The Core REST API allows you to create your own integrations with Collibra Data Governance Center.
Create custom applications to help users get access to the right data.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import collibra_core
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import collibra_core
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import collibra_core
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost/rest/2.0
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = collibra_core.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost/rest/2.0"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
configuration = collibra_core.Configuration(
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with collibra_core.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_core.ActivitiesApi(api_client)
offset = 0 # int | The first result to retrieve. If not set (offset = <code>0</code>), results will be retrieved starting from row <code>0</code>. (optional) (default to 0)
limit = 0 # int | The maximum number of results to retrieve. If not set (limit = <code>0</code>), the default limit will be used. (optional) (default to 0)
task_id = 'task_id_example' # str | The ID of the task which contains the basic find activities request. (optional)
context_id = 'context_id_example' # str | The ID of the context which the activities should be searched for. (optional)
involved_people_ids = ['involved_people_ids_example'] # list[str] | The list of IDs of the people that should be involved in searched activities. (optional)
involved_role_ids = ['involved_role_ids_example'] # list[str] | The list of IDs of the roles that should be involved in searched activities. (optional)
performed_by_user_id = 'performed_by_user_id_example' # str | The ID of the user who performed searched activities. (optional)
performed_by_role_ids = ['performed_by_role_ids_example'] # list[str] | The list of IDs of the roles assigned to users who performed searched activities. (optional)
activity_type = 'activity_type_example' # str | The type of the activity. (optional)
call_id = 'call_id_example' # str | The ID of the call. (optional)
categories = ['categories_example'] # list[str] | The set of the categories of activities that should be searched. One of [ATTRIBUTE, ATTACHMENT, RELATION, COMMENT,<br/>STATUS, WORKFLOW, RESPONSIBILITY, USER, USER_GROUP, ROLE, TAGS, OTHERS]. (optional)
resource_types = ['resource_types_example'] # list[str] | The set of the resource types that searched activities refer to, i.e. [Community, Asset, Domain, Attribute,<br/>Relation, WorkflowInstance]. (optional)
start_date = 56 # int | TThe start date of the searched activities. It is the timestamp (in UTC time standard). (optional)
end_date = 56 # int | The end date of the searched activities. It is the timestamp (in UTC time standard). (optional)
call_count_enabled = False # bool | Flag to indicate if the number of calls standing behind the activity should be returned or not.<br/>Note that by default that count will be not calculated as it brings an important performance penalty. (optional) (default to False)
# Returns activities matching the given search criteria.
api_response = api_instance.get_activities(offset=offset, limit=limit, task_id=task_id, context_id=context_id, involved_people_ids=involved_people_ids, involved_role_ids=involved_role_ids, performed_by_user_id=performed_by_user_id, performed_by_role_ids=performed_by_role_ids, activity_type=activity_type, call_id=call_id, categories=categories, resource_types=resource_types, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, call_count_enabled=call_count_enabled)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ActivitiesApi->get_activities: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/rest/2.0
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActivitiesApi | get_activities | GET /activities | Returns activities matching the given search criteria. |
ApplicationApi | get_info | GET /application/info | Returns the basic information about the application. |
AssetTypesApi | add_asset_type | POST /assetTypes | Add asset type |
AssetTypesApi | add_asset_types | POST /assetTypes/bulk | Add multiple asset types |
AssetTypesApi | change_asset_type | PATCH /assetTypes/{assetTypeId} | Change asset type |
AssetTypesApi | change_asset_types | PATCH /assetTypes/bulk | Change multiple asset types |
AssetTypesApi | find_asset_types | GET /assetTypes | Find asset types matching criteria |
AssetTypesApi | find_parent_types | GET /assetTypes/{assetTypeId}/parents | Find parent types |
AssetTypesApi | find_sub_asset_types | GET /assetTypes/{assetTypeId}/subTypes | Find asset subtypes |
AssetTypesApi | get_asset_type | GET /assetTypes/{assetTypeId} | Get asset type by ID |
AssetTypesApi | remove_asset_type | DELETE /assetTypes/{assetTypeId} | Remove asset type by ID |
