DexieCloudNET is a .NET wrapper for dexie.js minimalist wrapper for IndexedDB see with cloud support see .
'DexieNET' used with permission of David Fahlander
and made with
Support for Open-Source Projects !
- Released DexieCloud
- Added Push support. Please check the ReadMe
- Clicking on notifications currently does not work reliable for iOS notificationclick events in serviceworkers not firing
- Clicking on notifications currently does not work reliable for Chrome on MacOS 15
- Please register with DexieCloud and test the ToDoSample. The configuration script can be found here configure-app.ps1 (Windows) or here (Nix - jq required).
- Published a new helper library RxBlazorLight
DexieNET aims to be a feature complete .NET wrapper for Dexie.js the famous Javascript IndexedDB wrapper from David Fahlander including support for cloud sync.
I consists of two parts, a source generator converting a C# record, class, struct to a DB store and a set of wrappers around the well known Dexie.js API constructs such as Table, WhereClause, Collection, ...
It's designed to work within a Blazor Webassembly application with minimal effort.
- create a Blazor WebAssembly
- Add the DexieNET Nuget
- Add the HelloWorld Component and update the index
using DexieNET;
using YourNamspace.Pages;
@page "/helloWorld"
@using DexieNET.Component
@inherits DexieNET<FriendsDB>
@if (_friends is null)
else if (_friends.Count() == 0)
<p>No items...</p>
<ul style="list-style: square inside;">
@foreach (var friend in _friends)
Name: @friend.Name, Age: @friend.Age
<hr />
@if (_logs is null)
else if (_logs.Count() == 0)
<p>No items...</p>
<ul style="list-style: square inside;">
@foreach (var logEntry in _logs)
Message: @logEntry.Message, TimeStamp: @logEntry.TimeStamp.ToLongTimeString();
<hr />
<div style="display: flex; column-gap: 50px">
<button class="btn btn-primary" style="flex: 0 1 auto" @onclick="PopulateDatabase">
<button class="btn btn-secondary" style="flex: 0 1 auto" @onclick="GoodTransaction">
<button class="btn btn-secondary" style="flex: 0 1 auto" @onclick="FailedTransaction">
<button class="btn btn-secondary" style="flex: 0 1 auto" @onclick="ClearDatabase">
using DexieNET;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace DexieNETHelloWorld.Pages
public interface IFriendsDB : IDBStore { };
public partial record Friend
[property: Index] string Name,
[property: Index] int Age
) : IFriendsDB;
public partial record LogEntry
[property: Index] string? Message,
[property: Index] DateTime TimeStamp
) : IFriendsDB;
public partial class HelloWorld
private IEnumerable<Friend>? _friends;
private IEnumerable<LogEntry>? _logs;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await base.OnInitializedAsync();
await Dexie.Version(1).Stores();
await FillTables();
private async Task FillTables()
_friends = await Dexie.Friends().ToArray();
_logs = await Dexie.LogEntries().OrderBy(l => l.TimeStamp).Reverse().ToArray();
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
private async Task LogMessage(string? message)
await Dexie.Transaction(async _ =>
await Dexie.LogEntries().Add(new LogEntry(message, DateTime.Now));
}, TAType.TopLevel);
private async Task ClearDatabase()
await Dexie.Friends().Clear();
await Dexie.LogEntries().Clear();
await FillTables();
private async Task PopulateDatabase()
await LogMessage("PopulateDatabase");
Random rand = new();
await Dexie.Friends().Add(new Friend("Jane Doe", rand.Next(1, 99)));
await Dexie.Friends().Add(new Friend("John Doe", rand.Next(1, 99)));
await FillTables();
private async Task GoodTransaction()
await LogMessage("GoodTransaction");
await Dexie.Transaction(async ta =>
Random rand = new();
var key = await Dexie.Friends().Add(new Friend("Luke", rand.Next(1, 99)));
var friend = await Dexie.Friends().Get(key);
if (friend?.Name == "Luke" || ta.Collecting)
// ta.Collecting, this means the first pass of the transaction, in which the table names are collected
// if a second table is hidden behind a conditional statement, it must also be visited in the first pass
await Dexie.Friends().Add(new Friend("John", rand.Next(1, 99)));
await Dexie.LogEntries().Add(new LogEntry("TA executed", DateTime.Now));
await FillTables();
private async Task FailedTransaction()
await LogMessage("ProvokeFail");
await Dexie.Transaction(async ta =>
await Dexie.Friends().Clear();
var key = await Dexie.Friends().Add(new Friend("Test", 33));
var friend = await Dexie.Friends().Get(key);
if (friend?.Name == "Test" || ta.Collecting)
await LogMessage("TA will fail");
await Dexie.Friends().Add(friend); // this will fail
catch (Exception ex)
var firstDot = ex.Message.IndexOf('.');
var message = firstDot <= 0 ? ex.Message : ex.Message[..firstDot];
await LogMessage($"TA failed: {message}");
await FillTables();
the Source Generator will create the following classes from an IDBStore derived class, struct, record:
- PIndentifier -> Plural of Identifier provided by Humanizer.Core (English only), be aware the plural form might not be always obvious e.g. Person -> People
- service: PIndentifierDB
- table: PIndentifier
// Record public partial record Friend ( [property: Index] string Name, [property: Index] int Age ) : IDBStore; ...... // Service builder.Services.AddDexieNET<FriendsDB>(); ...... [Inject] public IDexieNETService<FriendsDB>? DB { get; set; } ...... // Table var table = await DB.Friends();
You can have multiple stores in one database
[DBName("TestDB")] // optional -> default name = interface name without leading 'I' -> PersonsDB public interface IPersonsDB : IDBStore { } // Records [CompoundIndex("FirstName", "LastName")] public partial record Person ( [property: Index] string FirstName, [property: Index] string LastName, Guid? AddressKey ) : IPersonsDB; [CompoundIndex("City", "Street")] [CompoundIndex("Zip", "Street")] public partial record Address ( [property: Index] string Street, [property: Index] string Housenumber, [property: Index] string City, [property: Index] string ZIP, [property: Index] string Country ) : IPersonsDB; ...... // Service using DexieNET; ....... builder.Services.AddDexieNET<TestDB>(); // Component [Inject] public IDexieNETService<TestDB>? TestDB { get; set; } ...... // Table var persons = await TestDB.Persons(); var addresses = await TestDB.Addresses();
- transactions capture the table names in two passes
- if a second table is hidden behind a conditional statement, it must also be visited in the first pass
- nested transactions contain all required table names
- top level transactions must use TAType.TopLevel, the root transaction is implictly a top level transaction
- parallel transactions are composed by a root transaction with TAType.TopLevel and top level child transactions
The tests from TestCases will cover all possible DexieNET Api calls. Those calls are as close as possible modelled after the original Dexie.js API.