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Releases: av/harbor


14 Sep 12:02
@av av
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v0.1.21 - Harbor profiles

Profiles is a way to save/load a complete configuration for the specific task. For example, to quickly switch between the models that take a few commands to configure. Profiles include all options that can be set via harbor config (which is aliased by most of the CLI helpers).

  profile|profiles|p [ls|rm|add] - Manage Harbor profiles
    profile ls|list             - List all profiles
    profile rm|remove <name>    - Remove a profile
    profile add|save <name>     - Add current config as a profile
    profile set|use|load <name> - Use a profile

There are a few considerations when using profiles:

  • When the profile is loaded, modifications are not saved by default and will be lost when switching to another profile (or reloading the current one). Use harbor profile save <name> to persist the changes after making them
  • Profiles are stored in the Harbor workspace and can be shared between different Harbor instances
  • Profiles are not versioned and are not guaranteed to work between different Harbor versions
  • You can also edit profiles as .env files in the workspace, it's not necessary to use the CLI
# 1. Switch to the default for a "clean" state
harbor profile use default

# 2. Configure services as needed
harbor defaults remove ollama
harbor defaults add llamacpp
harbor llamacpp model
harbor llamacpp args -ngl 99 --ctx-size 8192 -np 4 -ctk q8_0 -ctv q8_0 -fa

# 3. Save profile for future use
harbor profile add cpp8b

# 4. Up - runs in the background
harbor up

# 5. Adjust args - no parallelism, no kv quantization, no flash attention
# These changes are not saved in "cpp8b"
harbor llamacpp args -ngl 99 --ctx-size 2048

# 6. Save another profile
harbor profile add cpp8b-smart

# 7. Restart with "smart" settings
harbor profile use cpp8b-smart
harbor restart llamacpp

# 8. Switch between created profiles
harbor profile use default
harbor profile use cpp8b-smart
harbor profile use cpp8b

Full Changelog: v0.1.20...v0.1.21


13 Sep 14:11
@av av
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v0.1.20 - SGLang integration


PyPI PyPI - Downloads license issue resolution open issues

SGLang is a fast serving framework for large language models and vision language models.


# [Optional] Pre-pull the image
harbor pull sglang

# Download with HF CLI
harbor hf download google/gemma-2-2b-it

# Set the model to run using HF specifier
harbor sglang model google/gemma-2-2b-it

# See original CLI help for available options
harbor run sglang --help

# Set the extra arguments via "harbor args"
harbor sglang args --context-length 2048 --disable-cuda-graph

Full Changelog: v0.1.19...v0.1.20


13 Sep 10:31
@av av
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v0.1.19 - lm-evaluation-harness integration


This project provides a unified framework to test generative language models on a large number of different evaluation tasks.


# [Optional] pre-build the image
harbor build lmeval

Refer to the configuration for Harbor services

# Run evals
harbor lmeval --tasks gsm8k,hellaswag

# Open results folder
harbor lmeval results

Full Changelog: v0.1.18...v0.1.19


12 Sep 16:54
@av av
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This is another maintenance release mainly focused on the bench functionality

  • vllm is bumped to v0.6.0 by default, harbor now also uses a version with bitsandbytes pre-installed (run harbor build vllm to pre-build it)
  • bench - judge prompt, eval log, exp. backoff for the LLM
  • CheeseBench is out, smells good though

Full Changelog: v0.1.17...v0.1.18


09 Sep 22:55
@av av
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This is a maintenance and bugfixes release without new service integrations.

  • bench service fixes
    • correctly handling interrupts
    • fixing broken API key support for the LLM and the Judge
  • bench now renders a simple HTML report
  • bench now records task completion time
  • Breaking change harbor bench is now harbor bench run
  • aphrodite - switching to 0.6.0 release images (different docker repo, changed internal port)
  • aphrodite - configurable version
  • #12 fixed - using nvidia-container-toolkit presence for nvidia detection, instead of the docker runtimes check

Full Changelog: v0.1.16...v0.1.17


08 Sep 22:52
@av av
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v0.1.16 bench

screenshot of apache superset with the data from bench

Something new this time - not an integration, but rather a custom-built service for Harbor.

