try and resolve them during the rollup process.