🚀 Features
- 7d1d6ca feat: process flow-ref notifications for log (#74)
- 48cfe89 feat: Java 17 compatibility and 4.3 minimum supported runtime (#69)
🐛 Fixes
- fec421f fix: config default values (#73)
- ffb2e44 fix: payload transformations respects log level checks (#66)
🧰 Tasks
- fc37ddc chore: release 3.0.0 (#75)
- 8dc44ab chore: rename JSON message label (#72)
- 31efc85 chore: Auto increment to v2.3.1-SNAPSHOT
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- Manik Magar
- Tanner Sherman
- adesjardin (@adesjardin)
- github-actions[bot] (@github-actions[bot])