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2.3.29 Satellite: Webtop

av edited this page Nov 17, 2024 · 1 revision

Handle: webtop
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Webtop - Alpine, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch based containers containing full desktop environments in officially supported flavors accessible via any modern web browser.


Webtop running harbor CLI and Harbor App

Harbor's webtop instance is pre-configured with a few extra things:

  • Additional dependencies
  • Harbor App pre-installed
    • Harbor CLI mounted from your host

The main goals of the service are:

  1. Provide a full desktop environment accessible via a web browser, usable by LLM agents
  2. Run/configure Harbor GUI/CLI remotely (by accessing webtop via Browser).


# [Optional] Pre-build the image
harbor build webtop

# Run Webtop and open in browser
harbor up webtop --open

# [Optional] open when already running
harbor open webtop

# [Optional] Get the URL to access from the same LAN
harbor url -a webtop

# [Optional] Get the QR code to access from the same LAN
harbor qr -a webtop

# [Optional] Start the tunnel to access from the internet
# ⚠️ Never expose unprotected services to the internet
harbor tunnel webtop


Harbor will mount the webtop home directory from your host. You can configure the location to your preference:

harbor config set webtop.workspace /path/to/your/workspace

Paired with harbor profiles, you can use that to "switch" between different home directories for different projects.

You can also change the distro of the container by switching to one of the tags supported by the team.

harbor config set webtop.version ubuntu-xfce

In addition to that, all of the baseline configuration options from original service are supported. One quick way to adjust the environment is via harbor env:

# See current env overrides
harbor env webtop

# Set a new env override
harbor env set webtop TITLE "AI Webtop"


When working within the webtop container, all harbor services are available by their internal URLs. So, for example, you'll find the webui not on http://localhost:33801, but on http://harbor.webui:8080.

# will return the "host" URL
harbor url webui

# will return the internal URL suitable for webtop
harbor url -i webui

See more info in harbor url reference.

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