Terraform module for creating all the infrastructures for the project GoExpert frontend.
The following resources will be created:
- Dynamodb table: store the state lock for terraform
- Frontend:
- S3 bucket to save the staic website pages
- CloudFront distribution with https support
- Route53 record
- An SSL certificate with DNS verification
- Upload sample html file (optional)
- AWS CLI environment configured
- A S3 bucket is ready to save the terraform.tfstate (To be added to creation)
- A hosted zone has been created, e.g. "willd.link", to which some CNAME records will be created for the SSL certificate
Usage example:
- A Dynamodb is needed to lock the status, which MUST be created first by running terraform commands under deploy/backend-lock
- The deploy/frontend is for deploying the frontend website
- In each of the
directory, modify the variables to your own, and run terraform commands. e.g.
module "cloudfront_s3_website_with_domain" {
source = "../"
zone_id = "Your_own_hosted_zone_id"
domain_name = "your.domain.name"
bucket_name = "your.domain.name"
common_tags = { Project = "goexpert-test" }
backend_bucket = "envfiles.goexpert"
region = "ap-southeast-2"