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Merge pull request #87 from konsumlamm/Integer
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Optimize `Integer` a bit
  • Loading branch information
augustss authored Jan 12, 2025
2 parents 0a6f76b + 83c4724 commit 01e3ea8
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Showing 3 changed files with 82 additions and 63 deletions.
65 changes: 32 additions & 33 deletions lib/Data/Integer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,37 +14,39 @@ module Data.Integer(
import Prelude() -- do not import Prelude
import Primitives
import Control.Error
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bool
import Data.Char
import Data.Enum
import Data.Eq
import Data.Function
import Data.Int
import Data.Integer_Type
import Data.Integral
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe_Type
import Data.Num
import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio_Type
import Data.Real
import Data.Word ()
import Numeric.Show
import Text.Show

-- The Integer is stored in sign-magniture format with digits in base maxD (2^31)
-- The Integer is stored in sign-magnitude format with digits in base maxD (2^32)
-- It has the following invariants:
-- * each digit is >= 0 and < maxD
-- * least signification digits first, most significant last
-- * least significant digits first, most significant last
-- * no trailing 0s in the digits
-- * 0 is positive
{- These definitions are in Integer_Type
data Integer = I Sign [Digit]
--deriving Show
type Digit = Int
type Digit = Word
maxD :: Digit
maxD = 2147483648 -- 2^31, this is used so multiplication of two digit doesn't overflow a 64 bit Int
maxD = 4294967296 -- 2^32, this is used so multiplication of two digit doesn't overflow a 64 bit Word
data Sign = Plus | Minus
--deriving Show
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,7 +113,8 @@ instance Eq Sign where
-- Trim off 0s and make an Integer
sI :: Sign -> [Digit] -> Integer
sI s ds =
case trim0 ds of
-- Remove trailing 0s
case dropWhileEnd (== (0 :: Word)) ds of
[] -> I Plus []
ds' -> I s ds'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ add' ci [] [] = if ci == zeroD then [] else [ci]

-- Add 3 digits with carry
addD :: Digit -> Digit -> Digit -> (Digit, Digit)
addD x y z = (quot s maxD, rem s maxD) where s = x + y + z
addD x y z = (quotMaxD s, remMaxD s) where s = x + y + z

-- Invariant: xs >= ys, so result is always >= 0
sub :: [Digit] -> [Digit] -> [Digit]
Expand All @@ -158,20 +161,13 @@ sub' :: Digit -> [Digit] -> [Digit] -> [Digit]
sub' bi (x : xs) (y : ys) = d : sub' bo xs ys where (bo, d) = subW bi x y
sub' bi (x : xs) [] = d : sub' bo xs [] where (bo, d) = subW bi x zeroD
sub' 0 [] [] = []
sub' _ [] _ = undefined
sub' _ [] _ = error "impossible: xs >= ys"

-- Subtract with borrow
subW :: Digit -> Digit -> Digit -> (Digit, Digit)
subW b x y =
let d = x - y + b
in if d < 0 then
(quot d maxD - 1, rem d maxD + maxD)
(quot d maxD, rem d maxD)

-- Remove trailing 0s
trim0 :: [Digit] -> [Digit]
trim0 = reverse . dropWhile (== (0::Int)) . reverse
let d = maxD + x - y - b
in (1 - quotMaxD d, remMaxD d)

-- Is axs < ays?
ltW :: [Digit] -> [Digit] -> Bool
Expand All @@ -182,7 +178,7 @@ ltW axs ays = lxs < lys || lxs == lys && cmp (reverse axs) (reverse ays)
cmp (x:xs) (y:ys) = x < y || x == y && cmp xs ys
cmp [] [] = False
cmp _ _ = error "ltW.cmp"

mulI :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
mulI (I _ []) _ = I Plus [] -- 0 * x = 0
mulI _ (I _ []) = I Plus [] -- x * 0 = 0
Expand All @@ -199,13 +195,13 @@ mulD ci [] _ = if ci == 0 then [] else [ci]
mulD ci (x:xs) y = r : mulD q xs y
xy = x * y + ci
q = quot xy maxD
r = rem xy maxD
q = quotMaxD xy
r = remMaxD xy

mulM :: [Digit] -> [Digit] -> [Digit]
mulM xs ys =
let rs = map (mulD zeroD xs) ys
ss = zipWith (++) (map (`replicate` (0::Int)) [0::Int ..]) rs
ss = zipWith (++) (map (`replicate` (0 :: Word)) [0 :: Int ..]) rs
in foldl1 add ss