AssetTypesApi | remove_asset_types | DELETE /assetTypes/bulk | Remove multiple asset types |
AssetsApi | add_asset | POST /assets | Add asset |
AssetsApi | add_assets | POST /assets/bulk | Add multiple assets |
AssetsApi | add_tags_to_asset | POST /assets/{assetId}/tags | Add tags |
AssetsApi | change_asset | PATCH /assets/{assetId} | Change asset |
AssetsApi | change_assets | PATCH /assets/bulk | Change multiple assets |
AssetsApi | find_assets | GET /assets | Find assets |
AssetsApi | get_asset | GET /assets/{assetId} | Get asset |
AssetsApi | get_asset_breadcrumb | GET /assets/{assetId}/breadcrumb | Get asset breadcrumb |
AssetsApi | get_asset_tags | GET /assets/{assetId}/tags | Get asset tags |
AssetsApi | remove_asset | DELETE /assets/{assetId} | Remove asset |
AssetsApi | remove_assets | DELETE /assets/bulk | Remove assets |
AssetsApi | remove_tags_from_asset | DELETE /assets/{assetId}/tags | Remove tags |
AssetsApi | set_asset_attributes | PUT /assets/{assetId}/attributes | Set asset attributes |
AssetsApi | set_asset_relations | PUT /assets/{assetId}/relations | Set asset relations |
AssetsApi | set_asset_responsibilities | PUT /assets/{assetId}/responsibilities | Set asset responsibilities |
AssetsApi | set_tags_for_asset | PUT /assets/{assetId}/tags | Set asset tags |
AssignmentsApi | add_assignment | POST /assignments | Adds a new Assignment. |
AssignmentsApi | change_assignment | PATCH /assignments/{assignmentId} | Changes the assignment with the information that is provided in the request. |
AssignmentsApi | find_assignments_for_resource | GET /assignments/forResource | Find the assignments where a given resource is assigned. |
AssignmentsApi | get_assignments_for_asset | GET /assignments/asset/{assetId} | Returns the Assignment identified by the given Asset. |
AssignmentsApi | get_assignments_for_asset_type | GET /assignments/assetType/{assetTypeId} | Returns Assignments for given asset type id. |
AssignmentsApi | get_available_asset_types_for_domain | GET /assignments/domain/{domainId}/assetTypes | Returns available asset types for domain identified by given id. |
AssignmentsApi | get_available_attribute_types_for_asset | GET /assignments/asset/{assetId}/attributeTypes | Returns available attribute types for asset identified by given id. |
AssignmentsApi | get_available_complex_relation_types_for_asset | GET /assignments/asset/{assetId}/complexRelationTypes | Returns the available ComplexRelationTypes for the Asset identified by the given id. |
AssignmentsApi | get_available_relation_types_for_asset | GET /assignments/asset/{assetId}/relationTypes | Returns the available RelationTypes for the Asset identified by the given id. |
AssignmentsApi | remove_assignment | DELETE /assignments/{assignmentId} | Removes the Assignment identified by the given id. |
AttachmentsApi | add_attachment | POST /attachments | Add attachment |
AttachmentsApi | find_attachments | GET /attachments | Find attachments |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment | GET /attachments/{attachmentId} | Get attachment |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment_content | GET /attachments/{attachmentId}/file | Get attachment content |
AttachmentsApi | remove_attachment | DELETE /attachments/{attachmentId} | Remove attachment |
AttributeTypesApi | add_attribute_type | POST /attributeTypes | Adds a new Attribute Type. |
AttributeTypesApi | add_attribute_types | POST /attributeTypes/bulk | Adds multiple Attribute Types. |
AttributeTypesApi | change_attribute_type | PATCH /attributeTypes/{attributeTypeId} | Changes the attribute types. |
AttributeTypesApi | change_attribute_types | PATCH /attributeTypes/bulk | Changes multiple attribute types. |
AttributeTypesApi | find_attribute_types | GET /attributeTypes | Returns attribute types matching the given search criteria. |
AttributeTypesApi | get_attribute_type | GET /attributeTypes/{attributeTypeId} | Returns the attribute type identified by given UUID. |
AttributeTypesApi | get_attribute_type_by_name | GET /attributeTypes/name/{attributeTypeName} | Returns the attribute type identified by given name. |
AttributeTypesApi | remove_attribute_type | DELETE /attributeTypes/{attributeTypeId} | Removes attribute type identified by given UUID. |
AttributeTypesApi | remove_attribute_types | DELETE /attributeTypes/bulk | Removes multiple attribute types. |
AttributesApi | add_attribute | POST /attributes | Add attribute |
AttributesApi | add_attributes | POST /attributes/bulk | Add attributes |
AttributesApi | change_attribute | PATCH /attributes/{attributeId} | Change attribute |
AttributesApi | change_attributes | PATCH /attributes/bulk | Change attributes |
AttributesApi | find_attributes | GET /attributes | Find attributes |
AttributesApi | get_attribute | GET /attributes/{attributeId} | Get attribute |
