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grantmd authored and paulhammond committed Dec 8, 2014
1 parent f181a19 commit c14b4d1
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Showing 3 changed files with 59 additions and 234 deletions.
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,3 @@ This adapter uses the following environment variables:

This is the API token for the Slack user you would like to run Hubot under.


Optional. What your Hubot is called on Slack. If you entered `slack-hubot` here, you would address your bot like `slack-hubot: help`. Otherwise, defaults to `slackbot`.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,13 +58,14 @@
"hubot": "~2.6.4",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.3",
"grunt-shell": "~0.5.0",
"node-slack": "~0.9.0"
"slack-client": "~1.0.0"
"main": "./src/slack",
"engines": {
"node": ">=0.4.7"
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register --reporter spec"
"dependencies": {}
284 changes: 56 additions & 228 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,257 +1,85 @@
{Robot, Adapter, TextMessage} = require 'hubot'
https = require 'https'
SlackClient = require 'slack-client'
Util = require 'util'

class Slack extends Adapter
class SlackBot extends Adapter
constructor: (robot) ->
super robot
@channelMapping = {}

# Slightly abstract logging, primarily so that it can
# be easily altered for unit tests.
log: console.log.bind console
logError: console.error.bind console

# Communicating back to the chat rooms. These are exposed
# as methods on the argument passed to callbacks from
# robot.respond, robot.listen, etc.
send: (envelope, strings...) ->
@log "Sending message"
channel = envelope.reply_to || @channelMapping[] ||

strings.forEach (str) =>
str = @escapeHtml str
args = JSON.stringify
username :
channel : channel
text : str
link_names : @options.link_names if @options?.link_names?

@post "/services/hooks/hubot", args

reply: (envelope, strings...) ->
@log "Sending reply"

user_name = envelope.user?.name || envelope?.name

strings.forEach (str) =>
@send envelope, "#{user_name}: #{str}"

topic: (params, strings...) ->
# TODO: Set the topic

custom: (message, data)->
@log "Sending custom message"
channel = message.reply_to || @channelMapping[] ||
data = [data] unless Array.isArray data
attachments = []
for item in data
text : @escapeHtml item.text
fallback : @escapeHtml item.fallback
pretext : @escapeHtml item.pretext
color : item.color
fields : item.fields
mrkdwn_in : item.mrkdwn_in
args = JSON.stringify
username : message.username ||
icon_url : message.icon_url
icon_emoji : message.icon_emoji
channel : channel
attachments : attachments
link_names : @options.link_names if @options?.link_names?
@post "/services/hooks/hubot", args
# HTML helpers.
escapeHtml: (string) ->
# Escape entities
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')

# Linkify. We assume that the bot is well-behaved and
# consistently sending links with the protocol part
.replace(/((\bhttp)\S+)/g, '<$1>')
catch e
@logError "Failed to escape HTML: #{e}"
return ''

unescapeHtml: (string) ->
# Unescape entities
.replace(/&amp;/g, '&')
.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')

# Convert markup into plain url string.
.replace(/<((\bhttps?)[^|]+)(\|(.*))+>/g, '$1')
.replace(/<((\bhttps?)(.*))?>/g, '$1')
catch e
@logError "Failed to unescape HTML: #{e}"
return ''

# Parsing inputs.

parseOptions: ->
@options =
token : process.env.HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN
team : process.env.HUBOT_SLACK_TEAM
name : process.env.HUBOT_SLACK_BOTNAME or 'slackbot'
mode : process.env.HUBOT_SLACK_CHANNELMODE or 'blacklist'
# Make sure channel settings don't include leading hashes
channels: (process.env.HUBOT_SLACK_CHANNELS?.split(',') or []).map (channel) ->
channel.replace /^#/, ''
link_names: process.env.HUBOT_SLACK_LINK_NAMES or 0

getMessageFromRequest: (req) ->
# Check the token
return if not req.param('token') or (req.param('token') isnt @options.token)

# Parse the payload
hubotMsg = req.param 'text'
room = req.param 'channel_name'
mode = @options.mode
channels = @options.channels

