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Zero-to-Hero Pathway for Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Phase 1: Getting Started with Programming & Machine Learning

  1. Python Basics:

  2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

Optional: Learning Git and Bash Basics

Version Control with Git:

Bash Basics:

  1. Mathematics for Machine Learning:

  2. Discrete Mathematics:

  3. Analysis of Algorithms:

  4. Introduction to Machine Learning:

    • Enroll in a beginner-level machine learning course that covers the following subtopics:

    Instance-Based Methods:

    Model-Based Methods:

    Supervised Learning:

    Unsupervised Learning:

    Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning:

  5. Data Preprocessing:

  6. Data Augmentation:

  7. Hands-on Projects:

    • Practice your skills with small machine learning projects using libraries like scikit-learn. Incorporate data preprocessing and data augmentation techniques in your projects.
    • GitHub Repositories and Kaggle Kernels offer a plethora of beginner-friendly ML projects to get you started.

Phase 2: Exploring Deep Learning

  1. Neural Networks and Deep Learning:

  2. TensorFlow and Keras:

  3. Image Processing Basics:

    • Image Representation: Understand how digital images are represented as matrices of pixels and how to load and display images using libraries like OpenCV and Pillow.
    • Pixel Operations: Learn basic pixel-level operations such as color manipulation, brightness adjustment, and thresholding.
    • Image Filtering: Study various image filtering techniques, including blurring, sharpening, edge detection, and noise reduction, using convolutional kernels.
    • Image Transforms: Explore image transformation techniques such as rotation, scaling, translation, and affine transformations to modify the spatial orientation of images.
    • Histogram Equalization: Understand histogram equalization to improve image contrast and enhance details in images.
    • Image Segmentation: Learn about image segmentation techniques to divide an image into meaningful regions or objects.
    • Morphological Operations: Study morphological operations like erosion and dilation for image processing tasks.
    • Image Compression: Understand image compression techniques to reduce the file size of images without significant loss of quality.
    • Feature Extraction: Learn about feature extraction methods for extracting meaningful information from images, such as color histograms, HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients), and SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform).


  4. Computer Vision Fundamentals:

    • Learn the basics of computer vision, including feature detection, image matching, and object recognition techniques.
    • Feature Detection and Matching: Understand feature detection algorithms like SIFT, SURF, and ORB and how to use them for image matching.
    • Object Detection: Study object detection techniques such as Haar cascades and deep learning-based approaches like YOLO and SSD.
  5. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Computer Vision:

    Vision Transformers (ViT):

    • Vision Transformer is a powerful architecture for image recognition tasks that has gained significant attention in recent years.
    • An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale:
  6. Natural Language Processing:

  7. Transformers and Pre-trained Models:

  8. Time Series Analysis:

  9. Time Series Forecasting with Deep Learning:

  10. Audio Processing and Speech Recognition:

Phase 3: Model Deployment and MLOps

  1. Model Deployment:

  2. MLOps:

  3. Monitoring and Scaling ML Models:

  4. Model Versioning and Experiment Tracking:

    • Learn about version control for ML models and experiment tracking tools to manage model iterations effectively.
    • DVC for Machine Learning Versioning:
    • MLflow for Experiment Tracking:
  5. Deploying ML Models in the Cloud:

Phase 4: Advanced Deep Learning

  1. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) & Stable Diffusion:

  2. Transfer Learning and Model Fine-Tuning:

  3. Advanced Topics and Research Papers:

  4. Contributing to Open Source Projects:

Phase 5: Real-world Projects and Specializations

  1. Machine Learning Projects and Competitions:

    • Participate in Kaggle competitions and create real-world ML projects to build your portfolio.
    • Kaggle:
  2. Deep Learning Specializations:

  3. Research Internship or Master's Degree (Optional):

    • Consider pursuing a research internship or a master's degree in machine learning or artificial intelligence if you want to dive deeper into the academic and research aspects of the field.
  4. Joining ML/DL Communities and Conferences:

    • Engage with ML/DL communities online through forums like Reddit (r/MachineLearning, r/deeplearning), and attend conferences and workshops like NeurIPS, ICML, CVPR, and ACL to stay updated with the latest advancements and network with professionals in the field.
  5. Building a Portfolio and Personal Projects:

    • Showcase your skills by creating a portfolio of your projects on GitHub and personal website.
    • Collaborate on open-source projects or create your own projects to solve real-world problems and demonstrate your expertise.
  6. Continuous Learning and Staying Updated:

    • Machine learning and deep learning are rapidly evolving fields. Stay updated with the latest research papers, blog posts, and tutorials to continuously enhance your skills and knowledge.


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