A type-safe RPC for all webextension, client side code does not contain the actual called code, supports async generator functions
This is a library for making RPC calls to a web extension from a web page. It uses the webextension-polyfill
API to communicate with the extension, supports all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
Supports normal functions
, async functions
, generator functions
, and async generator functions
To use this library, you need to install webext-rpc in your project. You can install it using npm with the following command:
pnpm install webext-rpc
- Create a router
// webext-rpc/router/index.ts
import { readerToAsyncGenerator } from 'webext-rpc/utils'
const generateGroup = {
*generatorFunction() {
yield 'this is generatorFunction 1'
yield 'this is generatorFunction 2'
async *asyncGeneratorFunction(count: number) {
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(void 0), 1000))
yield `this is asyncGeneratorFunction, count:${i} ,time:${Date.now()}`
export const router = {
normalFunction(id: number, msg: string) {
return `this is normalFunction, id:${id}, msg:${msg}`
async asyncFunction() {
return 'this is asyncFunction'
async *fetchStream(api_key: string, prompt: string) {
const response = await fetch(`...`)
const reader = response.body?.getReader()
yield* readerToAsyncGenerator(reader, (value) => {
const text = new TextDecoder().decode(value)
return text
// only type
export type AppRouter = typeof router
- Register the router in background
// entrypoints/background.ts
import { router } from '@/webext-rpc/router'
import { createBackgroundHandler } from 'webext-rpc'
- Create a client and use it in the UI
// webext-rpc/client.ts
import { createWebextRpcCaller } from 'webext-rpc'
import type { AppRouter } from './router'
// only use type
export const client = createWebextRpcCaller<AppRouter>()
// entrypoints/content/app.ts
import { client } from '@/webext-rpc/client'
const a = await client.normalFunction(1, 'hello')
const b = await client.asyncFunction()
const c = await client.generatorFunction()
const iter = await client.asyncGeneratorFunction(3)
const d = []
for await (const i of iter) {
let e = ''
const fetch_iter = await client.fetchStream('api_key', 'prompt')
for await (const i of fetch_iter) {
e += i
Check out the demo
This function converts a ReadableStreamDefaultReader
to an AsyncGenerator
import { readerToAsyncGenerator } from 'webext-rpc/utils'
const response = await fetch(`...`)
const reader = response.body?.getReader()
yield *
readerToAsyncGenerator(reader, (value) => {
const text = new TextDecoder().decode(value)
return text
MessageStream allows for handling message streams. It provides a mechanism to add messages and signal the end of the stream. Consumers can then utilize an AsyncGenerator to process the stream
import { ExposedPromise } from 'webext-rpc/utils'
async function testForCallback(callback: (message: string) => Promise<void>) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
callback(`message ${i}`)
const stream = new MessageStream<string>()
testForCallback(async (message) => {
const messageGenerator: AsyncGenerator<string> = stream.getMessages()
expect((await messageGenerator.next()).value).toBe('message 0')
expect((await messageGenerator.next()).value).toBe('message 1')
expect((await messageGenerator.next()).value).toBe('message 2')
expect((await messageGenerator.next()).done).toBe(true)
This library was inspired by two excellent libraries: