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Build License Maven Central : avaje-spi-service Discord


Uses Annotation processing to automatically add META-INF/services entries for classes and validate files.


1. Add dependency:


When working with Java modules you need to add the annotation module as a static dependency.

module my.module {
  requires static io.avaje.spi;

2. Add @ServiceProvider

On classes that you'd like registered, put the @ServiceProvider annotation. As long as you only have one interface or one superclass, that type is assumed to be the spi interface. So given the example below:

public class MyProvider implements SomeSPI {

You get the META-INF/services/com.example.SomeSPI file whose content is org.acme.MyProvider.

If you have multiple interfaces and/or base type, the library cannot infer the contract type. In such a case, specify the contract type explicitly by giving it to @ServiceProvider like this:

public class MyExtendedProvider extends AbstractSet implements Comparable, Serializable, SomeSPI {

3. module-info validation

For modular projects, the processor will throw a compile error describing what provides statements you have missed. So if you define the SPI like the the previous steps, and have a module setup like the following:

module my.module {

  requires static io.avaje.spi;


You'll get the following compile error:

 Compilation failure /src/main/java/[1,1]
 Missing `provides SomeSPI with MyProvider, MyExtendedProvider;`

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