-- Signs:
Expand All @@ -216,17 +212,21 @@ mulM xs ys =
quotRemI :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
quotRemI _ (I _ []) = error "Integer: division by 0" -- n / 0
quotRemI (I _ []) _ = (I Plus [], I Plus []) -- 0 / n
quotRemI (I sx xs) (I sy ys) | all (== (0::Int)) ys' =
quotRemI (I sx xs) (I sy ys) | Just (y, n) <- msd ys =
-- All but the MSD are 0. Scale numerator accordingly and divide.
-- Then add back (the ++) the remainder we scaled off.
case quotRemD xs' y of
(q, r) -> qrRes sx sy (q, rs ++ r)
where ys' = init ys
y = last ys
n = length ys'
(rs, xs') = splitAt n xs -- xs' is the scaled number
let (rs, xs') = splitAt n xs -- xs' is the scaled number
in case quotRemD xs' y of
(q, r) -> qrRes sx sy (q, rs ++ r)
quotRemI (I sx xs) (I sy ys) = qrRes sx sy (quotRemB xs ys)

msd :: [Digit] -> Maybe (Digit, Int)
msd = go 0
go _ [] = Nothing
go n [d] = Just (d, n)
go n (d : ds) = if d == 0 then go (n + 1) ds else Nothing

qrRes :: Sign -> Sign -> ([Digit], [Digit]) -> (Integer, Integer)
qrRes sx sy (ds, rs) = (sI (mulSign sx sy) ds, sI sx rs)

Expand All @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ quotRemD axs y = qr zeroD (reverse axs) []
qr ci [] res = (res, [ci])
qr ci (x:xs) res = qr r xs (q:res)
cx = ci * maxD + x
cx = ci `shiftL` shiftD + x
q = quot cx y
r = rem cx y

Expand All @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ quotRemB :: [Digit] -> [Digit] -> ([Digit], [Digit])
quotRemB xs ys =
let n = I Plus xs
d = I Plus ys
a = I Plus $ replicate (length ys - (1::Int)) (0::Int) ++ [last ys] -- only MSD of ys
a = I Plus $ replicate (length ys - (1 :: Int)) (0 :: Word) ++ [last ys] -- only MSD of ys
aq = quotI n a
ar = addI d oneI
loop q r =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,7 +411,6 @@ instance Arbitrary SmallInteger where
sanity :: HasCallStack => Integer -> Integer
sanity (I Minus []) = undefined
sanity (I _ ds) | any (< 0) ds = undefined
sanity (I _ ds) | length ds > 1 && last ds == 0 = undefined
sanity i = i
Expand All @@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ prop_div :: Integer -> NonZero Integer -> Bool
prop_div x (NonZero y) =
to (quotRemI x y) == toInteger x `quotRem` toInteger y
where to (a, b) = (toInteger a, toInteger b)
prop_muldiv :: Integer -> NonZero Integer -> Bool
prop_muldiv x (NonZero y) =
let (q, r) = quotRemI x y
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,5 +471,5 @@ checkAll = do
mapM_ qc [prop_add, prop_sub, prop_mul,
prop_eq, prop_ne, prop_lt, prop_gt, prop_le, prop_ge]
mapM_ qc [prop_div, prop_muldiv]
75 changes: 47 additions & 28 deletions lib/Data/Integer_Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,57 +11,76 @@ data Integer = I Sign [Digit]

data Sign = Plus | Minus

type Digit = Int
type Digit = Word

maxD :: Digit
maxD =
if _wordSize `primIntEQ` 64 then
(2147483648::Int) -- 2^31, this is used so multiplication of two digits doesn't overflow a 64 bit Int
(4294967296 :: Word) -- 2^32, this is used so multiplication of two digits doesn't overflow a 64 bit Word
else if _wordSize `primIntEQ` 32 then
(32768::Int) -- 2^15, this is used so multiplication of two digits doesn't overflow a 32 bit Int
(65536 :: Word) -- 2^16, this is used so multiplication of two digits doesn't overflow a 32 bit Word
error "Integer: unsupported word size"

shiftD :: Int
shiftD =
if _wordSize `primIntEQ` 64 then
else if _wordSize `primIntEQ` 32 then
error "Integer: unsupported word size"

quotMaxD :: Digit -> Digit
quotMaxD d = d `primWordShr` shiftD

remMaxD :: Digit -> Digit
remMaxD d = d `primWordAnd` (maxD `primWordSub` 1)

-- Sadly, we also need a bunch of functions.

