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A Terminal Inspired Social Media Platform for Advanced Users

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⌨️ Project Soshell

A Terminal Inspired Social Media Platform for Advanced Users.


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Tech Stack

  • Front-End - HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • Back-end - Spring Boot
  • Database - Postgresql


User Authentication and Authorization

  • Allow users to create accounts, log in, and log out.
  • Secure password storage and authentication.
user signup --username <username> --password <password>
user login --username <username> --password <password>
user view <username>
user logout
user delete <username>

Posting and Sharing

  • Allows users to create text-based posts.
  • Ability to view and rate(1-10) posts.
post create <post-content>
post delete <post-id>
post rate <post-id> <rating-point> # rating point between 1-10
post view <post-id>

User feed

  • Show posts created by users
  • Ability to view posts in paginated manner
post list -u <username> # returns list of user created posts
post list # returns top 5 unread posts and mark them as 'read'
post list --limit <int(1-5), min=1 default,max=5> --page <int(1-n), min=1 default=1># get feed in paginated way


  • Logging using logback
  • Database migrations using flyway
  • Object Relational Mapping using Spring Data JPA
  • Validations using jakarta validations API
  • Unit testing using Junit,Mockito


  • docker

Running locally

To run locally, you must first clone the repository.

git clone

Once cloned go to the docker folder and run the docker command. This will start all the dependencies along with the application.

cd project-soshell/docker
docker compose up

Now visit http://locahost:3000/ to access the application.


You can create an .env file in the project's root to configure your environment.


You can use docker-compose-dependencies.yaml file to only bring up the dependencies.

Future Scope

Followers and Following

  • Allow users to follow and unfollow other users.
  • Display a list of followers and following.
user follow <username>
user unfollow <username>
user following # returns top 5 users user is following
user following --limit <int(1-5), min=1 default,max=5> --page <int(1-n), min=1 default=1> # get following in paginated way
user followers # retunrs top 5 users following user
user followers --limit <int(1-5), min=1 default,max=5> --page <int(1-n), min=1 default=1> # get followers in paginated way

Search Functionality

  • Search an user or post by given keyword.
search users abc # searches user(s) with username containing abc
search posts abc # searches posts(s) containing xyz under all users
search posts --user-id abc xyz # searches for post(s) containing xyz under user abc
search <entity(users/posts), default=posts> --user-id <user-id> --limit <int(1-5), min=1 default,max=5> --page <int(1-n), min=1 default=1> <anyKeyword(string), default="" minlen=0 maxlen=10> # full search command
