Automatically run commands on neovim save
-- using lazy.nvim
opts = {}
All user commands are prefixed with :AutoRun
Asks for an optional buffer number, a pattern and command. When a file matching the pattern is saved, the command is run automatically. If a buffer is provided, stdout and stderr is piped there
Asks for a buffer number and a command, then runs the command and pipes stdout and stderr to the buffer
If no buffer is provided, the current buffer will be used
Buffer number and command is saved between each run
Clears saved buffer number and command used by saved()
These are my keybindings. Feel free to chose other ones. You must configure these on your own
local builtin = require('autorun.builtin')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>aa',, { desc = "[A]utoRun [A]uto"})
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>as', builtin.saved, { desc = "[A]utoRun [S]aved" })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ac', builtin.clear_saved, {desc = "[A]utoRun [C]lear"})