AttributesApi | remove_attribute | DELETE /attributes/{attributeId} | Remove attribute |
AttributesApi | remove_attributes | DELETE /attributes/bulk | Remove attributes |
AuthenticationSessionsApi | is_logged_in | GET /auth/sessions/current | Get session |
AuthenticationSessionsApi | login | POST /auth/sessions | Login |
AuthenticationSessionsApi | logout | DELETE /auth/sessions/current | Logout |
CommentsApi | add_comment | POST /comments | Add comment. |
CommentsApi | change_comment | PATCH /comments/{commentId} | Change comment. |
CommentsApi | find_comments | GET /comments | Find comments. |
CommentsApi | get_comment | GET /comments/{commentId} | Get comment. |
CommentsApi | remove_comment | DELETE /comments/{commentId} | Remove comment. |
CommunitiesApi | add_communities | POST /communities/bulk | Add multiple communities |
CommunitiesApi | add_community | POST /communities | Add community |
CommunitiesApi | change_communities | PATCH /communities/bulk | Change multiple communities |
CommunitiesApi | change_community | PATCH /communities/{communityId} | Change community |
CommunitiesApi | change_to_root_community | POST /communities/{communityId}/root | Change to root community |
CommunitiesApi | find_communities | GET /communities | Find communities |
CommunitiesApi | get_community | GET /communities/{communityId} | Get community |
CommunitiesApi | get_community_breadcrumb | GET /communities/{communityId}/breadcrumb | Get community breadcrumb |
CommunitiesApi | remove_communities | DELETE /communities/bulk | Remove multiple communities |
CommunitiesApi | remove_communities_in_job | POST /communities/removalJobs | Remove multiple communities asynchronously |
CommunitiesApi | remove_community | DELETE /communities/{communityId} | Remove community |
ComplexRelationTypesApi | add_complex_relation_type | POST /complexRelationTypes | Adds a new complex relation type. |
ComplexRelationTypesApi | change_complex_relation_type | PATCH /complexRelationTypes/{complexRelationTypeId} | Changes the complex relation type. |
ComplexRelationTypesApi | find_complex_relation_types | GET /complexRelationTypes | Returns complex relation types matching the given search criteria. |
ComplexRelationTypesApi | get_complex_relation_type | GET /complexRelationTypes/{complexRelationTypeId} | Returns complex relation type identified by given UUID. |
ComplexRelationTypesApi | remove_complex_relation_type | DELETE /complexRelationTypes/{complexRelationTypeId} | Removes complex relation type identified by given UUID. |
ComplexRelationsApi | add_complex_relation | POST /complexRelations | Adds new complex relation. |
ComplexRelationsApi | change_complex_relation | PATCH /complexRelations/{complexRelationId} | Change the complex relation with the information that is present in the request. |
ComplexRelationsApi | export_to_csv | POST /complexRelations/export/csv-job | Export complex relations of the given type to CSV. |
ComplexRelationsApi | export_to_csv_as_string | POST /complexRelations/export/csv | Export all complex relations of the given type to CSV as a String. |
ComplexRelationsApi | export_to_csv_without_job | POST /complexRelations/export/csv-file | Export all complex relations of the given type to a CSV file. |
ComplexRelationsApi | export_to_excel | POST /complexRelations/export/excel-job | Export complex relations of the given type to Excel. |
ComplexRelationsApi | export_to_excel_without_job | POST /complexRelations/export/excel-file | Export all complex relations of the given type to an Excel file. |
ComplexRelationsApi | find_complex_relations | GET /complexRelations | Returns complex relations matching the given search criteria. |
ComplexRelationsApi | get_complex_relation | GET /complexRelations/{complexRelationId} | Returns a ComplexRelation identified by given id. |
ComplexRelationsApi | remove_complex_relation | DELETE /complexRelations/{complexRelationId} | Removes complex relation identified by given id. |
DataQualityRulesApi | add_data_quality_rule | POST /dataQualityRules | Adds a new data quality rule. |
DataQualityRulesApi | change_data_quality_rule | PATCH /dataQualityRules/{dataQualityRuleId} | Changes the data quality rule with the information that is present in the request. |
DataQualityRulesApi | find_data_quality_rules | GET /dataQualityRules | Returns data quality rules matching the given search criteria. |
DataQualityRulesApi | get_data_quality_rule | GET /dataQualityRules/{dataQualityRuleId} | Returns the DataQualityRule identified by given id. |
DataQualityRulesApi | remove_data_quality_rule | DELETE /dataQualityRules/{dataQualityRuleId} | Removes the DataQualityRule identified by the given id. |
DiagramPicturesApi | add_diagram_picture | POST /diagramPictures | Adds a diagram picture. |
DomainTypesApi | add_domain_type | POST /domainTypes | Adds a new domain type. |
