This project is my group's final project that was presented at the end of Digital Talent Scholarship 2021 training. This project is about web scrapping where our group is extracting Indonesian movie data from the IMDB website, analyzed, and visualized it using several python libraries to obtain an insight into the Indonesian movies industry.
- Python version: 3.6.9
- Packages and library: Scrapy, pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
The web scraping method aims to extracting Indonesian movie data, specifically title, year, rating, director, and stars from IMDB website using Scrapy library that exported as CSV file format.
After the data was downloaded, we analyzed and visualized the data using pandas, Matplotlib, and seaborn to get an insight from the dataset, such as top 10 movies with the highest rating, top 10 most productive movie stars, top 5 most productive directors, movies created by the most productive director, movies rating data distribution from 1900's - 2000's, and movies rating vs year.