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Metarhia utilities

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  • Install: npm install metautil
  • Require: const metautil = require('metautil')

Async utilities

  • toBool = [() => true, () => false]
    • Example: const created = await mkdir(path).then(...toBool);
  • timeout(msec: number, signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<void>
  • delay(msec: number, signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<void>
  • timeoutify(promise: Promise<unknown>, msec: number): Promise<unknown>
  • collect(keys: Array<string>, options?: CollectorOptions): Collector
    • options.exact?: boolean
    • options.timeout?: number
    • options.reassign?: boolean

Class Collector

Async collection is an utility to collect needed keys and signalize on done.

  • constructor(keys: Array<string>, options?: CollectorOptions)
    • options.exact?: boolean
    • options.timeout?: number
    • options.reassign?: boolean
  • set(key: string, value: unknown)
  • wait(key: string, fn: AsyncFunction | Promise<unknown>, ...args?: Array<unknown>)
  • take(key: string, fn: Function, ...args?: Array<unknown>)
  • collect(sources: Record<string, Collector>)
  • fail(error: Error)
  • then(fulfill: Function, reject?: Function)
  • done: boolean
  • data: Dictionary
  • keys: Array<string>
  • count: number
  • exact: boolean
  • timeout: number

Collect keys with .set method:

const ac = collect(['userName', 'fileName']);

setTimeout(() => ac.set('fileName', 'marcus.txt'), 100);
setTimeout(() => ac.set('userName', 'Marcus'), 200);

const result = await ac;

Collect keys with .wait method from async or promise-returning function:

const ac = collect(['user', 'file']);

ac.wait('file', getFilePromisified, 'marcus.txt');
ac.wait('user', getUserPromisified, 'Marcus');

try {
  const result = await ac;
} catch (error) {

Collect keys with .take method from callback-last-error-first function:

const ac = collect(['user', 'file'], { timeout: 2000, exact: false });

ac.take('file', getFileCallback, 'marcus.txt');
ac.take('user', getUserCallback, 'Marcus');

const result = await ac;

Compose collectors (collect subkeys from multiple sources):

const dc = collect(['key1', 'key2', 'key3']);
const key1 = collect(['sub1']);
const key3 = collect(['sub3']);
dc.collect({ key1, key3 });
const result = await dc;

Complex example: compare Promise.allSettled + Promise.race vs Collector in next two examples:

// Collect 4 keys from different contracts with Promise.allSettled + Promise.race

const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  fs.readFile('', (err, data) => {
    if (err) return void reject(err);
const promise2 = fs.promises.readFile('');
const url = '';
const promise3 = fetch(url).then((data) => data.json());
const promise4 = new Promise((resolve) => {
  setTimeout(() => resolve('value4'), 50);
const timeout = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Timed out')), 1000);
const data = Promise.allSettled([promise1, promise2, promise3, promise4]);
try {
  const keys = await Promise.race([data, timeout]);
  const [key1, key2, key3, key4] ={ value }) => value);
  const result = { key1, key2, key3, key4 };
} catch (err) {

Compare with:

// Collect 4 keys from different contracts with Collector

const dc = collect(['key1', 'key2', 'key3', 'key4'], { timeout: 1000 });

dc.take('key1', fs.readFile, '');
dc.wait('key2', fs.promises.readFile, '');
const url = '';
  fetch(url).then((data) => data.json()),
setTimeout(() => dc.set('key4', 'value4'), 50);

try {
  const result = await dc;
} catch (err) {

Crypto utilities

  • cryptoRandom(min?: number, max?: number): number
  • random(min?: number, max?: number): number
  • generateUUID(): string
  • generateKey(possible: string, length: number): string
  • crcToken(secret: string, key: string): string
  • generateToken(secret: string, characters: string, length: number): string
  • validateToken(secret: string, token: string): boolean
  • serializeHash(hash: Buffer, salt: Buffer): string
  • deserializeHash(phcString: string): HashInfo
  • hashPassword(password: string): Promise<string>
  • validatePassword(password: string, serHash: string): Promise<boolean>
  • md5(fileName: string): Promise<string>
  • getX509(cert: X509Certificate): Strings
const x509 = new crypto.X509Certificate(cert);
const domains = metautil.getX509names(x509);

Datetime utilities

  • duration(s: string | number): number
  • nowDate(date?: Date): string
  • nowDateTimeUTC(date?: Date, timeSep?: string): string
  • parseMonth(s: string): number
  • parseDay(s: string): number
  • parseEvery(s: string): Every
  • nextEvent(every: Every, date?: Date): number

Error utilities

  • Class Error
    • constructor(message: string, options?: number | string | ErrorOptions)
      • options.code?: number | string
      • options.cause?: Error
    • message: string
    • stack: string
    • code?: number | string
    • cause?: Error
  • Class DomainError
    • constructor(code?: string, options?: number | string | ErrorOptions)
      • options.code?: number | string
      • options.cause?: Error
    • message: string
    • stack: string
    • code?: number | string
    • cause?: Error
    • toError(errors: Errors): Error
  • isError(instance: object): boolean

