A barebones utility to convert between month names, numbers, and abbreviations.
Designed for use on node, but will probably work in the browser once compiled with Babel.
npm install @whalecoiner/months
Supplying a single name, abbreviation, or a number will return an object containing all three properties.
const months = require('@whalecoiner/months')
// { name: 'december', abbr: 'dec', number: 12 }
// { name: 'january', abbr: 'jan', number: 1 }
// { name: 'february', abbr: 'feb', number: 2 }
// false
// false
The default language for input and output is English. To specify another language supply an object parameter with a language property and an international country shortcode as a value.
months(2, { language: 'de' })
// { name: 'märz', abbr: 'mär', number: 3 }
months('oktober', { language: 'de' })
// { name: 'oktober', abbr: 'okt', number: 10 }
// false
This package does not attempt to remove diacritics from non-Latin languages.