Topic in Data Science: Spectral Method and Nonconvex optimization
literature review
- Paper: Spectral method meet EM
- data and matlab implement by author
- team member: Aoxue Chen, Song Liang
- Other references:
Interesting problems that raise along with our implementation:
$M_2$ 和$M_3$是不是对称张量有没有影响?(已在函数中整合是否寻找临近对称张量的参数sym
) - 迭代次数
- 分组的影响
- 拟合的confusion matrix是负数的话需不需要在0处截断(已在函数中整合截断选择参数
) - 除了论文里的特例,提出其他特例/极端情况
- 有没有什么步骤是不需要的?
- 收集或模拟其他数据,测试该算法在什么情况下效果比较好/差
- 缺失数据的量、数据规模、类别数量等因素对算法是否有影响
- 使用张量操作代替循环以提高算法性能(已完成)
- 在有人没给很多物品打标的情况下效果不是很好(已解决)
- Singular matrix报错
- 原因:有的C_c某列全是0
- 原因:set the lth column of Cc by some mu_h whose l-th coordinate has the greatest component
- 原论文解决方式:随机选择(不可行,两列一样照样是singular)
- 原代码解决方式:如果重合直接找到第一个空位填进去(web,sym=False, seed=123,error=0.06429319659831827),优点:不用随机数,缺点:不稳定,如[4,4,0,1,2]会把012都挤到下一格
- 改进:从没被选择的mu里选择(web,sym=False, seed=123, error=0.0830290549282322)
- 原因:有的C_c某列全是0
import numpy as np
from utils import transform_data, get_confusion_matrix, errorRate
from EMfunctions import spectralEM
Generator(num_worker=100, num_item=1000, num_category=2, alpha=2, beta=2). To generate sparse data set, we set the probability of a worker to label an item follows
g = Generator(num_worker=10, num_item=10)
confusionMatrix(anomaly_prop=0.05, true_prob=np.array([0.3, 0.9]), false_prob=np.array([0.0, 0.5]))
True_prob is the parameter for diagonal elements of confusion matrix. False_prob is the parameter for non-diagonal elements of confusion matrix.
CM = g.confusionMatrix()
prob is the ground truth label probability vector, which represent the distribution of labels. The length of prob
should equal to the number of category.
truth = g.generate_item_label()
generate_worker_label(CM, truth)
is short for confusion matrix, truth
ground true label.
label = g.generate_worker_label(CM, truth)
save data to txt
np.savetxt('synthetic_data/1_truth.txt', truth, delimiter=' ', fmt='%d')
np.savetxt('synthetic_data/1_crowd.txt', label, delimiter=' ', fmt='%d')
df = np.loadtxt('data/rte_crowd.txt')
df = transform_data(df)
truth = np.loadtxt('data/rte_truth.txt')
get_confusion_matrix(k, labels, groups=None, sym=True, cutoff=1e-7, L=50, N=10, seed=None)
is number of categories. labels
is worker*item matrix.
init_mu = get_confusion_matrix(k=2, labels=df)
to instantiate the class, we need input init_mu and labels, where are initialization points from spectral method and worker labeled data respectively. In method, we can choose converge
or max_iter
two stop strategy.
EM_optimizor = spectralEM(init_mu=init_mu, labels=df)
logLik ='converge', delta=1e-2)
error = errorRate(EM_optimizor.output_q(), truth)