The program use the API provided by NightScout and the API founded in Diabby Web Site. Ypsomed does not provide a API. So Use Web Scratching about the web site. Use FastAPI Service to provide a API easily reusable.
- allow to sync the glycemia from NightScout to Diabby
- allow to sync the Insulina from Ypsomed to NightScout
- allow to sync the insulina provided in Diabby to NightScout to do better reports in NS without web Scraping
To launch the docker version :
Build the docker image
docker build -t nightscout2diabby .
and after run docker
docker run -d -p 81:80 -e MODULE_NAME="NS2D" -e "TZ=Europe/Paris" -v "$PWD/filestorage":/app/filestorage nightscout2diabby
To sync NS2Diabby : http://IP:81/ns2d To sync Yso2NS: http://IP:81/ypso2ns