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SAM harmonization

In bioinformatics, the biggest hurdle is converting the different formats so that programs can use the output of other programs. The main concept in the setup and design of this toolbox is to convert the output of all the programs that we want to use for primary analysis (read-mapping or homology tools) to a standard format.

We have chosen for the SAM (or BAM which is the compressed form) format, because it is the standard output for read-mapping tools, it is a sufficiently flexible and robust format, and many programs accept it as input (including visualization tools such as pavian).

Since read-mapping tools already produce correct SAM output, we only needed to make sure that outputs of the 3 most commonly used (nucleotide to nucleotide) homology tools (BLAST, nucmer and exonerate) are converted in to correct SAM formats. In order to validate correct conversion between formats, additional tools were developed that can be also used for other purposes, like in-depth exploration of the data or conversion between formats.

The "middle part" of workflows consists of filtering steps to process your raw output from the primary analysis (mapping, alignment or other homology tools). Since samtools already provides many useful tools for this. The goal for this project was to add tools for common filtering steps that are not covered by samtools (but maybe included in CLC genomic workbench and similar tools).

These different filtering options are covered by two scripts ( & The first ( filter is based on thresholds:

  • length of alignment,
  • level of similarity or
  • length of the query (read or contig sequence). The second ( filter is context based; it chooses the best (highest total alignment score) reference hit for a given query. Longer sequence can produce several hits to the same reference sequence due to non-homologous sequences, this step makes sure that this does not interfere with the results.

The additional tools are designed:

  • to generate simple reporting formats (TSV),
  • to visualize results on the command line for explorative purposes,
  • to convert into formats that can be used by existing 3rd party tools.
  1. Getting alignment, hit or homology data to SAM
    • BLAST wrapper. Although BLAST has the option to save to SAM, it does not produce a valid SAM output, hence this wrapper.
    • BLAST ASN.1 (archive) converter
    • exonerate wrapper
    • delta (nucmer) converter
  2. filtering SAM
    • filters SAM entries (hits) based on criteria specified by the user. Hits that are kept need to meet all the criteria specified. Options:
      • Minimum length of the query(/read/subject) -minlen=(\d+)
      • Minimum alignment length (including indel positions) -minaln=(\d+)
      • Minimum similarity score (in decimal format) -minsim=(\d?\.\d+)
    • keep only the best reference for each query
      • Selection criterion is the alignment score (AS:i:\d+, see alignment score section) summed for each query and reference pair
      • Use bitscore as selection criteria (BS:i:\d+; only possible for BLAST output as SAM)
  3. process or annotate SAM
    • recalculate alignment score (AS:i:\d+, see alignment score section) for each hit. Uses the default exonerate scoring. This can be used to make results of multiple primary analysis comparable.
    • Switch reference to be query and query to be reference. (Currently, this changes SEQ to *.)
    • Add nucleotide sequence for SEQ column. (Secondary mappings or output may have * instead of the actual sequence.)
    • Changes the CIGAR encoding to the classical one (both match and mismatch as M)
    • Corrects CIGAR and NM:i scores for IUPAC sites in the reference sequence (useful when looking for primer and probe sites)
  4. reporting: aggregation of info from SAM files
    • calculate ANI and coverage for the reference and query files. Ideal for comparing two (bacterial) genomes.
    • aggregate statistics for sequence pairs
    • aggregate statistics for each reference sequence (similar to, but query sequences are pooled per reference sequence and only the number of sequences is shown instead of seqID)
    • print TSV format hit info that can be used for visualizing reference coverage by the hits
  5. downstream processes for SAM
    • Extract the sequence of the query covered by the hit and print it in FASTA format with some info on the alignment.
  6. explore SAM data: intended for exploratory analysis and not for reporting or as an automated workflow step
    • For each hit give a rough ASCII graphic coverage of the reference by the query. Also show IDs, percent covered and total lengths of reference and query, and similarity in decimal format.
    • For each hit give a exonerate like alignment view output plus rough ASCII graphic coverage of both reference and query by the hit.
      • FASTA file containing reference sequences has to be specified as the second argument.
  7. other
    • SAM to delta. Any SAM file can be converted for visualizing using mummerplot.
graph TD
  Reads --> |MEGAHIT| A
  Reads --> |bwa| SAM1
  A[Assembly] -->|BLASTN| ASN.1
  ASN.1 --> |ASN2SAM| SAM1[SAM]
  A --> |minimap2| SAM1
  A --> || SAM1
  A --> |nucmer| delta
  delta --> || SAM1
  SAM1 --> || SAM2[SAM]
  SAM2 --> || SAM3[SAM]
  SAM3 --> || Report2[TSV Report]

Primary analysis

flowchart TD
  Reads --> |MEGAHIT| A
  Reads --> |bwa| SAM1
  A[Assembly] -->|BLASTN| ASN.1
  ASN.1 --> |Taxonomy-BLAST| Report1[Taxonomy-BLAST Report]
  ASN.1 --> |ASN2SAM| SAM1[SAM]
  A --> |minimap2| SAM1
  A --> || SAM1
  A --> |nucmer| delta
  delta --> || SAM1

Toolbox mainflow (input + filtering)

flowchart TD
  subgraph Wrapers
    direction LR
  Wrapers --> SAM
  subgraph Parsers
    direction LR
  Parsers -->SAM
  subgraph 3rdParty
    direction LR
  3rdParty -->SAM
  SAM --> samf([])
  subgraph filtering
    samf --> SAM2[filtered SAM]
    SAM2 --> keep([])
  keep --> SAM3[final SAM]

Toolbox starting from SAM:

flowchart LR
  SAM --> seq([])
  SAM --> flip([])
  SAM --> score([])
  subgraph Processing
  seq --> pSAM[SAM]
  flip --> pSAM
  score --> pSAM
  SAM --> s2d([])
  SAM --> extract([])
  subgraph Downstream
    extract --> FASTA
    FASTA --> aln
    ref[Reference set] --> aln[Alignment]
    aln --> nwk[Phylogeny]
  subgraph Export
    s2d --> delta
    delta --> mummerplot
  SAM --> sim
  SAM --> report
  SAM --> report2
  subgraph Reporting
    sim([]) --> ANI
    sim --> Coverage
    report([]) --> TSV[TSV report: pairwise]
    report2([]) --> TSV2[TSV report: summed per reference sequence]
  SAM --> plot
  SAM --> display
  subgraph Exploring

Metadata aspects for future considerations:

  • Comment lines could be used to store input file information
  • Reference sequence can hold assembly ID information

SAM format

Format description:

Col Field Type Brief description
1 QNAME String Query template NAME
2 FLAG Int bitwise FLAG
3 RNAME String References sequence NAME
4 POS Int 1-based leftmost mapping POSition
5 MAPQ Int MAPping Quality
6 CIGAR String CIGAR String
7 RNEXT String Ref. name of the mate/next read
8 PNEXT Int Position of the mate/next read
9 TLEN Int observed Template LENgth
10 SEQ String segment SEQuence
11 QUAL String ASCII of Phred-scaled base QUALity+33

Bitwise Flags

Integer Binary Description (Paired Read Interpretation)
1 000000000001 template having multiple templates in sequencing (read is paired)
2 000000000010 each segment properly aligned according to the aligner (read mapped in proper pair)
4 000000000100 segment unmapped (read1 unmapped)
8 000000001000 next segment in the template unmapped (read2 unmapped)
16 000000010000 SEQ being reverse complemented (read1 reverse complemented)
32 000000100000 SEQ of the next segment in the template being reverse complemented (read2 reverse complemented)
64 000001000000 the first segment in the template (is read1)
128 000010000000 the last segment in the template (is read2)
256 000100000000 not primary alignment
512 001000000000 alignment fails quality checks
1024 010000000000 PCR or optical duplicate
2048 100000000000 supplementary alignment (e.g. aligner specific, could be a portion of a split read or a tied region)
  • unmapped: 4
  • reverse: 16

The CIGAR operations are given in the following table (set ‘*’ if unavailable):

Op BAM Consumes query Consumes reference Description
M 0 yes yes alignment match (can be a sequence match or mismatch)
I 1 yes no insertion to the reference
D 2 no yes deletion from the reference
N 3 no yes skipped region from the reference
S 4 yes no soft clipping (clipped sequences present in SEQ)
H 5 no* no hard clipping (clipped sequences NOT present in SEQ)
P 6 no no padding (silent deletion from padded reference)
= 7 yes yes sequence match
X 8 yes yes sequence mismatch

* H Does consume the query, but it does not consume the SEQ sequences. Sum of H operations plus the length of SEQ equeals the length of the original query sequence.

