The EMVA1288 module is a Python package to process and print results of an EMVA1288 tests.
This is the reference implementation for the EMVA1288 Standard for Measurement and Presentation of Specifications for Machine Vision Sensors and Cameras.
Please visit Emva1288 Website for information and latest releases of the standard.
For more information visit the documentation page
Install the requirements needed for running pytests:
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
execute a subset of smoke tests for the camera:
- pytest -s -m smoke
Execute the entire suite of regression tests, with an html report:
- pytest -m regression --capture=tee-sys -v --durations=0 --html=emva1288/tests/reports/pytest_report.html
-Additional marks available in pytest.ini to scope testing: filters, tile
-Refer to the html report for logging, or in log file: tests/logs/tests.log