This provides a Raku object-oriented NativeCall-based API for ImageMagick's MagickWand C API.
use v6;
use MagickWand;
# A new magic wand
my $wand =;
# Read an image
# Lighten dark areas
# And then write a new image
# And cleanup on exit
$wand.cleanup if $wand.defined;
For more examples, please see the examples folder. For examples of available image effects, please click here.
Please follow the instructions below based on your platform:
- To install ImageMagick libraries, please run:
$ sudo apt install libmagickwand-dev
- To install ImageMagick libraries via Homebrew, please run:
$ brew update
$ brew install imagemagick
- To install ImageMagick libraries via MacPorts, please run:
$ sudo port install ImageMagick
For Windows, most people will want the standard 64-bit DLL installer
If you need 32-bit or other special options, select the appropriate alternate
Also please remember to enable "Add to PATH" option.
- Install this module using zef:
$ zef install MagickWand
To process PDF files, please remember to install Ghostscript from here.
- To run tests:
$ prove --ext .rakutest -ve "raku -I."
- To run all tests including author tests (Please make sure Test::Meta is installed):
$ zef install Test::META
$ TEST_AUTHOR=1 prove --ext .rakutest -ve "raku -I."
Ahmad M. Zawawi, azawawi on #raku,
MIT License