This repository contains the code for comparing constrained clustering algorithms and reproduces the results in Constrained Clustering and Multiple Kernel Learning without Pairwise Constraint Relaxation.
If you use our code, please cite
Constrained Clustering and Multiple Kernel Learning without Pairwise Constraint Relaxation
Benedikt Boecking, Vincent Jeanselme, and Artur Dubrawski.
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (2022)
[arXiv] [Springer]
Example - MNIST.ipynb
provides a complete example on how to use the contrained clustering algorithms on the MNIST dataset.
Constraints are represented as a sparse matrix, with +1 for must-link constraints and -1 for cannot-link constraints, and 0 otherwise.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dname = 'data' # Dataset name - Used for saving kernels
ncluster = 3 # Number of clusters
data = pd.read_csv(dname).values
# see 'Example - MNIST.ipynb' for a more detailed example of how constraint matrices should be created
constraint = np.full((len(data), len(data)), 1) # Constraint matrix : +1 if linked, -1 otherwise - Prefer coomatrix
from models.kernel_opt import kernel_clustering
from kernels.features import produce_kernels, normalize_and_check_kernels
kernels_name = ['rbf', 'sigmoid', 'polynomial',
'laplacian', 'linear']
kernel_args = {"normalize": "expectation",
"check_method": "trivial",
"clip": True}
names, kernels = produce_kernels(dname, kernels_name, data, n_jobs = n_jobs)
names, kernels = normalize_and_check_kernels(names, kernels, ncluster, n_jobs = n_jobs, **kernel_args)
from utils.clustering import Clustering
clustering = Clustering.create("kernelKmeans", classes = ncluster, constraint_matrix = constraint)
assignment = kernel_clustering(kernels, clustering, constraint)
from models.mahalanobis import mahalanobis_bayes_clustering
assignment = mahalanobis_bayes_clustering(data, clustering, constraint)
Use DBSCAN instead
from utils.clustering import Clustering
clustering = Clustering.create("dbscan", classes = ncluster, constraint_matrix = constraint)
assignment = kernel_clustering(kernels, clustering, constraint)
Approximate the kernels
kernel_args = {"normalize": "approximation"}
names, kernels = produce_kernels(dname, kernels_name, data, n_jobs = n_jobs, approximation = True) # DO NOT FORGET THIS OPTION
names, kernels = normalize_and_check_kernels(names, kernels, ncluster, n_jobs = n_jobs, **kernel_args)
And executing the approximation version of the algorithm
assignment = kernel_clustering(kernels, clustering, constraint, kernel_approx = True) # DO NOT FORGET THIS OPTION
This code has been executed with python3
with the dependencies indicated in requirements.txt
. Additionaly, it is necessary to have R installed with the library conclust
For setting up the environment:
conda create --name clustering
conda install -f -y -q --name clustering -c conda-forge --file requirements.txt
conda activate clustering
pip install pmlb==0.3 metric-learn==0.4.0 hyperopt
Any computed kernels and downloaded data will be saved in these directories
This folder contains all functions relevant to the computation and normalization of kernels
Contains all the proposed approaches to constrained clustering.
Contains additional functions for constraint completion, evaluation and optimization.