atTalk is a very simple end-to-end-encrypted command line chat client in homage to Unix talk.
You need to put your @.atKeys file in ~/.atsign/keys and then run the dart program detailing your atSign and the remote atSign you want to chat with.
dart pub get
To ensure that dependencies are in place. Then:
dart bin/at_talk.dart -a "@colin" -t "@kevin"
The person you want to atTalk with will have to do the same but in reverse
dart bin/at_talk.dart -a "@kevin" -t "@colin"
atTalk can take pipes! Yes you can pipe output to a chat session, which is a cool thing to do sometimes
cat myfile | dart bin/at_talk.dart -a "@colin" -t "@kevin"
tail -f ~/myfile.log | dart bin/at_talk.dart -a "@colin" -t "@kevin"