An HTML5 responsive design using jquery waypoints & scroll-to for a pleasant single-page navigation. This template makes use of media queries and scales well for all mobile form-factors. Built with Node.js & bootstrap3
- Contact site (sending email using nodemailer)
- Block page to prevent uncomfortable visitors
- Responsive (using media queries)
- Just config one single file!!!!
- Node.js - cross-platform runtime environment for server-side
- Nodemailer - module to send e-mails with NodeJS
- pm2 - production process manager for NodeJS applications
- Grunt - The JavaScript Task Runner
- Bower - Dependency manager
- Jade - Template engine
- jquery - JavaScript Library
- Mongo - NoSQL databse
- Keymetrics - Realtime monitoring and Application management for NodeJS
In order to run the system you just need to set some minor values inside config.js file
config.account = {
service: 'gmail',
user: '',
pass: 'clientpass'
config.mail = {
from: 'Wedding Jane&Doe ✔ <>',
subject: '¡Hi! ✔',
mailHtml: function(req){
return '<div><strong>Hi, you got a new message from: <br>' + + ' (' + req.body.mail + ')</strong></div>' + '<br>' + req.body.subject + '<br><p>' + req.body.text + '</p>';
}; = {
mail: '',
mailHtml: function(req){
return '<div><strong>Hi, someone has been trying to access using: <br>' + req.body.code + ' (' + req.body.ip + ')</strong> With the pass: <strong>' + req.body.code + '</strong></div>';
config.domain = 'janeDoe';
config.accessCode = 'myAccessCode';
config.port = 7989;
The system provides a code to enter, in order to avoid uncomfortable visitors, keeping it private
config.accessCode = 'myAccessCode';
# Notification Mail service
unique endpoint to send mails directly to a specific addres.
config.mail = { from: 'Wedding Jane&Doe ✔', subject: '¡Hi! ✔', mailHtml: function(req){ return '
' + + ' (' + req.body.mail + ')
' + req.body.subject + '
' + req.body.text + '
Everytime that someone wants to send a message...
<br>...the system will inform you (wedding couple or someoneelse) through email about it.
# Report mail notifications
Get an email everytime that someone try to access using wrong pass. = { mail: '', mailHtml: function(req){ return '
' + req.body.code + ' (' + req.body.ip + ') With the pass: ' + req.body.code + '
So, everytime that someone will try to enter typing a wrong pass...
<br>...the system will inform you (wedding couple or someoneelse) through email about it.
# Main page with Floating navbar
To acces to every single section with just one click
# Relationship timeline
Tell your love history to whoever you want
# Image & video Gallery
Share your media with your people
# Responsive!
Use your mobile and enjoy!
<img src="" alt="Lock page" width="48%" height="auto" style="display:inline-block"/><img src="" alt="Lock page" width="48%" height="auto" style="display:inline-block"/>
# Coming soon...
* Media API
* song list
# How-To
git clone
fulfill <b>config.js<b>
npm install node app.js
project :