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This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

You can find the most recent version of the user guide here.

Up and Running

  • Make sure you have node lts on your machine.
  • Install yarn using npm (node package manager).
  • In the root of the directory run yarn install.
  • In the root of the directory run yarn start.
  • Navigate to localhost:3000/dashboard.

What are We Showing?

  • Instantiation and monitoring of Private Platinum Service (eMBB service design).
  • Instantiation and monitoring of Private Silver Service (eMBB service design).

Important Notes on Demo Limitations

  1. If you hit Cmd/Ctrl + R, the entire local cache is refreshed, and since there is no backing DB, and the front-end will have no memory of any of your manipulations.

  2. The PoC is hard-coded with two demo instantiation templates, which you can see at:

  3. When you press the Instantiate button at either of the latter two links above, it will be replaced with a spinner. If the spinner turns back into an Instantiate button, you have (probably) instantiated the slice for the corresponding demo. If it hangs for an unreasonable amount of time or you receive an error, hit Cmd/Ctrl + R and try again.

    • In either case, manually check the console.
  4. The "Monitor & Manage" tab DOES NOT reflect your attempted instantiations.

    • What we mean by this is within this tab, there are has two dummy placeholders for you to receive and show monitoring stats by hardcoding the monitoring endpoints of successfully instantiated slices.
    • In other words, do not to spam the aforementioned Instantiate buttons expecting the "Monitor & Manage" tab to update.
    • Instead you will have to click on each placeholder in the "Monitor & Manage" tab, enter the associated monitoring endpoint of the successfully instantiated slice (which you verified in the console because you heeded (3)), and then walah, live graphs should pop up in the nested pages you arrived at after clicking on each placeholder.
  5. If you navigate away from the individual monitoring pages for each slice (where the graphs live), you will have to do all of the stuff in (4) again. So how do we compare the two instantiated slices?

    • Pull up two windows.
    • Navigate to the Monitor & Manage tab in each window.
    • Click on Demo #1 in window #1, Demo #2 in window #2.
    • Enter the respective monitoring endpoints.
    • While you wait for the graphs to collect a bit of data, talk about how awesome network slicing is.
    • Show how awesome network slicing is.

This should all be clear in the step-by-step guide to an awesome demo below.

Step-by-Step How to Show this Demo Effectively, Given Above Limitations

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/dashboard.
  2. Click on the Service Designs tab. Talk about the different underlying infrastructures a slice might have (Critical MTC, Massive MTC, eMBB, ...).
  3. Click on the Enterprise MBB service design, and show off the diagram that elucidates the underlying infrastructure for interested users.
  4. Now click on the Instantiate tab. Here live use case templates: service designs + some preset (but somewhat configurable) parameters, tailor-made for the specific use case.
  5. Click on the Private Platinum Service template, a.k.a. Demo #1 ("Best").
  6. Show off the instantiate interface for this use case template, and then scroll down and click the blue Instantiate button.
  7. The button will transform into a spinner. While the spinner is loading, show off in the command line an instantiating network slice!
  8. Retreive the slice's counter/monitoring endpoint from the command line.
  9. Once the spinner has finished loading, go back to the Instantiate tab and repeat steps 5 - 7, this time with the Private Silver Service template, a.k.a. Demo #2 ("More Standard").
  10. Important: the next steps require two separate browser windows.
  11. In both windows, navigate to the Monitoring tab.
  12. Click on the monitoring card for Private Platinum Service in Window A, and click on the monitoring card for Private Silver Service in Window B.
  13. Manually enter the two slice counter/monitoring endpoints you retreived from the command line, in the respective windows.
  14. Wait for the graphs to load after you click the blue Activate Monitoring button.
  15. Show that clearly, the live graphs are different.

For Andrew F.



You now have two functions to implement.

The function from last time has been moved to src/Containers/Template.js. If you read the "Important Notes on Demo Limitations" and "Step-by-Step ..." sections above, you know that you will be recieving the monitoring endpoint for each individual instantiation from the user (you can choose to override this user-given value if you see fit, but then you should change the aforementioned sections accordingly!). See the comment contained within this new file for more info.

The second function is a similarly marked and absracted fetch call for the described Instantiate button. See the file src/Containers/Instantiation.js (and "Andrew" comment contained within).


Your code should go in the file at src/Dashboard/Monitor/index.js. I have marked the function you need to implement with a comment that has your name in it.

As I recall you wished to poll an endpoint, so the function you implement will be called every 5 seconds by the live graphs (we can change the interval). Right now, I just return some dummy rand values.

Note: the function you must implement is marked as async (modern front-ends no longer use JavaScript callbacks), so make sure to use the await keyword on the endpoint (via result = await fetch ...) instead of a callback.

The rest of the code is awaiting your function, so assuming you use the await keyword on your fetch call(s) correctly. all should be good.


ONAP network slicing operator portal PoC.






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