  • “Consumes query” and “consumes reference” indicate whether the CIGAR operation causes the alignment to step along the query sequence and the reference sequence respectively.
  • H can only be present as the first and/or last operation.
  • S may only have H operations between them and the ends of the CIGAR string.
  • For mRNA-to-genome alignment, an N operation represents an intron. For other types of alignments, the interpretation of N is not defined.
  • Sum of lengths of the M/I/S/=/X operations shall equal the length of SEQ. Sum of H operations plus the length of SEQ equeals the length of the original query sequence.

A CIGAR string is a set of length operation pairs: an integer marking the length of the opration. E.g. 150M means that 150 bp are aligned as match and/or mismatch.


BLAST can produce a SAM output, but it is not a valid SAM file. The main problem that NM:i:<int> is not correct it should be the edit distance gaps (indel) plus mismatch, but it is only mismatch.

# Build blast DB with taxIDs
~/Programs/ncbi-blast-2.9.0/bin/makeblastdb -taxid_map test_map.txt  -in set1.fas -dbtype nucl -parse_seqids
# Run blast and print SAM format
~/Programs/ncbi-blast-2.9.0/bin/blastn -query set2.fas -db set1.fas -outfmt 17 -parse_deflines >blast.sam

BLAST edit distance is not correct (NM:i:\d+). It only contains the [IDN] operations, not the mismatches!!

  • AS:i:1808 - integer alignment score, here 1808 (score)
  • NM:i:0 - integer edit distance, here 0 Plus non-standard tags:
  • EV:f:0 - float e-value, here 0 (evalue)
  • PI:f:96.55 - float percent identify, here 96.55
  • BS:f:701.049 - float bit-score, here 701.049 (bitscore) is a wrapper to produce SAM format blast hits is wrapper for blast_formatter to produce a SAM format. By using the ASN format, it is possible to run BLAST once and generate multiple formats from the results.

makeblastdb -taxid_map test_map.txt  -in set1.fas -dbtype nucl -parse_seqids
blastn -query set2.fas -db set1.fas -outfmt 11 -parse_deflines >blast.asn blast.asn >blast.sam

Portability of asn files

ASN.1 is not a stand alone file, it requires the reference index files. The location of the reference file used for creating the blast DB is stored in the ASN.1 as a relative path to the working directory where the blast command was executed. For example:

subject database "dir1/ref.fas",

In this case it is in dir1 folder and the original input fasta is called ref.fas. So when ASN.1 is read by blast_formatter it will look for the indices in dir1 folder relative to where blast_formatter is called, not relative to the ASN.1 file. The actual ref.fas files is not needed only the index files generated by makeblastdb.

It specifically relies on finding $subject-db\.ndb and $subject-db\.nin. The rest of the files don't seem to be needed for this step. (Probably needed to run a BLAST on the db.)

Alignment score

Alignment score is stored in the optional field in SAM with AS:i: tag as an integer. Different programs calculate alignment scores in different ways. To combine the results from different methods, scores have to be calculated in the same way. Nucmer does not calculate alignment scores, so during conversion from delta a score is calculated using the default use by these tools (see below).

Defalut scoring in exonerate

Based on test data, the following rewards and penalties can be estimated and the following equation.

Type weigth
identical 5
mismatch -4
gap extend -4
gap open -12
$$Score = 5 * (l_{alignment} - d_{edit}) - 4 * d_{edit} - 8 * n_{gaps} = 5 * l_{alignment} - 9 * d_{edit} - 8 * n_{gaps}$$

Where $l_{alignment}$ is the alignment length, $d_{edit}$ is the edit distance (NM:i:<int>) and $n_{gaps}$ is the number of gaps (number of [IDN] in the CIGAR)

Defalut scoring in blast

Based on test data, the following rewards and penalties can be estimated and the following equation.

Type weight
identical 1
mismatch -2
gap extend -2
gap open -3
$$Score = (l_{alignment} - d_{edit}) - 2 * d_{edit} - 1 * n_{gaps} = l_{alignment} - 3 * d_{edit} - 1 * n_{gaps}$$

Where $l_{alignment}$ is the alignment length, $d_{edit}$ is the edit distance (NM:i:<int>) and $n_{gaps}$ is the number of gaps (number of [IDN] in the CIGAR)

This does not match the scores for inserts for some reason. Could not identify what goes wrong there. It does not seem to use a linear model for introns. Maybe there is a different scoring system that gets rounded to integers.


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