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Telegram bot wrapper.


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Unfortunately, I don't have much time to actively maintain the project, but I make occasional changes. Fortunately, this library works well in my telegram bots and hasn't encountered major issues. If you're interested or would like to contribute, please check out the code and feel free to join! Welcome to the community and the development of this project.

Main info

  • Library is based on Telegram.Bot 19.0.0 and Telegram.Bot.Extensions.Polling with Version 1.0.2 which is referred to official Telegram Bot API version 7.0
  • There is simple Example project.
  • Telegram channel with community.

How to use

  1. Add package to your project

  2. Main code in Program.cs

using PowerBot.Lite;

var botClient = new CoreBot("TOKEN")


// Wait for eternity
await Task.Delay(Int32.MaxValue);
  1. Create class that inherits BaseHandler class and define bot methods:
class SampleHandler : BaseHandler
    public async Task Start()
        var messageText = $"Hi! your id is {User.TelegramId}, chatId is {ChatId}.";
        await BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(ChatId, messageText);

    public async Task TestMethod()
        var messageText = $"Test passed successfully!";
        await BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(ChatId, messageText);

    public async Task VoiceMethod()
        var messageText = $"Voice message!";
        await BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(ChatId, messageText);

Powerbot.Lite maps defined message handlers to incoming telegram.Update and run them when attribute filters are match. PowerBot.Lite will find and run only the first one matched method from each defined class that inherits BaseHandler type.

Methods attributes

For method matching PowerBot.Lite uses next attributes:

*Filter attributes ordered by priority


Makes bot, send defined ChatAction before runs matched method.

Message attribute filters:

[MessageHandler(string pattern)]

Filter for text messages, string pattern - is regex matching pattern.

[CallbackQueryHandler(string dataPattern)]

Filter for CallbackQuery events, string dataPattern - is regex matching pattern for CallbackQuery.Data. By default its equals null and matches any CallbackQuery event.

[MessageTypeFilter(MessageType messageType)]

Filter for any messages by defined type (Text, Photo, Audio, Video, Voice, ...)

[UpdateTypeFilter(UpdateType updateType)]

Filter for any updates by defined type (Message, InlineQuery, ChosenInlineResult, CallbackQuery, EditedMessage, ...)


Also You can define your own middlewares by creating class that inherits BaseMiddleware and register it in CoreBot builder it by next template:

var botClient = new CoreBot("TOKEN")
public class FirstMiddleware : BaseMiddleware
    public override async Task Invoke(ITelegramBotClient bot, Update update, Func<Task> func)
        Console.WriteLine("FirstMiddleware before _nextMiddleware log");

        // Do next middleware or process telegram.Update from defined handler if there no other defined middlewares.
        await _nextMiddleware.Invoke(bot, update, func);

        Console.WriteLine("FirstMiddleware after _nextMiddleware log");
public class SecondMiddleware : BaseMiddleware
    public override async Task Invoke(ITelegramBotClient bot, Update update, Func<Task> func)
        Console.WriteLine("SecondMiddleware before _nextMiddleware log");

        // Do next middleware or process telegram.Update from defined handler if there no other defined middlewares.
        await _nextMiddleware.Invoke(bot, update, func);

        Console.WriteLine("SecondMiddleware after _nextMiddleware log");

Console output:

FirstMiddleware before _nextMiddleware log
SecondMiddleware before _nextMiddleware log
SecondMiddleware after _nextMiddleware log
FirstMiddleware after _nextMiddleware log

Dependency Injection

PowerBot.Lite supports dependency injection, based on Autofac container provider.

To use it, firstly you need to define your DI services as class with interface:

public interface IRandomService
    public int Random(int min, int max);

public class RandomService : IRandomService
    private Random _random;

    public RandomService()
        _random = new Random();

    public int Random(int min, int max)
        return _random.Next(min, max);

And manually map them in PowerBot.Lite by using RegisterContainers(...) method:

var botClient = new CoreBot(botToken)
    .RegisterContainers(x => {

After that you can inject IRandomService to your handlers or middlewares:

public class BotHandler : BaseHandler
    private readonly IRandomService _randomService;

    public BotHandler(IRandomService randomService)
        _randomService = randomService;

    public Task Start()
        var randomValue = _randomService.Random(0, 100);
        var messageText = $"Hi! Random integer is: {randomValue}";

        return BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(ChatId, messageText);

public class BotMiddleware : BaseMiddleware
    private readonly IRandomService _randomService;

    public BotMiddleware(IRandomService randomService)
        _randomService = randomService;

    public override async Task Invoke(ITelegramBotClient bot, Update update, Func<Task> func)
        var randomValue = _randomService.Random(0, 100);
        Console.WriteLine($"Random number is {randomValue}");

        await _nextMiddleware.Invoke(bot, update, func);


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