DomainTypesApi | add_domain_types | POST /domainTypes/bulk | Adds multiple new domain types. |
DomainTypesApi | change_domain_type | PATCH /domainTypes/{domainTypeId} | Changes the domain type. |
DomainTypesApi | change_domain_types | PATCH /domainTypes/bulk | Changes the domain types. |
DomainTypesApi | find_domain_types | GET /domainTypes | Returns domain types matching the given search criteria. |
DomainTypesApi | find_sub_domain_types | GET /domainTypes/{domainTypeId}/subTypes | Returns sub domain types matching the given search criteria. |
DomainTypesApi | get_domain_type | GET /domainTypes/{domainTypeId} | Returns domain type identified by given UUID. |
DomainTypesApi | remove_domain_type | DELETE /domainTypes/{domainTypeId} | Removes domain type identified by given UUID. |
DomainTypesApi | remove_domain_types | DELETE /domainTypes/bulk | Removes multiple domain types. |
DomainsApi | add_domain | POST /domains | Add domain |
DomainsApi | add_domains | POST /domains/bulk | Add multpile domains |
DomainsApi | change_domain | PATCH /domains/{domainId} | Change domain |
DomainsApi | change_domains | PATCH /domains/bulk | Change multiple domains |
DomainsApi | find_domains | GET /domains | Search domains |
DomainsApi | get_domain | GET /domains/{domainId} | Get domain |
DomainsApi | get_domain_breadcrumb | GET /domains/{domainId}/breadcrumb | Get domain breadcrumb |
DomainsApi | remove_domain | DELETE /domains/{domainId} | Remove domain |
DomainsApi | remove_domains | DELETE /domains/bulk | Remove multiple domains |
DomainsApi | remove_domains_in_job | POST /domains/removalJobs | Remove multiple domains asynchronously |
FilesApi | add_files | POST /files | Upload files |
FilesApi | get_file | GET /files/{fileId} | Download file |
FilesApi | get_file_info | GET /files/{fileId}/info | Get file information |
IssuesApi | add_issue | POST /issues | Adds a new issue. |
IssuesApi | find_issues | GET /issues | Returns issues matching the given search criteria. |
IssuesApi | move_issue | PATCH /issues/{issueId}/community/{communityId} | Moves an issue to another community. |
JobsApi | cancel_job | POST /jobs/{jobId}/canceled | Cancels given Job. |
JobsApi | get_job | GET /jobs/{jobId} | Returns the Job identified by the given UUID. |
MappingsApi | add_mapping | POST /mappings | Adds a new mapping. |
MappingsApi | add_mappings | POST /mappings/bulk | Adds new mappings. |
MappingsApi | change_mapping | PATCH /mappings/{mappingId} | Changes the mapping identified by its id. |
MappingsApi | change_mapping_by_external_entity | PATCH /mappings/externalSystem/{externalSystemId}/externalEntity/{externalEntityId} | Changes the mapping identified by its external ids. |
MappingsApi | change_mapping_by_mapped_resource | PATCH /mappings/externalSystem/{externalSystemId}/mappedResource/{mappedResourceId} | Changes the mapping identified by its external system id and mapped resource id. |
MappingsApi | change_mappings | PATCH /mappings/bulk | Changes multiple mappings identified by their ids. |
MappingsApi | change_mappings_by_external_entities | PATCH /mappings/externalSystem/externalEntity/bulk | Changes the mappings identified by their external ids. |
MappingsApi | change_mappings_by_mapped_resources | PATCH /mappings/externalSystem/mappedResource/bulk | Changes the mapping identified by their external system ids and mapped resource ids. |
MappingsApi | find_mappings | GET /mappings | Returns mappings matching the given search criteria. |
MappingsApi | get_mapping | GET /mappings/{mappingId} | Returns a mapping identified by given id. |
MappingsApi | get_mapping_by_external_entity | GET /mappings/externalSystem/{externalSystemId}/externalEntity/{externalEntityId} | Returns a mapping identified by its external ids. |
MappingsApi | get_mapping_by_mapped_resource | GET /mappings/externalSystem/{externalSystemId}/mappedResource/{mappedResourceId} | Returns a mapping identified by its external system id and mapped resource id. |
MappingsApi | remove_mapping | DELETE /mappings/{mappingId} | Removes the mapping identified by its id. |
MappingsApi | remove_mapping_by_external_entity | DELETE /mappings/externalSystem/{externalSystemId}/externalEntity/{externalEntityId} | Removes the mapping identified by its external ids. |
MappingsApi | remove_mapping_by_mapped_resource | DELETE /mappings/externalSystem/{externalSystemId}/mappedResource/{mappedResourceId} | Removes the mapping identified by its external system id and mapped resource id. |
MappingsApi | remove_mappings_by_external_system_in_job | POST /mappings/externalSystem/{externalSystemId}/removalJobs | Removes all the mappings identified by given external system id. |
MappingsApi | remove_mappings_in_job | POST /mappings/removalJobs | Removes multiple mappings in job. |
NavigationStatisticsApi | find_most_viewed_assets | GET /navigation/most_viewed | Find most viewed assets. |
NavigationStatisticsApi | find_recently_viewed_assets | GET /navigation/recently_viewed | Find recently viewed assets. |
OutputModuleApi | export_csv | POST /outputModule/export/csv | Exports results in CSV format, returns the results immediately. |
OutputModuleApi | export_csv_in_job | POST /outputModule/export/csv-job | Exports results in CSV format, returns JSON representation of the async Job. |
OutputModuleApi | export_csv_to_file | POST /outputModule/export/csv-file | Exports results in CSV format, returns information about created file. |
OutputModuleApi | export_excel_in_job | POST /outputModule/export/excel-job | Exports results in Excel format, returns JSON representation of the async Job. |
OutputModuleApi | export_excel_to_file | POST /outputModule/export/excel-file | Exports results in Excel format, returns information about created file. |
OutputModuleApi | export_json | POST /outputModule/export/json | Exports results in JSON format, returns the results immediately. |
OutputModuleApi | export_json_in_job | POST /outputModule/export/json-job | Exports results in JSON format, returns JSON representation of the async Job. |
OutputModuleApi | export_json_to_file | POST /outputModule/export/json-file | Exports results in JSON format, returns information about created file. |
OutputModuleApi | export_xml | POST /outputModule/export/xml | Exports results in XML format, returns the results immediately. |
OutputModuleApi | export_xml_in_job | POST /outputModule/export/xml-job | Exports results in XML format, returns JSON representation of the async Job. |
OutputModuleApi | export_xml_to_file | POST /outputModule/export/xml-file | Exports results in XML format, returns information about created file. |
OutputModuleApi | get_table_view_config_by_view_id | GET /outputModule/tableViewConfigs/viewId/{viewId} | Returns TableViewConfig based on id of given View and its Location. |
RatingsApi | add_rating | POST /ratings | Add rating. |
RatingsApi | change_rating | PATCH /ratings/{ratingId} | Change rating. |
RatingsApi | find_ratings | GET /ratings | Find ratings. |
RatingsApi | get_rating | GET /ratings/{ratingId} | Get rating. |
RatingsApi | remove_rating | DELETE /ratings/{ratingId} | Remove rating. |
RelationTypesApi | add_relation_type | POST /relationTypes | Adds a new relation type. |
RelationTypesApi | add_relation_types | POST /relationTypes/bulk | Adds multiple new relation type. |
RelationTypesApi | change_relation_type | PATCH /relationTypes/{relationTypeId} | Changes the relation type. |
RelationTypesApi | change_relation_types | PATCH /relationTypes/bulk | Changes the relation types. |
RelationTypesApi | find_relation_types | GET /relationTypes | Finds all the relation types matching the given criteria. |
RelationTypesApi | get_relation_type | GET /relationTypes/{relationTypeId} | Returns relation type identified by given UUID. |
RelationTypesApi | remove_relation_type | DELETE /relationTypes/{relationTypeId} | Removes relation type identified by given UUID. |
RelationTypesApi | remove_relation_types | DELETE /relationTypes/bulk | Removes multiple relation types. |
RelationsApi | add_relation | POST /relations | Adds a new relation. |
RelationsApi | add_relations | POST /relations/bulk | Adds multiple relations in one go. |
RelationsApi | change_relation | PATCH /relations/{relationId} | Changes the relation with the information that is present in the request. |
RelationsApi | change_relations | PATCH /relations/bulk | Changes multiple relations. |
RelationsApi | find_relations | GET /relations | Returns relations matching the given search criteria. |
RelationsApi | get_relation | GET /relations/{relationId} | Returns a relation identified by given id. |
RelationsApi | remove_relation | DELETE /relations/{relationId} | Removes a relation identified by given id. |
RelationsApi | remove_relation1 | DELETE /relations/bulk | Removes multiple relations. |
ReportingApi | get_insights_zip | GET /reporting/insights/download | Reporting insights download |
ResponsibilitiesApi | add_responsibilities | POST /responsibilities/bulk | Adds multiple responsibilities in one go. |
ResponsibilitiesApi | add_responsibility | POST /responsibilities | Adds a new responsibility. |
ResponsibilitiesApi | find_responsibilities | GET /responsibilities | Finds responsibilities. |
ResponsibilitiesApi | get_responsibility | GET /responsibilities/{responsibilityId} | Returns the responsibility identified by the given id. |
ResponsibilitiesApi | remove_responsibilities | DELETE /responsibilities/bulk | Removes multiple responsibilities in one go. |
ResponsibilitiesApi | remove_responsibility | DELETE /responsibilities/{responsibilityId} | Removes the responsibility identified by the given id. |
