- I want to make a table with a 2d plotter inside that will be used to roll a marble through sand like a japanese garden Sisyphus industries made one that I am basing my design off of.
- Prototype created
- only the robit part has been made, tabletop and legs still need to be made
- Add pictures here
- only the robit part has been made, tabletop and legs still need to be made
- Code is basically completed just needs some optimization
- Build Table
- Build Bot
- ProtoType
- Write Gcode Generator
- make bot quiet
- Replace controller
- Remake rails?
- [ ]
- Add Bot to table
- Completed Task
- Started working on motor calibration
- Encountered noise issues with motors
- Implemented vpype library
- Removed deprecated scripts (main.py, svgConverter.py)
- Implement custom functions in main.py
- Improve motor noise reduction
- Replace motor driver
- Make bot with higher quality plywood
- Optimize vpype script
- Raspberry pi:
- flask
- venv
- python
- grbl
- pyserial
- tmux
flask server is accessible from here: http://raspberrypi.local:5000
- X and Y Axis Plotter: 250mm each
- Type: Marlin G-code
- SD Card: Must be FAT32 formatted
- drawing.gcode: Used as a buffer due to library limitations (returning an array)
- Library to Explore: vpype-gcode
- main.py and svgConverter.py: No longer in use
- vpype.py: Utilizes the vpype library for current functionalities
- Future Use of main.py: Writing custom functions callable at any time during the program
- Zero
- Flatten sand
- Pick up marble
- Choose marble size
- Start drawing at the closest point to the curve from the marble parking spot
- Draw
- Finish drawing
- Options:
- Flatten sand
- Return marble
- Do whatever flattens sand
- Continue another drawing over it
- Park marble
- Flatten sand
- Options:
- Motors Loud as Hell
Adjust current (lowered 10%)Adjust feed rate (none worked)300 too quick100 too quick10 too slow
- Replace control board with something better
- List Dependencies
- Track correct files from vpype library
- Fix Curves from vpype
- Starting
- Optimize travel between curves
- Board: Melzi Hybrid A4988 V3.5 (embedded A4988 motor drivers)
- Adjusting current: if unsuccessful, explore using an Arduino with robust motor controllers
- Potential controllers: TMC2208 for smoother movements, R100 Resistors
- Motors: C17HD40102-01N BiPolar
- 1.8 degrees per step
- 1.02A
- 0.62NM
- Following this guide: Adjusting stepper motor current on Melzi Board
- Target: 90% max current
- Formula: VREF = Current(A) * 8 * SenseResistor(RS)
- 0.82 = 1.02 * 8 * 0.1
- 0.74 = 90% power
- Initial values for each potentiometer: 0.67 (lower than max)
- Reduced to 0.60 (by 10%) to see if it helps
- Result: Noise reduction was minimal; further steps needed