This project automates UI tests for the Driplane Panel using Java Selenium and TestNG.
Java 17 Selenium WebDriver 4.4.0 TestNG 7.4.0 Cucumber 7.9.0 IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3
Visibility and functionality tests for all panel elements Validation of transitions between pages Login process testing with different scenarios
IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3 Localhost
@Then("User confirms being on the Driplane Dashboard page")
public void user_confirms_being_on_the_driplane_dashboard_page() {
// Write code here to confirm that the user is on the Driplane Dashboard page
System.out.println("***** Confirming that the user is on the Driplane Dashboard Page (Test Case 002) *****");
System.out.println(Driver.getDriver().getCurrentUrl().contains("/projects") ? "User is on the Driplane Dashboard Page" : "User is not on the Driplane Dashboard Page");
System.out.println("***** Confirming that the user is on the Driplane Dashboard Page (Test Case 002) *****");
@Then("User sees the Driplane title")
public void user_sees_the_driplane_title() {
// Write code here to confirm that the user sees the Driplane title
System.out.println("***** Confirming that the user sees the Driplane title (Test Case 003) *****");
System.out.println(Driver.getDriver().getTitle().contains("Driplane") ? "User sees the Driplane title" : "User does not see the Driplane title");
System.out.println("***** Confirming that the user sees the Driplane title (Test Case 003) *****");
For detailed project documentation and code comments, please refer to the GitHub repository. You can use the following email address for bug reports and contributions: [email address removed]
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