@unescapeHtml hubotMsg if hubotMsg and (mode is 'blacklist' and room not in channels or mode is 'whitelist' and room in channels)

getAuthorFromRequest: (req) ->
# Return an author object
id : req.param 'user_id'
name : req.param 'user_name'

userFromParams: (params) ->
# hubot < 2.4.2: params = user
# hubot >= 2.4.2: params = {user: user, ...}
user = {}
if params.user
user = params.user
user = params

if and not user.reply_to
user.reply_to =

# The star.
run: ->
self = @
# Take our options from the environment, and set otherwise suitable defaults
options =
token: process.env.HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN
autoReconnect: true
autoMark: true

@log "Slack adapter options:", @options Util.inspect(options)
return @robot.logger.error "No services token provided to Hubot" unless options.token

return @logError "No services token provided to Hubot" unless @options.token
return @logError "No team provided to Hubot" unless
@options = options

@robot.on 'slack-attachment', (payload)=>
@custom(payload.message, payload.content)
# Create our slack client object
@client = new SlackClient options.token, options.autoReconnect, options.autoMark

# Listen to incoming webhooks from slack "/hubot/slack-webhook", (req, res) ->
self.log "Incoming message received"
# Setup event handlers
# TODO: I think hubot would like to know when people come online
# TODO: Handle eventual events at (re-)connection time for unreads and provide a config for whether we want to process them
@client.on 'error', @.error
@client.on 'loggedIn', @.loggedIn
@client.on 'open',
@client.on 'close', @.close
@client.on 'message', @.message

hubotMsg = self.getMessageFromRequest req
author = self.getAuthorFromRequest req
author = self.robot.brain.userForId, author
author.reply_to = req.param 'channel_id' = req.param 'channel_name'
self.channelMapping[req.param 'channel_name'] = req.param 'channel_id'
# Start logging in

if hubotMsg and author
# Pass to the robot
self.receive new TextMessage(author, hubotMsg)
error: (error) =>
@robot.logger.error "Received error #{error.toString()}"

# Just send back an empty reply, since our actual reply,
# if any, will be async above
res.end ""
loggedIn: (self, team) => "Logged in as #{} of #{}, but not yet connected"

# Provide our name to Hubot = =

# Tell Hubot we're connected so it can load scripts
@log "Successfully 'connected' as",
self.emit "connected"

# Convenience HTTP Methods for sending data back to slack.
get: (path, callback) ->
@request "GET", path, null, callback

post: (path, body, callback) ->
@request "POST", path, body, callback
open: => 'Slack client connected'

request: (method, path, body, callback) ->
self = @

host = "#{}"
headers =
Host: host
# Tell Hubot we're connected so it can load scripts
@emit "connected"

path += "?token=#{@options.token}"
close: => 'Slack client closed'

reqOptions =
agent : false
hostname : host
port : 443
path : path
method : method
headers : headers
message: (message) =>
if message.hidden then return
if not message.text and not message.attachments then return

if method is "POST"
body = new Buffer body
reqOptions.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
reqOptions.headers["Content-Length"] = body.length
channel = @client.getChannelGroupOrDMByID
user = @client.getUserByID message.user
# TODO: Handle message.username for bot messages?
# TODO: Do we need to ignore our own messages? Probably!

request = https.request reqOptions, (response) ->
data = ""
response.on "data", (chunk) ->
data += chunk
# Build message text to respond to, including all attachments
txt = ''
if message.text then txt += message.text

if message.attachments
for k, attach of message.attachments
if k > 0 then txt += "\n"
txt += attach.fallback

response.on "end", ->
if response.statusCode >= 400
self.logError "Slack services error: #{response.statusCode}"
self.logError data
# TODO: Need to process the user into a full hubot user using @robot.brain.userForId user etc

#console.log "HTTPS response:", data
callback? null, data
@robot.logger.debug "Received message: #{txt} in channel: #{}, from: #{}"

response.on "error", (err) ->
self.logError "HTTPS response error:", err
callback? err, null
@receive new TextMessage(user, txt)

if method is "POST"
request.end body, "binary"
# TODO: Send

request.on "error", (err) ->
self.logError "HTTPS request error:", err
self.logError err.stack
callback? err
# TODO: Reply

# TODO: Topic

# Exports to handle actual usage and unit testing.
exports.use = (robot) ->
new Slack robot

# Export class for unit tests
exports.Slack = Slack
new SlackBot robot

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