File system utilities

  • directoryExists(path: string): Promise<boolean>
  • ensureDirectory(path: string): Promise<boolean>
  • parsePath(relPath: string): Strings

HTTP utilities

  • parseHost(host?: string): string
  • parseParams(params: string): Cookies
  • parseCookies(cookie: string): Headers
  • parseRange(range: string): StreamRange

Network utilities

  • Deprecated in 4.x: fetch(url: string, options?: FetchOptions): Promise<Response>
  • receiveBody(stream: IncomingMessage): Promise<Buffer | null>
  • ipToInt(ip?: string): number
  • intToIp(int: number): string
  • httpApiCall(url: string, options: ApiOptions): Promise<object>
    • options.method?: HttpMethod
    • options.headers?: object
    • options.body?: Body

Objects utilities

  • makePrivate(instance: object): object
  • protect(allowMixins: Strings, ...namespaces: Namespaces): void
  • jsonParse(buffer: Buffer): Dictionary | null
  • isHashObject(o: string | number | boolean | object): boolean
  • flatObject(source: Dictionary, fields: Strings): Dictionary
  • unflatObject(source: Dictionary, fields: Strings): Dictionary
  • getSignature(method: Function): Strings
  • namespaceByPath(namespace: Dictionary, path: string): Dictionary | null
  • serializeArguments(fields: Strings, args: Dictionary): string

Class Pool

  • constructor(options: PoolOptions)
    • options.timeout?: number
  • items: Array<unknown>
  • free: Array<boolean>
  • queue: Array<unknown>
  • current: number
  • size: number
  • available: number
  • timeout: number
  • next(): Promise<unknown>
  • add(item: unknown): void
  • capture(): Promise<unknown>
  • release(item: unknown): void
  • isFree(item: unknown): boolean
const pool = new metautil.Pool();
pool.add({ a: 1 });
pool.add({ a: 2 });
pool.add({ a: 3 });

if (pool.isFree(obj1)) console.log('1 is free');
const item = await pool.capture();
if (pool.isFree(obj1)) console.log('1 is captured');
const obj = await;
// obj is { a: 2 }

Array utilities

sample(array: Array<unknown>): unknown

const cards = ['๐Ÿ‚ก', '๐Ÿƒ’', '๐Ÿ‚ฎ', '๐Ÿ‚ท', '๐Ÿƒš'];
const card = sample(cards);

shuffle(array: Array<unknown>): Array<unknown>

const players = [{ id: 10 }, { id: 12 }, { id: 15 }];
const places = shuffle(players);

projection(source: object, fields: Array<string>): Array<unknown>

const player = { name: 'Marcus', score: 1500, socket };
const playerState = projection(player, ['name', 'score']);

Class Semaphore

  • constructor(options: SemaphoreOptions)
    • options.concurrency: number
    • options.size?: number
    • options.timeout?: number
  • concurrency: number
  • counter: number
  • timeout: number
  • size: number
  • empty: boolean
  • queue: Array<QueueElement>
  • enter(): Promise<void>
  • leave(): void
const options = { concurrency: 3, size: 4, timeout: 1500 };
const semaphore = new Semaphore(options);
await semaphore.enter();
// Do something

Strings utilities

  • replace(str: string, substr: string, newstr: string): string
  • between(s: string, prefix: string, suffix: string): string
  • split(s: string, separator: string): [string, string]
  • isFirstUpper(s: string): boolean
  • isFirstLower(s: string): boolean
  • isFirstLetter(s: string): boolean
  • toLowerCamel(s: string): string
  • toUpperCamel(s: string): string
  • toLower(s: string): string
  • toCamel(separator: string): (s: string) => string
  • spinalToCamel(s: string): string
  • snakeToCamel(s: string): string
  • isConstant(s: string): boolean
  • fileExt(fileName: string): string
  • parsePath(relPath: string): Strings
  • trimLines(s: string): string

Units utilities

  • bytesToSize(bytes: number): string
  • sizeToBytes(size: string): number
const size = bytesToSize(100000000);
const bytes = sizeToBytes(size);
console.log({ size, bytes });
// { size: '100 MB', bytes: 100000000 }
Symbol zeros Unit
yb 24 yottabyte
zb 21 zettabyte
eb 18 exabyte
pb 15 petabyte
tb 12 terabyte
gb 9 gigabyte
mb 6 megabyte
kb 3 kilobyte

Class EventEmitter

  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • listenerCount(name: string): number
  • on(name: string, fn: Function)
  • once(name: string, fn: Function)
  • emit(name: string, ...args: Array<unknown>)
  • remove(name: string, fn: Function)
  • clear(name: string)

EventEmitter utilities

  • once(emitter: EventEmitter, name: string): Promise<unknown>
const ee = new metautil.EventEmitter();
setTimeout(() => ee.emit('name3', 'value'), 100);
const result = await metautil.once(ee, 'name3');

License & Contributors

Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Metarhia contributors. Metautil is MIT licensed.
Metautil is a part of Metarhia technology stack.


Metarhia utilities ๐Ÿงฐ



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