_intToInteger :: Int -> Integer
_intToInteger i | i `primIntGE` 0 = I Plus (f i)
| i `primIntEQ` ni = I Minus [0::Int,0::Int,2::Int] -- we are at minBound::Int.
| True = I Minus (f ni)
_intToInteger i
| i `primIntEQ` 0 = I Plus []
| i `primIntGE` 0 = f Plus (primIntToWord i)
| True = f Minus (primIntToWord (0 `primIntSub` i))
ni = (0::Int) `primIntSub` i
f :: Int -> [Int]
f x = if primIntEQ x (0::Int) then [] else primIntRem x maxD : f (primIntQuot x maxD)
f sign i =
high = i `primWordQuot` maxD
low = i `primWordRem` maxD
in if high `primWordEQ` 0 then I sign [low] else I sign [low, high]

_integerToInt :: Integer -> Int
_integerToInt (I sign ds) = s `primIntMul` i
i =
case ds of
[] -> 0::Int
[d1] -> d1
[d1,d2] -> d1 `primIntAdd` (maxD `primIntMul` d2)
d1:d2:d3:_ -> d1 `primIntAdd` (maxD `primIntMul` (d2 `primIntAdd` (maxD `primIntMul` d3)))
s =
case sign of
Plus -> 1::Int
Minus -> 0 `primIntSub` 1
_integerToInt x = primWordToInt (_integerToWord x)

_wordToInteger :: Word -> Integer
_wordToInteger i = I Plus (f i)
_wordToInteger i
| i `primWordEQ` 0 = I Plus []
| high `primWordEQ` 0 = I Plus [low]
| True = I Plus [low, high]
f :: Word -> [Int]
f x = if x `primWordEQ` (0::Word) then [] else primWordToInt (primWordRem x (primIntToWord maxD)) : f (primWordQuot x (primIntToWord maxD))
high = i `primWordQuot` maxD
low = i `primWordRem` maxD

_integerToWord :: Integer -> Word
_integerToWord x = primIntToWord (_integerToInt x)
_integerToWord (I sign ds) =
case sign of
Plus -> i
Minus -> 0 `primWordSub` i
i =
case ds of
[] -> 0 :: Word
[d1] -> d1
d1 : d2 : _ -> d1 `primWordAdd` (maxD `primWordMul` d2)

_integerToFloatW :: Integer -> FloatW
_integerToFloatW (I sign ds) = s `primFloatWMul` loop ds
loop [] = 0.0::FloatW
loop (i : is) = primFloatWFromInt i `primFloatWAdd` (primFloatWFromInt maxD `primFloatWMul` loop is)
loop [] = 0.0 :: FloatW
loop (d : ds) = primFloatWFromInt (primWordToInt d) `primFloatWAdd` (primFloatWFromInt (primWordToInt maxD) `primFloatWMul` loop ds)
s =
case sign of
Plus -> 1.0::FloatW
Plus -> 1.0 :: FloatW
Minus -> 0.0 `primFloatWSub` 1.0
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lib/Data/Word.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ import Data.Enum
import Data.Eq
import Data.Function
import Data.Int() -- instances only
import Data.Integer
import Data.Integer_Type
import Data.Integral
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe_Type
import Data.Num
import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio_Type
import Data.Real
import Numeric.Show
import Text.Show
Expand All @@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ instance Num Word where
(*) = primWordMul
abs x = x
signum x = if x == 0 then 0 else 1
fromInteger x = primIntToWord (_integerToInt x)
fromInteger = _integerToWord

instance Integral Word where
quot = primWordQuot
Expand Down

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