This is a template repository that can be used to quickly create a python package project.
- Machine Setup
- Virtual Environment Setup (Poetry)
- PyPi Publishing
- Sphinx Documentation
- Click the 'Use this template' button
- Fill in the information to create your repository
- Checkout your new repository
- Change the following in 'repository-config.ini'
- If you have machine dependencies to add, put them in 'setup-ubuntu-machine'
- Modify the pyproject.toml file with the correct package-name, author, publishing information, etc.
- Rename the VSCODE workspace file 'mv workspaces/default-workspace.template workspaces/(project name).template'
- Replace the README.rst file with your own README
- Update the LICENSE.txt file with your copyright information and license.
- Add your dependencies with python poetry 'poetry add (dependency name)'
- Drop your package code in 'source/packages'
- Modify the name of your package root in 'pyproject.toml'
- 'packages = [{include="(root folder name)", from="source/packages"}]'
- .vscode - Common tasks
- development - This is where the runtime environment scripts are located
- repository-setup - Scripts for homing your repository and to your checkout and machine setup
- userguide - Where you put your user guide
- source/packages - Put your root folder here 'source/packages/(root-module-folder)'
- source/sphinx - This is the Sphinx documentation folder
- workspaces - This is where you add VSCode workspaces templates and where workspaces show up when homed.
- User Guide <userguide/userguide.rst>
- Coding Standards <userguide/10-00-coding-standards.rst>