My "dotfiles", the configuration files that drive the look, feel, and behavior of the tools I use everyday.
These files have been a work in progress--as they always should be, I think!--but over the last year or so they evolved quite a bit.
These files are shared across two laptops: my work computer, a 2023 M3 MacBook, and my personal laptop, a System76 Darter Pro running Pop!_OS.
I use chezmoi and some home-baked os/host-based script injection to handle differences across machines. I define my environments "pseudo-declaratively" via yaml package manifest files and chezmoi scripts.
├── chezmoi - chezmoi source dir; contains actual dotfiles; every non-hidden file is deployed in some way to dotfiles target
├── manifest - manifests of components to install + manifest checksums to prevent repetitive deployments; manifest/* is sym-linked to chezmoi/.chezmoidata
├── scripts - bootstrapping and chezmoi scripts (scripts/hooks); scripts/hooks/* is sym-linked to chezmoi/.chezmoiscripts
└── sys-conf - os specific docs that describe whats/hows of system configuration; ideally will be removed as I automate more system config
When I first pushed this repo and make it public, though I thought I'd checked everything, I exposed a minor, but still sensitive, credential. Luckily it was caught inside of a couple days and no harm was done. But it's a reminder that these things can't be left at good intentions and almost good enough. Automation to the rescue. 🤖
I've recently adopted chezmoi; I'm really liking it so far. I think I may be using it a bit differently than intended, but I'm happy with the workflows it's enabled.
- xplr - love the concept, but haven't been able to devote enough time to really make it my own/incorporate into daily workflows
- I'd like some mechanism to live sync b/w machines shared state not suitable for a git repo, i.e.: DBs for tools like zoxide, spell files, --shell history--, etc.
- I'd like to play around with Taskwarrior and Timewarrior
- I'm pretty comfortable in the Bash universe, but I've heard good things about Zsh, and I've always had a fascination with Fish. I may try my experiment with some other shells in the near-mid term, but a wholesale shell migration feels like it would be a large undertaking
- I'm thinking of exploring Nix and home-manager
- Integrate fzf w/
- Adopt Alacritty