cucumber-nagios allows you to write high-level behavioural tests of web application, and plug the results into Nagios.
As Bradley Taylor put it:
“Instead of writing boring monitoring plugins from scratch,
you can now do behavior driven ops!
Transform from a grumpy, misanthropic sysadmin to a hipster,
agile developer instantly.”
gem install cucumber-nagios
cucumber-nagios-gen project bunch-o-tests
cd bunch-o-tests
bundle install
cucumber-nagios-gen feature bidding
cucumber-nagios features/
Install the gem with:
gem install cucumber-nagios
This will add the cucumber-nagios-gen
and cucumber-nagios
commands to your
path, and make the shipped cucumber-nagios steps available to other projects
using Cucumber.
Windows users - you need to download and install the
Ruby Installer and the
development kit, otherwise
gem install cucumber-nagios
will fail.
After installing the cucumer-nagios gem, set up a standalone project with:
cucumber-nagios-gen project <project-name>
This will spit out a bunch of files in the directory specified as <project-name>
Check the README
within this directory for specific instructions for managing
the project.
To use Aruba's step definitions with SSH sessions we use passwordl-less authetication.
Once you have installed the Cucumber-Nagios gem it should 'just-work'. Of course you server needs to accept these connections. To test your localhost password-less access (bash):
ssh-forever `whoami`@`hostname` -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/ -n testing -b
ssh testing "echo 'Hello there from here: `hostname`'"
If you want an interactive login after you set up a new SSH user/key/host:
ssh-forever `whoami`@`hostname` -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/ -n testing2 -a -q
Finally if you need to enter you password to create a key, try this:
ssh-forever `whoami`@`hostname` -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/ -n testing3
Once you have your SSH server accepting secure, but password-less,
connections you can remove the test keys from ~/.ssh/
, and you can
remove the Host entry in ~/.ssh/config
You are now good to use SSH-forever - which of course is the gem we use :)
For a full example see ssh-forever.
Bundling cucumber-nagios's dependencies allows you to drop your cucumber-nagios project on any machine and have it run. This solves the case of developing your checks on your local machine, and deploying them on a production monitoring server.
First you need to make sure the following dependencies are installed:
- RubyGems
gem (automatically pulled in by thecucumber-nagios
Then to bundle your dependencies, within your project directory run:
$ bundle install
Once you've set up a project, you can use the cucumber-nagios-gen
to generate new features. It takes two arguments: the site you're testing, and
feature you're testing:
cucumber-nagios-gen feature navigation
This will spit out two files:
As for writing features, you'll want to have a read of the Cucumber documentation, however your tests will look something like this:
To broaden their knowledge
A user should be able
To search for things
Scenario: Searching for things
When I go to ""
And I fill in "q" with "wikipedia"
And I press "Google Search"
Then I should see ""
There's a collection of steps that will cover most of the things you'll be
testing for in features/steps/webrat_steps.rb
You can write custom steps for testing specific output and behaviour, e.g.
in features/
It should be up
And provide links to content
Scenario: Visiting home page
When I go to
Then I should see site navigation
And there should be a section named "Opinion"
There aren't steps for Then I should see site navigation
, so you have to
write one yourself. :-) In features/
Then /^I should see site navigation$/ do
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body.to_s)
doc.css("ul#nav li a").size.should > 5
You can use Nokogiri for testing responses with XPath matchers and CSS selectors.
I suggest you use bin/cucumber
directly so you can get better feedback when
writing your tests:
bin/cucumber --require features/ features/smh/smh.feature
This will output using the default 'pretty' formatter.
Invoke the Cucumber feature with the cucumber-nagios
cucumber-nagios features/
can be run from anywhere:
/path/to/bin/cucumber-nagios /path/to/features/smh/smh.feature
It should return a standard Nagios-formatted response string:
Critical: 0, Warning: 0, 2 okay | passed=2, failed=0, total=2
Steps that fail will show up in the "Critical" total, and steps that pass show up in the "okay" total.
The value printed at the end is in Nagios's Performance Data format, so it can be graphed and the like.
You can benchmark your features if you need to test response times for a set of site interactions:
To keep the geek masses satisfied
Slashdot must be responsive
Scenario: Visiting a responsive front page
Given I am benchmarking
When I go to
Then the elapsed time should be less than 5 seconds
The elapsed time step can be reused multiple times in the same scenario if you need fine grained testing:
To keep the geek masses satisfied
Slashdot must be responsive
Scenario: Visiting news articles
Given I am benchmarking
When I go to
Then the elapsed time should be less than 5 seconds
When I follow "Login"
Then the elapsed time should be less than 4 seconds
When I follow "Contact"
Then the elapsed time should be less than 7 seconds
You can test for various conditions on an AMQP message queue.
To make sure the rest of the system is in order
All our message queues must not be backed up
Scenario: test queue 2
Given I have a AMQP server on
And I want to check on the fork queue
Then it should have less than 400 messages
Then it should have at least 5 consumers
Then it should have less than 50 messages per consumer
This has been tested using RabbitMQ but uses the amqp gem which should support other backends. See features/amqp_steps.rb for all the available steps.
As per the install instructions above, make sure you have RubyGems and the bundler
gem installed.
Once you've copied your project to your monitoring server, just run bundler again:
$ bundle install
Exceptions raised within your tests will appear in the failed totals, so you don't need to worry about trying to catch them in your own custom steps.
i.e. if you try fetching a page on a server that is down, or the page returns a 404, the exception raised by Mechanize just gets treated by Cucumber as a test failure.
If you want to use the steps shipped with cucumber-nagios elsewhere, you can
require them by adding the following line to features/support/env.rb
like so:
require 'cucumber/nagios/steps'
Or just require the steps you care about:
require 'cucumber/nagios/steps/ssh'
require 'cucumber/nagios/steps/ping'
Once installed as a gem, the cucumber-nagios
formatter is available in any
other Cucumber test suite:
cucumber --format Cucumber::Formatter::Nagios features/foo.feature
It's strongly recommend that you store your cucumber-nagios projects in a version control system!
To get up and running with git:
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'created cucumber-nagios project'
is created when you generate a project.
The gem is thoroughly tested (with Cucumber, no less). The gem's Cucumber features live in $gemroot/features/, and can be run with:
$ cucumber features/installing.feature
$ cucumber features/creating.feature
$ cucumber features/using.feature
See the HACKING file.