bench is a built-in benchmark service for measuring the quality of LLMs. It has a few specific design goals in mind:

  • Work with OpenAI-compatible APIs (not running LLMs on its own)
  • Benchmark tasks and success criteria are defined by you
  • Focused on chat/instruction tasks
# [Optional] pre-build the image
harbor build bench

# Run the benchmark
# --name is required to give this run a meaningful name
harbor bench --name bench

# Open the results (folder)
harbor bench results

harbor doctor

A very lightweight troubleshooting utility

user@os:~/code/harbor$ ▼ h doctor
00:52:24 [INFO] Running Harbor Doctor...
00:52:24 [INFO] ✔ Docker is installed and running
00:52:24 [INFO] ✔ Docker Compose is installed
00:52:24 [INFO] ✔ .env file exists and is readable
00:52:24 [INFO] ✔ default.env file exists and is readable
00:52:24 [INFO] ✔ Harbor workspace directory exists
00:52:24 [INFO] ✔ CLI is linked
00:52:24 [INFO] Harbor Doctor checks completed successfully.

Full Changelog: v0.1.15...v0.1.16


07 Sep 14:23
@av av
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omnichain integration

Handle: omnichain
URL: http://localhost:34081

Efficient visual programming for AI language models.

omnichain UI screenshot


# [Optional] pre-build the image
harbor build omnichain

# Start the service
harbor up omnichain

# [Optional] Open the UI
harbor open omnichain

Harbor runs a custom version of omnichain that is compatible with webui. See example workflow (Chat about Harbor CLI) in the service docs.


  • webui config cleanup
  • Instructions for copilot in Harbor repo
  • Fixing workspace for bionicgpt service: missing gitignore, fixfs routine

Full Changelog: v0.1.14...v0.1.15


05 Sep 22:00
@av av
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Lobe Chat integration

Lobe Chat splash image

Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design AI chat framework.


# Will start lobechat alongside
# the default webui
harbor up lobechat

If you want to make LobeChat your default UI, please see the information below:

# Replace the default webui with lobechat
# afterwards, you can just run `harbor up`
harbor defaults rm webui
harbor defaults add lobechat


LobeChat supports only a list of predefined models for Ollama that can't be pre-configured and has to be selected from the UI at runtime


  • half-baked autogpt service, not documented as it's not integrated with the any of the harbor services due to its implementation
  • Updating harbor how prompt to reflect on recent releases
  • Harbor User Guide - high-level user documentation

Full Changelog: v0.1.13...v0.1.14


05 Sep 08:15
@av av
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  • It's now possible to set desired mistralrs version:
# Alias
harbor mistralrs version

# Via config
harbor config get mistralrs.version

# Update
harbor mistralrs version 0.4
harbor config set mistralrs.version
  • MacOS compatibility fixes
    • Log level selection (MacOS uses bash v3 without declare -A)
    • sed signature is different requiring -i to have an '' empty string set, affecting harbor config update

Full Changelog: v0.1.12...v0.1.13


04 Sep 10:40
@av av
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v0.1.12 - aichat integration


AIChat is an all-in-one AI CLI tool featuring Chat-REPL, Shell Assistant, RAG, AI Tools & Agents, and More.

# [Optional] pre-build the image
harbor build aichat

# Use aichat CLI
harbor aichat -f ./ how to run migrations?
harbor aichat -e install nvm
harbor aichat -c fibonacci in js
harbor aichat -f list supported services


Log levels

Harbor now routes all non-parseable logs to stderr by default. You can also adjust log level for the CLI output (most existing logs are INFO)

# Show current log level, INFO by default
harbor config get log.level

# Set log level
harbor config set log.level ERROR

# Log levels

Ollama modelfiles

Harbor workspace now has a place for custom modelfiles for Ollama.

# See existing modelfiles
ls $(harbor home)/ollama/modelfiles

# Copy custom modelfiles to the workspace
cp /path/to/Modelfile $(harbor home)/ollama/modelfiles/my.Modelfile

# Create custom model from a modelfile
harbor ollama create -f /modelfiles/my.Modelfile my-model

Full Changelog: v0.1.11...v0.1.12