is a programmatic way to check for the validity of API tokens or webhooks. The services against
which it is able to check originally came from the popular keyhack
repo by @streaak.
$ ./my-custom-token-scanner | kh slack-token - | tee -a valid_slack_tokens.txt
$ xargs kh slack-token < maybe_tokens.txt| tee -a valid_slack_tokens.txt
If the token is valid, kh
will print the token and return a 0 status to bash. If the token is
invalid, nothing will be printed and the status returned will be 1. The output is minimal so that
the tool can be used in existing workflows, bash pipelines and scripts.
It's possible to add services to the tool by modifying the configuration YAML file.
# Demo Service With All Params
name: sass-api
method: POST # [REQUIRED]
url: '' # [REQUIRED]
Authorization: Bearer %s
validator: # [REQUIRED if 200/40x http status is not indicative of success/failure]
custom: true
In the parameters where a token is to be interpolated, place a template symbol, %s
, in place of
the token value.
By default, kh
will declare a token as valid if the API returns a 200 HTTP status. Not all APIs are
create equal nor do they use semantic HTTP status codes when replying. If you're attempting to add a
new service to kh
and both valid and invalid tokens return a 200
, then a custom validator must be written.
In addition to editing the configuration YAML, users must add the subcommand to the /cmd
folder in this repository's root. When declaring a custom validator in the YAML file, users must also
define what a valid response looks like
// each subcommand's init function must add the subcommand to the root cli command
// and then add the validator function to the keyhack registry so that it knows
// what a good http response looks like
func init() {
keyhack.Registry["slack-token"].Validator.Fn = validateSlack
// ensure the command name matches the entry in the YAML file
var slackTokenCmd = newCommand("slack-token", "Checks a token against the Slack API")
// validator functions define what a successful authentication means
// based on the http response of the API call issued by keyhacks
func validateSlack(resp *http.Response) (ok bool, err error) {
ok = resp.Header["X-Oauth-Scopes"] != nil
If you don't need a custom validator, that is, if the API returns anything but a 200 with invalid creds, then the following is all that's needed in the new service:
// cmd/github.go
package cli
func init() {
githubTokenCmd := newCommand("github-token", "Checks a token against the GitHub API")
├── cmd # this is where new plugins go
│ ├── cli.go # main entry point logic for the CLI utility
│ └── <more services here>
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── keyhacks.yml # tool configuration; add new service definitions here
├── main.go
├── pkg
│ └── keyhack
│ └── keyhack.go # core keyhack framework logic