seqSerotyper.R is a tool for assigning serotypes to pneumococcal whole genome sequences (WGS).
Author: Andries J van Tonder
Copyright (C) 2016 University of Oxford
#General remarks NOTE: This script has only been tested on Linux so probably wont work on Windows or OSX.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
#Download If you have git installed:
git clone --recursive
If not, click on the Clone or Download button above and select Download zip. Move the file to your desired location and unzip the file and then cd into the seqSerotyper directory:
cd seqSerotyper-master
#Dependencies ##R and Perl
R can be downloaded from:
##seqinr (R library)
To install the seqinr library:
From within R:
If you have root access type sudo R in a terminal. Once R loads type:
and select a mirror from the dialogue window that pops up. The library should then install and you can close R by typing quit()
If install.packages doesn't work due to an issue with the version of R you have, you can install the library from source:
Download the library source file from:
In a terminal cd into the directory you downloaded the source file to and type the following:
sudo R CMD INSTALL seqinr_3.3-1.tar.gz
seqSerotyper.R comes bundled with pre-compiled 64 bit executables for blat, blastall, mview and transeq.
#Running seqSerotyper.R Usage: Rscript seqSerotyper.R -dataFile -srcDir
-dataFile: A file containing sample ids and file paths to fasta files
-srcDir: The path of the directory that contains the reference files and related scripts
e.g. Rscript seqSerotyper.R -dataFile pneumo_fasta_ids.txt -srcDir /home/user/Software/seqSerotyper/bin
#Input file
The file containing the sample ids and file paths to the pneumococcal fasta files to be serotypes should be in the following tab-separated format:
id filePath
ERR065287_A46670 /media/data/WGS_sequences/ERR065287_A46670.fa
#Output file
The script will create a file called Predicted_serotypes.txt in the seqSerotyper directory.
The file lists the strain ids and associated serotypes:
id Serotype
ERR065287_A46670 19A