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Tag based CloudWatch dashboard uses CDK and resource groups tagging API to automatically produce CloudFormation templates for CloudWatch dashboard.


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Guidance for Network Monitoring and Alerting Automation on AWS

License: MIT AWS Provider

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  1. Prerequisites
  1. Deployment Steps
  2. Deployment Validation
  3. Running the Guidance
  4. Next Steps
  5. Cleanup


The project is an example of how to use AWS Resource Groups Tagging API{:target="blank"} to retrieve a specific tag and then based on found resources pull additional information from respective service APIs to generate a configuration file (JSON) to build a CloudWatch Dashboard with _reasonable metrics and alarms. Optionally users can also deploy a central alarm dashboard to monitor alarms across their AWS Organization, AWS Organization OU or arbitrary number of AWS accounts.

Supported services for monitoring

AWS Service Description
Amazon API Gateway v1 (REST) REST
Amazon API Gateway v2 (HTTP, WebSockets) HTTP
AWS AppSync Connect apps to data and events
Amazon Aurora RDS service
EC2 Auto Scaling groups EC2 auto-scaling
On-Demand Capacity Reservations On-demand capacity reservations
Amazon CloudFront Content delivery mechanism
Amazon DynamoDB Persistemt layer service
Amazon Elastic Block Storage - EBS (as part of EC2) Locally attached storage
Amazon Elsatic Compute Cloud - EC2 (support for t* burstable instances, support for CloudWatch Agent) EC2 instances
Amazon Elastic Load Balancer - ELB v1 (ELB Classic) Amazon ELastic Load Balancer
ELB v2 (ALB, NLB) Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
Amazon Elastic Container Services - ECS (EC2 and Fargate) Amazon Elastic Container Services
Amazon Elastic File Storage - EFS Amazon Elastic File Storage
AWS Lambda Lambda Function for event driven processing
AWS Elemental MediaLive Video Encoding service
AWS Elemental MediaPackage Prpeare video for internet delivery
AWS NAT Gateway NAT Gateway
Relational Database Service Relational Persistent layer service
AWS Simple Storage Servicde - S3 Object Storage service
AWS Simple Notification Service - SNS Simple Notification Service
AWS Simple Queue Service- SQS Simple Queue Service
AWS Transit Gateway Transit Gateway Connection
AWS Web Application Firewall - WAF v2 Web Application Firewall
AWS Direct Connect Direct Connect Hosted and Dedicated connections
AWS Network Firewall Network Firewall

This guidance focuses on automation of Network services monitoring even though other AWS services listed above are supported by code as well.

Central Alarm Dashboard features

  • Event-driven for scalability and speed
  • Supports arbitrary source accounts within an AWS Organization (different teams can have own dashboards)
  • Supports automatic source account configuration through stack-sets
  • Supports visualization and sorting of alarm priority (CRITICAL, MEDIUM, LOW) through alarm tags in source accounts. Simply add tag with key priority and values critical, medium or low.
  • Supports tag data for EC2 instances in source accounts


This contains of two distinct features. Metric Dashboards and Alarm Dashboard.

Metric Dashboards

The cost is mostly generated by the number of CloudWatch Dashboards in the account, where first three Dashboards are free, and the number of Alarms. The guidance code will try to respect the best design practices, convenience of use and hard limits of CloudWatch (no more than 500 widgets per Dashboard) and create additional Dashboards to place the widgets on. Some configuration parameters may cause more Dahsboards to be created, like GroupingTagKey or Compact-mode.

You can learn the estimated cost of the metric Dashboard deployment by running cdk synth. The code will construct the CloudFormation template and estimate the cost based on number of Dashboards and Alarms generated without deploying it. Instead you will see the estimated cost on the screen.

These are the only cost drivers. Number of metrics or existing resources tagged do not affect the cost directly.

Alarm Dashboard

The Alarm Dashboard is deployed as serverless and event driven architecture with on-demand cost model. There are two main drivers of cost:

  1. Alarms changing state - As an alarm changes state, an event is emitted and workflow is triggered. The workflow will forward the event to a central monitoring account and execute a Lambda function that will look up more information about the resource monitored for additional context and lookup more information about the Alarm itself. Such as Alarm tags. This to be able to visualize "priority" of an Alarm. Then it will store that object into DynamoDB table. Cost drivers here are number of existing alarms and frequency at which they change state.

