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Releases: autofac/Autofac.Owin


06 Apr 07:09
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Version 7.1.0 is a compatibility release to add support for Autofac v7.0, but Autofac v6.5 remains the minimum version.

Autofac v7 has some breaking changes; see the Autofac v7 release on github for details.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v7.0.0...v7.1.0


01 Aug 18:34
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What's Changed

  • Breaking change: Middleware resolved from the container will now be executed in the order in which it's registered. (@alistairjevans #31). When Autofac 6.0 was introduced, it changed the IEnumerable<T> order to match registration order for compatibility with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. This inadvertently caused the order of middleware in this library to execute in reverse order in the 6.0 release of the library. This has been corrected, but the order change could be considered breaking to folks who are assuming the previous [somewhat incorrect] reverse ordering.
  • OWIN request lifetime disposal now supports IAsyncDisposable (thanks @pengweiqhca! #29)

Full Changelog: v6.0.1...v7.0.0


03 Dec 17:08
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  • Fix #25: Releasing the lifetime scope from the OwinContext should relieve memory pressure.
  • Enabled Source Link and deterministic builds for a better debugging experience.


04 Oct 08:58
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This is a compatibility release for Autofac 6.0

Breaking change: Starting with Autofac 6.0, we now only target netstandard2.0 and netstandard2.1; we have removed the explicit target for net461.

This package therefore targets net472, instead of net461.


31 Jan 20:28
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Whoops! Fixed the version constraint on the package.


30 Jan 23:48
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This release is an update for compatibility with Autofac 5.0.0 and requires that new version. Autofac 5.0.0 does have some breaking changes - see the Autofac release notes for more information.


16 Feb 19:18
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Fixed #16: Enabled Microsoft.Owin 4.0.0 compatibility.


10 Jul 21:06
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Resolved #10 - Added ability to create the per-request lifetime scope outside the Autofac OWIN middleware:

  • Added IOwinContext.SetAutofacLifetimeScope extension.
  • Added IAppBuilder.UseAutofacLifetimeScopeInjector extension that takes a lifetime scope provider function rather than just a scope instance.
  • Ensuring that if a scope is provided inside the current OWIN context that Autofac won't try to stomp it with its own per-request scope.


03 Jan 23:36
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  • Updated for .NET Core RTM and Autofac 4.0.0.
  • Added ability to split registration of Autofac lifetime scope injection and injected middleware instances in the OWIN pipeline.
  • Moved DisposeScopeOnAppDisposing from Web API OWIN integration to core OWIN integration.


03 Jan 23:35
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This release occurred prior to switching Autofac components to separate repositories.