RolesApi | add_role | POST /roles | Adds a new role. |
RolesApi | change_role | PATCH /roles/{roleId} | Change the role with the given id. |
RolesApi | find_roles | GET /roles | Returns roles matching the given search criteria. |
RolesApi | get_role | GET /roles/{roleId} | Returns the role identified by the given id. |
RolesApi | remove_role | DELETE /roles/{roleId} | Removes the role identified by the given id. |
SAMLApi | get_sp_metadata_as_string | GET /security/saml | Returns the SAML Service Provider metadata for this instance. |
ScopesApi | add_scope | POST /scopes | Add scope |
ScopesApi | change_scope | PATCH /scopes/{scopeId} | Change scope |
ScopesApi | get_all_scopes | GET /scopes | Find scopes |
ScopesApi | get_scope | GET /scopes/{scopeId} | Get scope |
ScopesApi | remove_scope | DELETE /scopes/{scopeId} | Remove scope |
StatusesApi | add_status | POST /statuses | Adds a new Status. |
StatusesApi | add_statuses | POST /statuses/bulk | Adds multiple statuses in one go. |
StatusesApi | change_status | PATCH /statuses/{statusId} | Changes the status with the information that is present in the request. |
StatusesApi | change_statuses | PATCH /statuses/bulk | Changes multiple statuses in one go. |
StatusesApi | find_statuses | GET /statuses | Returns statuses matching the given search criteria. |
StatusesApi | get_status | GET /statuses/{statusId} | Returns the Status identified by the given id. |
StatusesApi | get_status_by_name | GET /statuses/name/{statusName} | Returns the Status identified by the given name. |
StatusesApi | remove_status | DELETE /statuses/{statusId} | Removes the Status identified by the given id. |
StatusesApi | remove_statuses | DELETE /statuses/bulk | Removes multiple statuses. |
TagsApi | change_tag | PATCH /tags/{tagId} | Change tag. |
TagsApi | exists | GET /tags/exists/{tagName} | Check tag name. |
TagsApi | find_tags | GET /tags | Find tags. |
TagsApi | get_tag | GET /tags/{tagId} | Get tag. |
TagsApi | get_tags_by_asset_id | GET /tags/asset/{assetId} | Get asset tags. |
TagsApi | merge_tags | POST /tags/merge | Merge tags. |
TagsApi | remove_tag | DELETE /tags/{tagId} | Remove tag. |
TagsApi | remove_tags | DELETE /tags/bulk | Remove tags. |
UserGroupsApi | add_user_group | POST /userGroups | Add new user group |
UserGroupsApi | add_users_to_user_group | POST /userGroups/{userGroupId}/users | Add users to user group |
UserGroupsApi | change_user_group | PATCH /userGroups/{userGroupId} | Change user group |
UserGroupsApi | find_user_groups | GET /userGroups | Find user groups |
UserGroupsApi | get_user_group | GET /userGroups/{userGroupId} | Get user group |
UserGroupsApi | remove_user_group | DELETE /userGroups/{userGroupId} | Remove user group |
UserGroupsApi | remove_users_from_user_group | DELETE /userGroups/{userGroupId}/users | Remove users from user group |
UsersApi | add_user | POST /users | Adds a new user |
UsersApi | add_user_groups_for_user | POST /users/{userId}/userGroups | Add a user to multiple user groups |
UsersApi | add_users | POST /users/bulk | Adds multiple new users |
UsersApi | change_user | PATCH /users/{userId} | Changes the user with the information that is present in the request |
UsersApi | change_user_avatar | PATCH /users/{userId}/avatar | Changes the avatar for the user identified by the given ID |
UsersApi | delete_user | DELETE /users/{userId} | Deletes the user with the given ID |
UsersApi | delete_user_avatar | DELETE /users/{userId}/avatar | Deletes the avatar for the user identified by the given ID |
UsersApi | find_users | GET /users | Returns users matching the given search criteria |
UsersApi | get_avatar_file | GET /users/{userId}/avatar | Get the avatar image for the user with the given ID |
UsersApi | get_current_user | GET /users/current | Returns the current user, if logged in |
UsersApi | get_user | GET /users/{userId} | Gets the user with the given ID |
UsersApi | get_user_by_email_address | GET /users/email/{emailAddress} | Gets the user identified by given e-mail address |
UsersApi | get_user_required_license_type | GET /users/{userId}/licenseType | Gets the required LicenseType for the given user |
UsersApi | remove_user_from_user_groups | DELETE /users/{userId}/userGroups | Removes user from multiple user groups |
UsersApi | set_user_groups_for_user | PUT /users/{userId}/userGroups | Sets user groups for the indicated user |
ValidationApi | find_validation_results | GET /validation | Returns the validation results matching the given search criteria. |
ValidationApi | validate | POST /validation/{assetId} | Validates a single asset. |
ValidationApi | validate_in_job | POST /validation/bulk | Validates multiple assets. |
ViewPermissionsApi | add_view_permission | POST /viewPermissions | Adds a view permission. |
ViewPermissionsApi | find_view_permissions | GET /viewPermissions | Finds view permissions with given criteria. |
