It is a port of magenta/ddsp-vst to AAP (Audio Plugins For Android).
So far we cannot build more than one plugin within an aap-juce project, so only DDSPSynth is ported. It should be fairly easy to do the same for DDSPEffect too.
We are actually using tank-trax/ddsp-vst which perfectly builds on Linux for better CI setup.
will take care of the entire build.
If you just run ./gradlew build
then it will not build any required Maven
dependencies, and also you will be skipping the "patching" step, which is
necessary to make the to-be-imported project ready for AAP.
For further information about aap-juce, see
aap-juce-ddsp is released under the GPLv3 license.
ddsp-vst is released under the Apache V2 license.