  2. Alarm Dashboard refreshing - Depending on "refresh" setting of the Alarm Dashboard, the Dashboard will invoke the two Lambda functions that are part of the two CloudWatch custom widgets. The Lambda functions will fetch objects from the DynamoDB table and render HTML to display Alarms in alarm state and a list of Alarms. Cost drivers here are the refresh setting which drives the number of Lambda function invocations, object size and which drives the amount of DynamoDB Read Request Units. For the calculation below, the most pessimistic (expensive) settings were used for refresh (10s).

You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this guidance. As of April 2024, the cost for running this guidance with the default settings in the US East (N. Virginia) Region is approximately $1 per month, assuming 3,000 transactions.

This guidance uses Serverless services, which use a pay-for-value billing model. Costs are incurred with usage of the deployed resources. Refer to the Sample cost table for a service-by-service cost breakdown.

We recommend creating a budget through AWS Cost Explorer to help manage costs. Prices are subject to change. For full details, refer to the pricing webpage for each AWS service used in this guidance.

Sample Cost Table

The following table provides a sample cost breakdown for deploying this guidance with the default parameters in the us-east-1 (US East - N. Virginia) Region for one month assuming "non-production" level metrics volume.

AWS service Dimensions Cost [USD]
Amazon CloudWatch 1 Charged dashboard $ 3.00
Amazon DynamoDB 1Gb data storage, Standard table class on-demand capacity, 1 million writes/month, 2 million reads/month $ 3.00
AWS Lambda 618 400 requests per month with 3000 ms avg duration, 256 MB memory, 512 MB ephemeral storage $ 7.85
Amazon EventBridge 1 million custom events per month and 1 million cross region events $ 2.00
Total estimated cost per month: $15.85

A sample cost breakdown for production scale load (10 000 Alarms, each triggering 10 times a month) can be found in this AWS Pricing Calculator estimate and is estimated around $15.85 USD/month


Operating System

Any operating system (Windows, Linux, MacOS X) that supports running Python 3 and NodeJS 18+.

These deployment instructions are optimized to best work on Amazon Linux 2023. Deployment in another OS may require additional steps.

For easiest and fastest deployment experience, we recommend running the deployment from AWS CloudShell

Third-party tools

  • Python 3 with boto3
  • NodeJS 18+
  • CDK V2 (npm -g install aws-cdk@latest)

aws cdk bootstrap

This Guidance uses aws-cdk. If you are using aws-cdk for first time, please perform the below bootstrapping.

cdk bootstrap

See more here: (

In case you don't want to bootstrap read Deploying without boostraping CDK.

Deployment Steps

Getting and preparing the code

  1. Check out the project. git clone
  2. Change current directory to project directory. cd tag-based-cloudwatch-dashboard
  3. Run npm ci to install dependencies.

Configuring the dashboards

  1. Open the configuration file lib/config.json in your editor of choice.
  2. Set TagKey to tag key you want to use and TagValues to an array of values. Dashboard will collect all resources tagged with that key and the specified values.
  3. Set Regions to include the regions that contain resources you want to monitor.
  4. OPTIONAL if you want to deploy central alarm dashboard set AlarmDashboard.enabled to true and provide your AWS Organizations id in AlarmDashboard.organizationId.
  5. OPTIONAL if you don't want to use metric dashboards you can disable creation of those by setting MetricDashboards.enabled to false. See Configuration properties in lib/config.json above for more information.
  6. OPTIONAL: Edit BaseName-property in lib/config.json to change the name of your dashboard and CloudFormation stack. In case you plan to deploy multiple sets of dashboards for different applications in the same account, ensure all subsequent deploys have different BaseName.
  7. Save the configuration file.

Deploying the dashboards

  1. If the deployment of the metric dashboards have been enabled, run cd data; python3 to create the resource configuration file (resources.json in the data directory).
  2. Run cd .. to change directory to project root.
  3. Run cdk synth to generate CF template or use cdk deploy --all to deploy directly to your AWS account.
  4. In case central alarm dashboard is enabled in the configuration, take note of deployment output, *.CustomEventBusArn and *.CustomDynamoDBFunctionRoleArn and copy those ARNs to use in the next stage.

Enabling source accounts to share alarms

This only applies in case AlarmDashboard.enabled is set

  1. Run command cd stack_sets to change directory which contains event_forwarder_template.yaml.
  2. Run command sh ARN_OF_CUSTOM_EVENT_BUS ARN_OF_THE_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ROLE_ARN, replace the placeholder with the ARNs from the previous step.
  3. Deploy the generated event_forwarder.yaml-template manually to each of the source accounts and each region you wish to enable through CloudFormation or deploy it automatically to an AWS Organization, OU or list of accounts through service managed stack-sets from your management account or stack-set delegate account.