ViewPermissionsApi | get_view_permission | GET /viewPermissions/{viewPermissionId} | Retrieves a view permission. |
ViewPermissionsApi | remove_view_permission | DELETE /viewPermissions/{viewPermissionId} | Removes a view permission. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | add_asset_type_assignment_rule | POST /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId}/assetTypeAssignmentRules | Add asset type assignment rule. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | add_domain_type_assignment_rule | POST /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId}/domainTypeAssignmentRules | Add domain type assignment rule. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | change_asset_type_assignment_rule | PATCH /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId}/assetTypeAssignmentRules/{ruleId} | Change asset type assignment rule. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | change_domain_type_assignment_rule | PATCH /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId}/domainTypeAssignmentRules/{ruleId} | Change domain type assignment rule. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | change_workflow_definition | PATCH /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId} | Change workflow definition. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | deploy_workflow_definition | POST /workflowDefinitions | Deploy workflow definition. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | find_workflow_definitions | GET /workflowDefinitions | Find workflow definitions. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | get_configuration_start_form_data | GET /workflowDefinitions/workflowDefinition/{workflowDefinitionId}/configurationStartFormData | Get configuration start form data. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | get_start_form_data | GET /workflowDefinitions/workflowDefinition/{workflowDefinitionId}/startFormData | Get start form data. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | get_workflow_definition | GET /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId} | Get workflow definition. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | get_workflow_definition_by_process_id | GET /workflowDefinitions/process/{processId} | Get workflow definition. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | get_workflow_definition_diagram | GET /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId}/diagram | Get process diagram. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | get_workflow_definition_xml | GET /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId}/xml | Get XML of workflow definition. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | remove_assignment_rule | DELETE /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId}/assignmentRules/{ruleId} | Remove assignment rule. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | remove_workflow_definition | DELETE /workflowDefinitions/{workflowDefinitionId} | Remove workflow definition. |
WorkflowDefinitionsApi | remove_workflow_definitions_in_job | POST /workflowDefinitions/removalJobs | Remove multiple workflow definitions. |
WorkflowInstancesApi | cancel_workflow_instances | POST /workflowInstances/{workflowInstanceId}/canceled | Cancel workflow instance. |
WorkflowInstancesApi | find_workflow_instances | GET /workflowInstances | Find workflow instances. |
WorkflowInstancesApi | get_workflow_instance_diagram | GET /workflowInstances/{workflowInstanceId}/diagram | Returns the file representing the diagram of workflow instance identified by the given ID. |
WorkflowInstancesApi | message_event_received | POST /workflowInstances/{processInstanceId}/messageEvents/{messageName} | Pass message event to workflow engine. |
WorkflowInstancesApi | start_workflow_instances | POST /workflowInstances | Start workflow instances. |
WorkflowInstancesApi | start_workflow_instances_in_job | POST /workflowInstances/startJobs | Start workflow instances. |
WorkflowTasksApi | cancel_workflow_task | POST /workflowTasks/{workflowTaskId}/canceled | Cancel workflow task. |
WorkflowTasksApi | complete_workflow_tasks | POST /workflowTasks/completed | Complete workflow tasks. |
WorkflowTasksApi | find_workflow_tasks | GET /workflowTasks | Find workflow tasks. |
WorkflowTasksApi | get_task_form_data | GET /workflowTasks/{workflowTaskId}/taskFormData | Get task form data. |
WorkflowTasksApi | get_workflow_task | GET /workflowTasks/{workflowTaskId} | Get workflow task. |
WorkflowTasksApi | reassign_task | POST /workflowTasks/{workflowTaskId}/reassign | Reassign task. |
- ActivityImpl
- ActivityPagedResponse
- AddAssetRequest
- AddAssetTagsRequest
- AddAssetTypeAssignmentRuleRequest
- AddAssetTypeRequest
- AddAssignmentRequest
- AddAttributeRequest
- AddAttributeTypeRequest
- AddCommentRequest
