Mac / Windows:
- ApplePi Baker - Mac
- PiBakery - Windows
Mac with EXT4:
The root partition of an image or card is in Linux fileformat EXT4. To mount EXT4 with read/write permissions in Mac, use either:
*ext4fuse (Free) *extfs-mac (Paid)
Raspberry Pi:
rpi-clone copies to any USB stick or SD card attached to the Pi. Regardless of the attached device, the filesystem will be copied if there is room.
# Install to bin
git clone
cd rpi-clone
sudo cp rpi-clone rpi-clone-setup /usr/local/sbin
# View available disks
df -h
# Run
sudo rpi-clone sdX
df -h # List disks
sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdX of=name-of-image.img status=progress
Mount Disk:
df -h # List disks
mkdir /media/Pi
sudo mount sdX /media/Pi
Mount Image:
# Find Offset - the second row "Start" value, ie. 94208
fdisk -lu raspi-stretch+of+ofnode-cross-compiler.img
# Do some maths - Offset * 512, ie. 94208 * 512 = 48234496
mkdir /tmp/rpi
mkdir /tmp/rpi/root
# Mount using the Offset value
sudo mount -o loop,offset=48234496,rw,sync raspbian-image.img /tmp/rpi/root
Shrink Card using PiShrink:
# Installation:
chmod +x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin
# Run
sudo [-s] imagefile.img [newimagefile.img]
Corruption / Errors
- SD doesn't boot, or:
- Cannot mount card
# Linux repair disk:
sudo fsck /dev/sdX2
Update all:
# Update all
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo rpi-update
# Update raspi-config
sudo raspi-config # and select Update
Clear up:
# Remove package
sudo apt-get purge -y wolfram-engine
# Cleanup retrived package files
sudo apt-get clean
# Remove extra packages installed
sudo apt-get autoremove
# Bootup speeds
systemd-analyze blame
# List of packages by size
dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n
Methods for remotely working with the Pi with no keyboard, mouse or monitor attached - aka "headless".
Three methods for enabling SSH:
- Create blank
file in root partition of newly installed card (the EXT4 partition) - Use a keyboard to enable SSH via
sudo raspi-config
- Use a keyboard to install
sudo apt install openssh-server
Where should I SSH to? Ordinarily pi@raspberrypi.local
, otherwise:
# From the Pi
whoami # ie. "autr"
hostname # ie. "raspbian-pi"
# From the Client
ssh autr@raspbian-pi.local
SSHFS - Mac:
You can work with the Pi Filesystem without SFTP using sshfs
# From the Pi
sudo apt-get install netatalk
# From the Mac
brew install sshfs
sshfs pi@raspberrypi.local:/home /Volumes/Pi
open /Volumes/Pi
SMB - Linux:
Another method to work with the Pi filesystem (or virtual machines) is samba
# From the Pi
sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
# Add this:
path = /home/pi
read only = no
guest ok = no
# Set password
sudo smbpasswd -a pi
# Restart server
sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart
# From the Client
Remote Desktop:
The easiest method to set up remote desktop is to use RealVNC Viewer:
- On the Pi, enable VNC via
sudo raspi-config
to begin installation - On the Client, install RealVNC Viewer
Without an HDMI connection to the Pi the resolution may be too small, but setting resolution via GUI will break automatic SD / HDMI switching. A safer alternative is to edit the config.txt
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
# Set a usable resolution
framebuffer_width=1440 # 2 x PAL width, 720px
framebuffer_height=1152 # 2 x PAL height, 576px
# Keep GUI resolution options like this
# hdmi_force_hotplug=1
# hdmi_group=2
# hdmi_mode=4
Run on Startup:
# When terminal session is loaded:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
# When GUI is loaded (Desktop only):
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
# @sudo /home/pi/ etc...
Folder Size
du -sh /home/pi
# Or Install:
sudo apt-get install ncdu
Copy over SSH
Can be dangerous / recursive if Symlinks are present:
scp -r pi@raspberrypi.local:~/MyFolder .
Rsync over SSH
Safer method that will copy Symlinks only:
rsync -avz -e ssh pi@raspberrypi.local:~/MyFolder .
Unpack TAR:
tar -xvzf your-file.tar.gz
Make Executable:
chmod +x ./pi/scripts/*
Get Package Version:
dpkg -l openssl
Install Package @ Version:
sudo apt-get install openssl=1.0.2
Test camera device
# Generic
raspistill -t 0
#PiCapture, send mode flag
raspistill -t 0 -md 6
Video input
- PiCapture SD1 - NTSE 640x480 only (PAL scaled), RGB, S-Video
- PiCapture HD1 - HDMI, YPbPr, RGB
- ADV7282
- Video4Linux
Fix GPIO pin permission errors for OF / Processing;
sudo adduser pi gpio
What's What
Model 3B:
3.3V Logic!
- Pi uses 3.3v logic on its board, not 5v like Arduino
- Connected components should use a voltage divider (two resistors).
- RPi Circuits
OpenFrameworks 0.10.1 for Raspbian Stretch Armv6 Guide
- Processing for Pi
- Bash install script is broken, so install manually:
tar -xvzf processing-3.4-linux-armv6hf.tgz
- Use video via GL Video
- It's afest to use 720p videos , as 1080p is unstable
Plays and loops videos within a folder
Install omxplayer
sudo apt install omxplayer
Move to bin
sudo mv /usr/local/bin
playseries [hdmi/local/both/alsa] [0,90,180,270] /media/usb/videos
Sends incoming Ultrasonic sensor from pins 11 and 12 to OSC destination /Ultrasonic
on port 7000
Double-check port 7000 messages are being received
- Processing sketch to playback two video with an ultrasonic sensor
- Listens to port 7000 for
- Videos must be available in
Apt-get upgrade install everything