Name | Type | Description | Notes |
status_ids | list[str] | The list of IDs of the statuses | [optional] |
characteristic_types | list[CharacteristicTypeAssignmentReference] | List of references to characteristic types corresponding to the assignment | [optional] |
articulation_rules | list[ArticulationRuleRequest] | The articulation rule definitions | [optional] |
validation_rule_ids | list[str] | The list of IDs of the validation rules | [optional] |
data_quality_rule_ids | list[str] | The list of IDs of the data quality rules | [optional] |
domain_type_ids | list[str] | The list of IDs of the domain types | [optional] |
default_status_id | str | The ID of the default status for the asset type | [optional] |
scope_id | str | The ID of the scope the assignment corresponds to. The scopeId will be removed in the next major release. | [optional] |