Production-ready sprite sheets for emojis available at
Programmatic access to the sheet files and their emoji content.
$ npm install openmoji-sprites
> const sprites = require('openmoji-sprites')
Usage with Webpack, file-loader, and style-loader:
const urlToAnimals = require('openmoji-sprites/docs/png72/animals-nature-00.png')
Advanced usage with Webpack and require.context:
const sprites = require('openmoji-sprites')
// Preload all PNG sheets and bundle their CSS.
const resolve = require.context('openmoji-sprites/docs/png72/', true, /\.(png|css)$/i)
// Activate each CSS sheet.
sprites.includeGroups.forEach(groupName => {
const group = sprites.groups[groupName]
group.sheets.forEach(sheet => {
// Style loader inserts CSS into DOM when resolved.
// Then for example insert a smiley:
button.innerHTML = '<span class="openmoji openmoji-1F600"></span>'
Full schema by example:
includeGroups: [
groups: {
'smileys-emotion': {
name: 'smileys-emotion',
icon: {
emoji: '๐',
hexcode: '1F600'
sheets: [
name: 'smileys-emotion-00',
postfix: '-00',
includeSubgroups: [
hexcodes: [
files: {
png72: {
png: 'smileys-emotion-00.png',
css: 'smileys-emotion-00.css'
svg: {
svg: 'smileys-emotion-00.svg',
css: 'smileys-emotion-00.css'
'people-body': { ... }
version: '1.2.3'
- Download openmoji files for the generator.
- Install deps
$ npm install
- Check syntax
$ npm run lint
- Generate sheets
$ npm run generate
- Commit new sheets
$ cp -R dist/* docs