Monitoring alarms in "Management Account"

In case you have alarms in the AWS Organizations management account but are deploying the Alarm Dashboard in another account, you will need to manually deploy event_forwarder.yaml in the management account in all regions that you want to receive alarms from. This is because of that even if the event_forwarder.yaml is deployed as a managed stack set it won't get deployed in the management account.

Deployment Validation

  1. Open CloudFormation console and verify the status of the template with the name starting with the ${BaseName}-Stack, where BaseName is value of BaseName in lib/config.json!
  2. If AlarmDashboard was deployed check that stack with name ${BaseName}-Alarm-Stack exists!
  3. Open CloudWatch console and click on Dashboards. Verify that you have a dashboard with name ${BaseName}-Dashboard!
  4. If Alarm Dashboard was deployed, check that dashboard with name ${BaseName}-Alarm-Dashboard exists!
  5. Validate that deployment is correct by observing metrics and alarms on the dashboard. (For alarms you might want to manually trigger an alarm using command: aws cloudwatch set-alarm-state --alarm-name ${alarm} --state-value ALARM --state-reason testing --region=$region)

Running the Guidance

  1. The Metric dashboard is a standard CloudWatch dashboard. Go to CloudWatch console, select Dashboards and click on the link to open it!
  2. The Alarm Dashboard is serverless event-driven dashboard. You can access it through CloudWatch console as Metric Dashboards.

Next Steps

  1. Review Configuration Options to customize your experience.
  2. Review Developing to learn how to develop support for additional services or modify the existing implementation (for example Alarm thresholds)


To delete this guidance run following command in the root of the project: cdk destroy --all.

FAQ, known issues, additional considerations, and limitations

Additional Considerations

  • Alarm Dashboard is event driven. This means, that cross account/region alarms won't be visible unless they change state and thus "auto-register". This is convenience and scalability feature. Side effect of that is that no alarms are visible initially but appear as they are created or triggered.
  • Alarm Dashboard is serverless cross account feature that uses IAM Roles to allow least privilege access. During the operation, a component of Alarm Dashboard will collect additional information, (describe-, list-tags-),about the affected resource to provide additional context. Use IAM Access Analyzer to refine permissions if higher confidentiality is required.
  • Use tags "priority" and values "critical", "medium" and "low", to set prioritization for Alarms when using Alarm Dashboard.

Configuration options

BaseName (String:required) - Base-name of your dashboards. This will be the prefix of the dashboard names.

ResourceFile (String:required) - The path for the file where resources are stored. Used by the when generating resource config and by the CDK when generating the CF template.

TagKey (String:required) - Configuration of the tag key that will select resources to be included.

TagValues (Array:required) - List of values of TagKey to include.

Regions (Array:required) - List of regions from which resources are displayed.

GroupingTagKey (String:optional) - If set, separate Lambda and EC2 dashboards will be created for every value of that tag. Every value groups resources by that value.

CustomEC2TagKeys (Array:optional) - If set, the tag info will show in the EC2 header widget in format Key:Value. Useful to add auxilary information to the header.

CustomNamepsaceFile (String:required) - Detected custom namespaces. Not yet used.

Compact (boolean (true/false):required) - When set to true, multiple Lambda functions will be put in a single widget set. Useful when there are many Lambda functions.

CompactMaxResourcesPerWidget (Integer:required) - When Compact is set to true, determines how many Lambda functions will be in each widget set.

AlarmTopic (String:optional) - When AlarmTopic contains a string with an ARN to a SNS topic, all alarms will be created with an action to send notification to that SNS topic.

MaxWidgetsPerDashboard (Integer:optional) - When MaxWidgetsPerDashboard is defined, it will limit the number of widgets that are placed on the dashboard. Multiple dashboards may be created depending on the setting. This can be used to improve performance and usability of the dashboards. (Currently only supports Network dashboards)

AlarmDashboard.enabled (boolean (true/false):optional) - When set to true deploys the alarm dashboard in the account.

AlarmDashboard.organizationId (String: required when AlarmDashboard.enabled is true) - Required in order to set resource policy on the custom event bus to allow PutEvents from the AWS Organization.

MetricDashboards.enabled (boolean (true/false):optional) - If not defined or set to true, deploy metric dashboards. Recommended if only alarm dashboard is being deployed.


Tag based CloudWatch dashboard uses CDK and resource groups tagging API to automatically produce CloudFormation templates for CloudWatch dashboard.




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