This is a very simple project, just made for me to:
- learn golang
- have fun
- show some programming stuff to my kids
Please don't take it too seriously.
git clone <this repo>
cd snake-go
go run .
- Don't mess up terminal colors etc when terminating
- Get fruits to render properly
- Increase length of snake when eating fruit
- Remove fruit when eaten
- Fix bug where it is not possible to eat some bugs
- Add Game Over screen
- Add start over/exit question input
- Increase speed when holding arrows (Fast Forward)
- Set col/row size to make speed consistent in x/y direction
- Add border/frame and point counter
- Add menu to start new game, exit, set player name Kinda added this, but just upon game over, and name only if on highscore
Add sqlite DB to hold high-scores and user profiles- Store highscores in local JSON file
- Accept name input when getting a new high score
- Add multiple lives before game over
- Add heart emojis that increase number of lives
- Make hearts less probable than other fruits, and for a limited time
- Add settings
- Add snake head (other unicode/emoji symbol)
- Change snake bodyparts (other unicode/emoji symbol that better aligns with fruit)
- Add pause-functionality
- Game over when hitting itself
- Different points for different fruits
- Negative points for some fruits (poo)?
- Animate vomiting or nauseated face when eating poo
- Animate explosion when eating bombs
- Bonus points for fruits (diamonds) showing up just for a short period (like hearts)
- Implement wormhole
- Add bombs (fruits that one has to avoid)
- Add new level when eaten a defined number of fruits
- Walls with increasing challenges as leveling up