The data is automatically transformed into a static site whenever I push the repository to GitHub.
I have never been happy with the various CMSes that I have used. Wordpress and Blogspot were far too complicated for something as simple as my blog and I never had the feeling of ownership with my content on Medium.
Github's native support for building Jekyll gives me the opportunity to generate fast and simple static webpages from markdown text written in my editor of choice. I have complete control over all the features of the website and my data.
I don't have a lot of experience with writing README files, so I took inspiration from Tom Preston Werner.
The theme is a modification of Mark Otto's Jekyll based Lanyon theme.
The following directories and their content are Copyright Avi Agarwal. You may not use anything there in without my permission or proper credits:
- _posts/
- images/
The theme for the website is open sourced under the MIT License.