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Benedetto Abbenanti edited this page Apr 6, 2019 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the instapy-cli wiki!

instapy-cli is a client mainly used to upload a photo or a video via terminal, without the requirements of a phone or an emulator, just a simple python packages to emulate the instagram app and do some stuffs.

Client options

  • -p PASSWORD (if not specified it will be prompted a password via an input form)
  • -t TEXT (the caption to use on instagram, only work in posts not in stories)
  • -s (nothing to specify, if -s is used then will be published a new STORY)

Here you can see the Changelog, need a new page. It starts from version


From this version you can upload a story to your instagram account via instapy -s.

Use on server: known solvable issues

Many of you are using instapy-cli on a server and the location is not the same of your phone, so when you try to post for the first time with a foreign IP, Instagram raise an error saying something like "checkpoint_required" go to Errors page and look for the solution!

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