- AddCommunityRequest
- AddComplexRelationRequest
- AddComplexRelationTypeRequest
- AddDataQualityRuleRequest
- AddDiagramPictureRequest
- AddDomainRequest
- AddDomainTypeAssignmentRuleRequest
- AddDomainTypeRequest
- AddIssueRequest
- AddMappingRequest
- AddRatingRequest
- AddRelationRequest
- AddRelationTypeRequest
- AddResponsibilityRequest
- AddRoleRequest
- AddScopeRequest
- AddStatusRequest
- AddUserGroupRequest
- AddUserRequest
- AddUserToUserGroupsRequest
- AddUsersToUserGroupRequest
- AddViewPermissionRequest
- Address
- ApplicationInfo
- ApplicationVersionImpl
- ArticulationRuleImpl
- ArticulationRuleRequest
- AssetAssignmentRuleImpl
- AssetImpl
- AssetPagedResponse
- AssetReferenceImpl
- AssetTypeImpl
- AssetTypePagedResponse
- AssignedCharacteristicType
- AssignmentImpl
- AttachmentImpl
- AttachmentPagedResponse
- Attribute
- AttributePagedResponse
- AttributeType
- AttributeTypePagedResponse
- AttributeValue
- BodyPart
- BodyPartMediaType
- CancelJobRequest
- ChangeAssetRequest
- ChangeAssetTypeAssignmentRuleRequest
- ChangeAssetTypeRequest
- ChangeAssignmentRequest
- ChangeAttributeRequest
- ChangeAttributeTypeRequest
- ChangeCommentRequest
- ChangeCommunityRequest
- ChangeComplexRelationRequest
- ChangeComplexRelationTypeRequest
- ChangeDataQualityRuleRequest
- ChangeDomainRequest
- ChangeDomainTypeAssignmentRuleRequest
- ChangeDomainTypeRequest
- ChangeMappingByExternalEntityRequest
- ChangeMappingByMappedResourceRequest
- ChangeMappingRequest
- ChangeRatingRequest
- ChangeRelationRequest
- ChangeRelationTypeRequest
- ChangeRoleRequest
- ChangeScopeRequest
- ChangeStatusRequest
- ChangeTagRequest
- ChangeUserAvatarRequest
- ChangeUserGroupRequest
- ChangeUserRequest
- ChangeWorkflowDefinitionRequest
- CharacteristicTypeAssignmentReference
- Comment
- CommentPagedResponse
- CommunityImpl
- CommunityPagedResponse
- CompleteWorkflowTasksRequest
- ComplexRelationAttributeTypeImpl
- ComplexRelationAttributeTypeRequest
- ComplexRelationImpl
- ComplexRelationLegImpl
- ComplexRelationLegRequest
- ComplexRelationLegTypeImpl
- ComplexRelationLegTypeRequest
- ComplexRelationTypeImpl
- ComplexRelationTypePagedResponse
- ContentDisposition
- DGCSession
- DataQualityMetricImpl
- DataQualityMetricRequest
- DataQualityRuleImpl
- DataQualityRulePagedResponse
- DomainImpl
- DomainPagedResponse
- DomainTypeImpl
- DomainTypePagedResponse
- DropdownValue
- ExportComplexRelationsToCSVRequest
- ExportComplexRelationsToExcelRequest
- FileInfoImpl
- FileReferenceImpl
- FileUpload
- FormDataBodyPart
- FormDataContentDisposition
- FormDataMultiPart
- FormProperty
- InlineObject
- InlineObject1
- InstantMessagingAccount
- Job
- LoginRequest
- Mapping
- MappingPagedResponse
- MergeTagsRequest
- MessageEventReceivedRequest
- MultiPart
- NamedDescribedResourceReference
- NamedResourceReferenceImpl
- NavigationStatisticsEntry
- NavigationStatisticsEntryPagedResponse
- OptionValue
- PagedResponse
- PagedResponseActivity
- PagedResponseAsset
- PagedResponseAssetType
- PagedResponseAttachment
- PagedResponseAttribute
- PagedResponseAttributeType
- PagedResponseComment
- PagedResponseCommunity
- PagedResponseComplexRelation
- PagedResponseComplexRelationType
- PagedResponseDataQualityRule
- PagedResponseDomain
- PagedResponseDomainType
- PagedResponseMapping
- PagedResponseNavigationStatisticsEntry
- PagedResponseRating
- PagedResponseRelation
- PagedResponseRelationType
- PagedResponseResponsibility
- PagedResponseRole
- PagedResponseScope
- PagedResponseStatus
- PagedResponseTag
- PagedResponseUser
- PagedResponseUserGroup
- PagedResponseValidationResult
- PagedResponseViewPermission
- PagedResponseWorkflowDefinition
- PagedResponseWorkflowInstance
- PagedResponseWorkflowTask
- ParameterizedHeader
- PhoneNumber
- Rating
- RatingsPagedResponse
- RelatedAssetId
- RelatedAssetReference
- RelationImpl
- RelationPagedResponse
- RelationTraceEntryImpl
- RelationTraceEntryRequest
- RelationTraceImpl
- RelationTypeImpl
- RelationTypePagedResponse
- RemoveAssetTagsRequest
- RemoveUserFromUserGroupsRequest
- RemoveUsersFromUserGroupRequest
- ResourceReference
- ResponsibilityImpl
- RoleImpl
- ScopeImpl
- ScopePagedResponse
- SetAssetAttributesRequest
- SetAssetRelationsRequest
- SetAssetResponsibilitiesRequest
- SetAssetTagsRequest
- SetUserGroupsForUserRequest
- SolutionInfo
- StartFormDataImpl
- StartWorkflowInstancesRequest
- StatusImpl
- StatusPagedResponse
- SymbolDataImpl
- Tag
- TagPagedResponse
- TaskFormData
- User
- UserGroupImpl
- UserGroupPagedResponse
- UserPagedResponse
- UserReferenceImpl
- ValidateInJobRequest
- ValidationResultImpl
- ValidationResultPagedResponse
- ViewPermissionImpl
- Website
- WorkflowDefinitionImpl
- WorkflowDefinitionPagedResponse
- WorkflowDefinitionReference
- WorkflowInstance
- WorkflowTask
- WorkflowTaskPagedResponse
- Type: HTTP basic authentication