Basic Features of an e-commerce site.
---- frontend - ANGULAR 9 ---- backend - PHP REST API ----- database - mysql ----- (preflight req tackled with headers present in api)
Images - && Video -
- apis are present in v1 folder
- (dependencies) you need fontawesome and bootstrap4 for this project
- A few vulnerablities are their in the project, its a CTF like challange for you to find it. not prize for you sorry. (hint : check if routing guards are okay or not?)
- UI/UX will be improved later
- i am terrible at css so its not fancy, but things are working smoothly.
- tried to optimized the code as much as i could. used good algos when ever needed. tried to keep the time complexity O(n)
- report the bugs at
- stripe implementation
- UI/UX fixes
- ERROR MSG display(not done)
- password reset for users
- ML implementation for influencing users to buy similar items that they searched for. as of now did it []
I am a ignou student (Sourav)