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Keras Experiments

Experimental Keras libraries and examples. The keras_exp package is for exploring experimental and new features of Keras. Primary focus is on using Keras in conjuction with Tensorflow for multi-GPU and distributed systems. Currently this package is not hosted on PyPI. My goals here are to illustrate and explore APIs for multi-GPU and distributed systems. If installing I would recommend installing this package in editable mode:

git clone
cd keras_experiments
pip install -e .  # preferably in a virtualenv

or install directly from github:

pip install -e git+

Otherwise use PYTHONPATH, symlinks, etcetera to use the package within your python environment. Feel free to modify, copy, and do whatever you like with the code.

Dependencies are not enforced on install, but these are mainly: Keras and Tensorfow.


In general you should run latest version of Keras for various examples. The latest release as of this update is Keras 2.2.0. I clean/refactor the code over time relying on features in the mainline Keras. For example, the monkey patch for the backend TF function is no longer necessary given the ability to pass fetches to K.Function() with the TensorFlow backend (Keras 2.1.0 improvement). The make_parallel function is no longer necessary as it has been incorporated in Keras 2.0.9 keras.utils.multi_gpu_model.

I attempted making a few enhancements such as prefetching to GPUs, and using synchronous optimizers via NCCL. Unfortunately, because of the batch slicing implementation in make_parallel and multi_gpu_model, prefetching to multiple GPUs is not straightforward. Nor are my implementations of synchronous optimizer satisfactory (I am not sure if it is even working correctly). I recommend using Horovod which makes it easy to incorporate prefetch to device and synchronous optimizer training.

I added a classModelKerasMGPU which is a wrapper around multi_gpu_model to enable loading/saving of the model via ModelCheckpoint callback transparently. Also refer to make_parallel below.

Some examples have been removed and others refactored. I removed a code that used TF queues in favor of using the TF Dataset API.


    Mnist example with multi-GPU data parallelism distribution using TFRecords and TF queue pipeline to run Keras. Requires Keras v 2.0.8. Run it as follows:

    cd mnist/examples
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python  # 1 - GPU
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python  # 2 - GPUs

    Avoiding feed_dict and using a TF queue can give some performance improvements. Original implementation of this can be found here:

    I kept this example as a legacy example.

A Keras example via Dataset API can be found here:


    Cifar10 example with multi-GPU options. Run it as follows:

    python examples/cifar/ --help # read instructions
    # Use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to mask GPUs from Tensorflow otherwise uses all.
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2 python \
        examples/cifar/ --mgpu --epochs=10 --checkpt

    Also incorporated an option to use Dataset API --use-dataset-api. Ex.:

    python examples/cifar/ \
        --use-dataset-api --mgpu --epochs=10 --checkpt

    With the Dataset API runs slightly faster, but the main speedup is achieved when using augmentation (option --aug). Note, there is a startup penalty using Dataset API. For a fair comparison subtract the 1st epoch runtime from the overall training time to remove the startup delay.

    Run using options --mgpu-type=kerasmgpu and --mgpu-type=expmgpu (default) to compare Keras multi_gpu_model implementation to implementation in this repo.

The examples below are implemented via Horovod.

Refer to the bottom of this README for setting up Horovod. Compare these implemenations to the ones using make_parallel. A major difference is that Horovod implements synchronous training, while the make_parallel implements asynchronous training.


    Using 4 GPUs with data augmentation run the example via:

    # for help:
    python ./examples/cifar/ --help
    # to run:
    mpirun --report-bindings --map-by slot --bind-to none \
        -np 4 python ./examples/cifar/ --epochs=4

    To change the number of GPUs change the option -np. The mpirun binding options are generic. Depending on hardware topology differences other binding options might give better results.

    Use the option --use-dataset-api to run using Dataset API. With Horovod it is straightforward to enable device prefetching. If using TF ver 1.8.0+ then device prefetching will be used. Again, with the Dataset API runs slightly faster, but the main speedup is achieved when using the augmentation (option --aug).

The Horovod framework seems to scale extremely well. It enables one to also easily scale multinode. The examples above can easily be scaled to multinode by changing --np 8 assuming 4 GPUs per node. Tensorflow/Keras code on HPC type networks with NCCL2 and Horovod is very easy to scale. Additional enhancements such as RDMA and/or GPUDirect RDMA are transparently used via MPI+NCCL2 combination implemented in Horovod.


Refer to the example above for detailed usage. Typical usage is to define a Keras model and then call the model conversion function or class to make it run on multiple GPUs.

Function: make_parallel

A similar function has been added to mainstream Keras version 2.0.9 keras.utils.multi_gpu_model:

The version implemented here differs slightly. The slicing is done on CPU with the idea that this enables using batch sizes that exceed a single GPUs memory. Although the latest version of multi_gpu_model seems to work correctly in a large batch size scenario. Also added ability to save/load of parameters of original serial model with multigpu model instance via ModelGPU class wrapper. A ModelKerasMGPU class wrapper has been added for the multi_gpu_model to enable save/load as well. Refer to these comments:
keras-team/keras#2436 (comment)
keras-team/keras#2436 (comment)

def make_parallel(serial_model, gdev_list,
    '''Given a keras model, return an equivalent model which parallelizes
    the computation over multiple GPUs listed in the gdev_list.

    Each GPU gets a slice of the input batch, applies the model on that slice
    and later the outputs of the models are concatenated to a single tensor,
    hence the user sees a model that behaves the same as the original.

    If getting an out-of-memory (OOM) error when scaling the batch size by the
    number of GPUs, there might be input layer(s) in the serial model that runs
    additional special operations (such as tranformation of some sort) on the
    1st GPU as enumerated by Tensorflow. This was an observed behavior for
    Embedding layers. The workaround is to pin such layers to the CPU, or
    simply pin the instantiation of the serial mode to CPU. The parallelization
    will move the operations to GPU.


        if mgpu_flag:
            with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
                # define the serial model.
                model_serial = get_model_serial()

            gdev_list = get_available_gpus()
            model = make_parallel(model_serial, gdev_list)
            model = def_model_serial()

    :param Model serial_model: Serial i.e. non-multi GPU Keras model.

    :param list gdev_list: List of gpu devices i.e. ['/gpu:0', '/gpu:1', ...]
        Use function get_available_gpus to get the list of available gpus.
        This can be a list of strings or list of instances of tf.DeviceSpec.

    :param str ps_device: Parameter server device to use.

    :param model_class: Class object to instantiate for multi-gpu models. This
        is needed when the ModelMGPU is mixed-in with other classes.
        Default: ModelMGPU

    :returns: Multi-GPU parallelized model. If ngpus < 2 then do nothing and
        return the provided serial_model.
    :rtype: ModelMGPU

Usage summary:

from keras_exp.multigpu import get_available_gpus
from keras_exp.multigpu import make_parallel
# or using class # from keras_exp.multigpu import ModelMGPU

# serial_model = ... # some Keras model
gdev_list = get_available_gpus()
mgpu_model = make_parallel(serial_model, gdev_list)
# or using class
# mgpu_model = ModelMGPU(serial_model=serial_model, gdev_list=gdev_list)
# ... Setup optimizer, compile, etc. Run training.
# mgpu_model.compile(...)

Note, for some reason often the validation loss and accuracy reported during training by Keras is incorrect when the batch is sliced per make_parallel function. Therefore I would recommend that after training a parallel model run validation with the serial model.

# EXAMPLE: Validate after training to get the correct loss (accuracy) measure.
                     optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'])
metrics = serial_model.evaluate(x=x_test, y=y_test, batch_size=batch_size)
print('\nVALIDATION LOSS, ACC: {}, {}'.format(*metrics))

There is also an attempt in this version to implement synchronized training via gradient synchronization. Synchronized training doesn't seem to work properly efficiently so contributions are welcome. Example:

from keras_exp.multigpu.optimizers import RMSPropMGPU

opt = RMSPropMGPU()
# instantiate/create a multigpu model then compile with MGPU optimizer.
mgpu_model.compile(opt=opt, ....)


  • I have not run this setup in a while and am not sure if it still works. I will try to update this. Primarily I run using Horovod.

I would like to note that at this time Horovod is probably the easiest approach to adopt for multinode scaling. The approach below might still be beneficial if MPI is not available.

Familiarize yourself with basics of Tensorflow distributed.

The current keras_exp.distrib implementation corresponds to "Between-graph replication" and "Asynchronous training".

The distributed examples below are for SLURM setups. To implement for another cluster type one would need to implement a concrete class derived from keras_exp.distrib.cluster_parsers.base.ClusterParser class. I would like to add other clusters in the future such as Spark standalone clusters. SLURM like clusters i.e. PBS, UGE, etcetera, should have similar implementation to the SLURM keras_exp.distrib.cluster_parsers.slurm.SlurmClusterParser parser. I might add a generic mpi4py based cluster parser as well.

The examples that follow are SLURM specific, but should be straightforward to adopt for other cluster types. Start with a SLURM interactive session (adopting for sbatch is left to the user). The sessions should be started via either of the two following approaches:

APPROACH 1 RECOMMENDED: [1 Parameter Server + 1 Worker (that could use one or multiple GPU devices)] PER NODE

srun -N $NNODES_DESIRED --ntasks-per-node=2 -p gpu_queue --pty bash


srun -N $NNODES_DESIRED --ntasks-per-node=${NWORKERS_DESIRED_PLUS_ONE} -p gpu_queue --pty bash

Approach 1 is typically better in performance. On a given node the worker uses all the GPUs available on the node. If you desire to limit number of GPUs in this scenario, use the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment var. In general I assume that there are the same number of GPUs on the nodes i.e. if node 1 has 4 GPUs then it is assumed node 2 has 4 GPUs also. Example v2 below though should work with varying number of GPUs on the nodes, but I did not test it in that scenario.

