This repository has multi architecture support and is regularly updated.
Container is built for amd64, arm and arm64.
The container is available with alpine base image avpnusr/torprivoxy:latest
The container is also available with debian base image avpnusr/torprivoxy:latest-debian
Important: Got rid of the old alpine version 3.12 - this could require action, if you use armhf architecture (Raspberry Pi i.e.) with older versions of docker. Please find information about this in the alpine wiki
Kudos to rdsubhas.
I used the tini and run based startup-scripts for services from his container.
The docker container has a working health-check built in.
To determine the correct function, it verifies access to the *.onion address from DuckDuckGo.
ExitPolicy reject *:*
BridgeRelay 0
I know the TOR-Project is in need for bridge relays, but considering, not every user from the container is familiar with the impacts, I decided to disable the bridge relay in the container by default.
forward-socks5t / localhost:9050 .
On port [8118], the container offers a privoxy HTTP-Proxy forwarded to localhost:9050 SOCKS5
On port [9050], the container offers the TOR SOCKS5 proxy
alpine version
docker run -d \
-p 8118:8118 \
-p 9050:9050 \
--user=[UID:GID] \
--name torprivoxy \
--restart=unless-stopped avpnusr/torprivoxy
debian version
docker run -d \
-p 8118:8118 \
-p 9050:9050 \
--user=[UID:GID] \
--name torprivoxy \
--restart=unless-stopped avpnusr/torprivoxy:latest-debian