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Frank Denis edited this page Sep 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

Flowgger's output stream can be sent over to other Flowgger instances or to any logging service accepting one of its output formats over a TLS connection, such as Graylog.

In order to use the TLS output, the [output] section of the configuration file has to set the type and connect properties:

type = "tls"
connect = [ "", "" ]

connect must be a list of one or more IP:port tuples.

Flowgger will establish as many connections as the selected number of threads, keep these connections open, automatically reconnect as needed, and spread the load across available servers.

Optional properties:

  • framing = "<merger>": indicates how messages are merged.
  • tls_async = false|true: if set to false, synchronously write every message. If set to true, use an output buffer.
  • tls_threads = <number>: the number of threads to use.
  • tls_cert = "<path>": path to the certificate file in PEM format.
  • tls_key = "<path>": path to the key file in PEM format, which can be the same as tls_cert.
  • tls_ciphers = "<ciphers suite>": the cipher suite. Flowgger ships with a safe default configuration for modern clients.
  • tls_method = "<TLS method>": one of any (default), tlsv1, tlsv1.1 and tlsv1.2.
  • tls_verify_peer = false|true: requires a valid server certificate.
  • tls_ca_file = "<path>": path to root certificates file in PEM format, used to verify server certificates.
  • tls_compression = false|true: disable/enable compression (not recommended for sensitive data).
  • tls_recovery_delay_init = <delay in ms>: initial delay before trying to reconnect from a lost connection.
  • tls_recovery_delay_max = <delay in ms>: maximum delay (minus jitter) before trying to reconnect from a lost connection.
  • tls_recovery_probe_time = <time in ms>: minimum time after which the service is considered up and running.
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