Once on the node run test via:

srun python -m keras_exp.distrib.slurm

    Cifar10 example experimentation with distribution on a SLURM cluster. The run command would be something similar to:

    srun python examples/cifar/

    Cifar10 version 2 example experimentation with distribution on a SLURM cluster. Prior to running this example pre-download the data so that multiple processes are not downloading over each other. Suggestion: run the to pre-download the data. The keras Cifar10 data is downloaded under $HOME/.keras/datasets location. The run command would be something similar to:

    srun python examples/cifar/

The difference in the two distributed Cifar examples above is that in the first example, all the workers join the server except for chief worker. The chief worker then distributes the computation graph to all devices that are distributed on different workers. The inefficiency with this approach is that data is read on the chief's node and communicated to other nodes if the devices are on the other nodes. This first example implements data-parallelism across devices, but not nodes.

The v2 example the workers are not joined. Instead each worker loads the data independently, and runs the computation on devices it directly connects to i.e. devices are on the same host as the worker. This avoids communicating data from chief node to other nodes. This 2nd version also runs a subset of the overall data i.e. a random slice of data correspondsing to its rank number, hence implementing data-parallelism on the node level as well as device level.

Benchmarking 1 run comparison running on 2 Nodes APPROACH 1 i.e. 1 PS and 1 Worker per node with 4 P100 GPUs on each node. Total of 8 GPUs.


time srun python ./examples/cifar/ --epochs=3

ea. epoch runtime: 54s
achieved: val_acc: 0.6021
walltime: 3m5.667s

time srun python ./examples/cifar/ --epochs=3

ea. epoch runtime: 49s
achieved: val_acc: 0.5876
walltime: 2m53.116s


time srun python ./examples/cifar/ --epochs=3 --rdma

ea. epoch runtime: 6s
achieved: val_acc: 0.5749
walltime: 0m39.046s

time srun python ./examples/cifar/ --epochs=3 --rdma

ea. epoch runtime: 5s
achieved: val_acc: 0.5875
walltime: 0m34.461s

The performance above does not vary too much between the two examples, but bear in mind that Cifar10 is not a very stressful benchmark. It does not even make sense to run it distributed per se. This was done for example purposes to demonstrate the code API. Do note though, that RDMA makes a substantial difference. The cluster above has RDMA between the nodes. The data itself resides on NFS. I think that in a larger scale scenario, version 2 example's approach should scale better.

Disclaimer: The distributed implementation is still very beta and needs more testing. I am still learning and trying to understand distributed Tensorflow.

RDMA with Tensorflow

Tensorflow version 1.3+ have the RDMA fixes incorporated, so no need to patch with TF 1.3+ versions. Also, use Bazel 0.5.4. Instructions that follow are for TF 1.2.1. (Newer versions of Tensorflow use newer Bazel).

In order to use RDMA I compiled Tensorflow 1.2.1 with a patch.

# install bazel
mkdir -p ~/progs/bazel && cd ~/progs/bazel
chmod u+x
./ --user

# clone tensorflow v1.2.1
mkdir -p ~/gitrepos && cd ~/gitrepos
git clone -b v1.2.1
cd tensorflow
git branch v1.2.1_patchrdma
git fetch origin master
git cherry-pick 314008aceb061675eb30daf7e0cae303ebfe8723

Then just compile Tensorflow per official instructions. On my cluster I do it like this:

module load PrgEnv/GCC+OpenMPI/2017-03-20  cuda/8.0.44  cudnn/cuda80-v51

mkvirtualenv py-tfrdma
pip install -U pip
pip install wheel numpy
# pip install other stuff like keras with --no-deps etc.

# answer a bunch of questions. For RDMA:
# Do you wish to build TensorFlow with VERBS support? [y/N] y
# Or prior to running config: export TF_NEED_VERBS=1

# compile (first install bazel)
bazel build --config=opt --config=cuda //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package

# after finished run:
bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package ~/tmp/tensorflow_pkg

# pip installing into py-tfrdma virtualenv 
pip install $HOME/tmp/tensorflow_pkg/tensorflow-1.2.1-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl

Dockerfiles with Horovod

Horovod is a "distributed training framework for TensorFlow" that has been open sourced by Uber. It can also be used within a node for effective multigpu parallelization or distributed across nodes. Please refer to horovod github for details:

Note that the recent Tensorflow containers from registry ( have Horovod pre-installed. I posted a variety of dockerfiles for Tensorflow setup with Horovod here:

I will be adding Horovod examples for comparison. Horovod uses synchronous training which compared to asynchronous training generally converges faster during training.


Experimental Keras libraries and examples.







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